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Paladin weapon advice.

What should I choose as the scondary weapon for....  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Oscar?

    • Axes
    • Swords
    • Bows
  2. 2. Kieran?

    • Lances
    • Swords
    • Bows
  3. 3. Makalov?

    • Axes
    • Lances
    • Bows

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Oscar: I gave him bows since I wanted the weapon triangle. XD After I did give him bows, I was impressed with his utility. I don't know, I didn't have many range units.

Kieran: I gave him swords since his hit was kind of bad.

Makalov: I don't use him but he starts off with swords so he might as well take up axes for better damage and to have weapon triangle advantage against his old enemies, the lance users.

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Oscar- Bows if you're using Boyd and Rofl. Otherwise, Axes.

Kieran- Bows. Axes are the only close range weapon anyone needs in this game, so you might as well let him one-shot Pegs or something.

Makalov/Astrid- Axes, definitely. Axes are indisputably the best weapon type.

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Oscar should get axes for offensive reasons, whether both Boyd and Rolf are in play or not. I don't know why you people care about the retarded triangle attack anyway. Kieran should obviously get lances. It's not like he really needs them as he'll use axes nearly all the time, but it may help against swordmasters and shit. Makalov should obviously get axes.

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Oscar should get axes for offensive reasons, whether both Boyd and Rolf are