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In games? Sure. If there's a flaw with the game, then why not? Unless I like the level of challenge I'm playing at.

With people? No.

In school? No. Firstly, I don't need to. Secondly, I like knowing I earned what I got.

This, exactly.

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Sometimes I use cheats to make the video game fun.

EX: Playing Goldeneye 64 Turning on all weapons infinite ammo and slowmotion animation is fun killing the faces of the programmers of that game in different ways.

EX: Just to kill some enemies of a video game that were an annoyance like Resident Evil 4 the Regenerators who you had to snipe carefully in certain areas to kill it and the chainsaw wielding enemies.

EX: or sometimes just find some stuff to do that creates entertainment from cheats like.

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Sometimes I use cheats to make the video game fun.

EX: Playing Goldeneye 64 Turning on all weapons infinite ammo and slowmotion animation is fun killing the faces of the programmers of that game in different ways.

EX: Just to kill some enemies of a video game that were an annoyance like Resident Evil 4 the Regenerators who you had to snipe carefully in certain areas to kill it and the chainsaw wielding enemies.

EX: or sometimes just find some stuff to do that creates entertainment from cheats like.

Cheating on New Super Mario Bros. is very fun. Lolsuperjump

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Since I dont need to know anything in history, biology, english, spanish, film, photo, etc for my major (it's business, btw), then why the fuck should I study my ass off for it when I wont use it in the near future?

Yeah I know it's because I should at least know the basics or some shit like that, but tbh I sometimes learn shit when I'm cheating. And yes I'm dead serious

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Games: Yup. As soon as I get stuck, I'm more likely to check gamefaqs then I am to spend the next hour smashing remotes against the wall.

People: Nope! Unless you count that one time in Go Fish when I was five...

School: I had a pretty cheat-free record in school until this year's Chem tests. My teacher is fond of giving ridiculously hard tests and I, er, might have asked some people who had her the previous semester to give me "hints" as to what questions would be on one of the tests. But I didn't ask them for answers, and a good amount of the questions were changed anyway. XD

But other than that that, I've never cheated. I personally wouldn't feel like I deserved the mark and it's against my school morals anyhow. I can see why people would do it though if it's for a subject that they don't particularly care about.

I cheat on school things that I frankly don't give a shit about, I admit, though I don't really go hardbody out of my way to cheat on tests. My parents have semi-encouraged that, they actually did some projects for me on subjects they saw and said like "What the hell does this have to do with the class anyway? Let me do this, you're under a lot of stress and I would have fun working on this piece of crap anyhow."

With people, I have never really had the chance lol but I think that would make me something of a piece of shit, and I would not enjoy that, so.

Oh. *Innocent face*

Well, I might have been guilty of that once or twice too...XD

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In video games, only for the sake of fun. In real life, I can't think of any time I cheated. Cheating doesn't really get you far, especially in school. What good is getting good grades if you didn't really learn what you need to learn?

This is why I only cheat in things that are not important to me. I'll mostly cheat in the English department. Is there ever a practical use for Shakespear language and vocabulary? I never cheat at things I'm interested in, namely the sciences and math (which are the subjects most people seem to cheat in).

But you can't say cheating always deprives you of useful knowledge. In fact, most things in high school are things you don't need to use in life.

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This is why I only cheat in things that are not important to me. I'll mostly cheat in the English department. Is there ever a practical use for Shakespear language and vocabulary? I never cheat at things I'm interested in, namely the sciences and math (which are the subjects most people seem to cheat in).

But you can't say cheating always deprives you of useful knowledge. In fact, most things in high school are things you don't need to use in life.

Exactly. It's hard to take GED's seriously when you'll just dump all that knowledge out when you're finished with it anyway

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Since I dont need to know anything in history, biology, english, spanish, film, photo, etc for my major (it's business, btw), then why the fuck should I study my ass off for it when I wont use it in the near future?

Yeah I know it's because I should at least know the basics or some shit like that, but tbh I sometimes learn shit when I'm cheating. And yes I'm dead serious

Yes, but it's nice to know it. I'm not going to be a history major, but I still want to learn History.

most things in high school are things you don't need to use in life.

English - Literacy is the most important aspect of any human being.

History - You know that cheesy cliche? It's true. "If you don't know history, you're doomed to repeat it."

Science - You got me there. If your job has nothing to do with science, then this really doesn't matter. But, it is nice to know and fun to learn (with the right teacher).

Math - I hate math...

Physical Education - How to live a healthy life, how to stay fit, and exercise often.

Electives - These teach you what you're naturally good at. Clubs are a better option though.

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at games, sometimes, if im stuck at a really hard part i look at a walk-through, or when i want some fun i cheat :P

at people, er no, never have never will

school, yeah but i could easily get away with it, i got in trouble once but i wasn't cheating at all XD

i generally dont, unless i needed to, but in Uni i dont

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Actually, I thought I mgiht mention, that when I finally get a gf (won't until I'm 18), there will be no sex (saving that for marriage), so no approtunity for me to cheat on her (I mean, no sex with ANYONE, not just with her), and I will never cheat on my wife, EVER!!

If another woman so much as FLIRTS with me, she's gonna take an explosion of Veral Abuse RIGHT IN THE FACE!!

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Actually, I thought I mgiht mention, that when I finally get a gf (won't until I'm 18), there will be no sex (saving that for marriage), so no approtunity for me to cheat on her (I mean, no sex with ANYONE, not just with her), and I will never cheat on my wife, EVER!!

If another woman so much as FLIRTS with me, she's gonna take an explosion of Veral Abuse RIGHT IN THE FACE!!

Tell me that again when your wife reaches size 16 and constantly whines to you about the bills.

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English - Literacy is the most important aspect of any human being.

History - You know that cheesy cliche? It's true. "If you don't know history, you're doomed to repeat it."

Science - You got me there. If your job has nothing to do with science, then this really doesn't matter. But, it is nice to know and fun to learn (with the right teacher).

Math - I hate math...

Physical Education - How to live a healthy life, how to stay fit, and exercise often.

Electives - These teach you what you're naturally good at. Clubs are a better option though.

Science - You need to know how your world works. Why? I would hope that's self-explanatory but it makes you a better consumer. Take those parents that think immunizations cause autism. Stupid huh? Well they obviously didn't pay attention or have the opportunity to learn that autism is caused by genetic problems and that immunizations help the immune system, not change your genetic makeup.

Not to mention skills like logic and reasoning, ethics, etc. usually come into classes, whether you know that's what you're learning or not.

Edited by Crystal Shards
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If any class had to be useless, it would be PE, becuase if it were doing its job, we wouldn't have so many fucking whale bipeds.

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Response: You're incorrect.

This. PE isn't designed to make people lose weight or to keep them thin. It's designed to promote physical activity and to teach students about their bodies. Also, physical activity is only one part of the equation; parents for the most part control what their children eat at that point in their lives and if they don't build healthy habits... well...

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The only lasting effect of taking all these classes in secondary is to find something you are interested in, and to teach you to discipline yourself to do something you don't want to do and/or don't see the point in; because that's almost all real life throws at you.

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Is there a way to cheat in P.E.? I'm sure there is, but I can't really think of anything atm

There's theory work in GCSE PE.

Personally, I don't cheat, my conscience won't allow it.

I won't cheat my gf either.

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Actually, I thought I mgiht mention, that when I finally get a gf (won't until I'm 18), there will be no sex (saving that for marriage), so no approtunity for me to cheat on her (I mean, no sex with ANYONE, not just with her), and I will never cheat on my wife, EVER!!

If another woman so much as FLIRTS with me, she's gonna take an explosion of Veral Abuse RIGHT IN THE FACE!!

Somehow I get this feeling you're not going to have to worry about having a girlfriend.

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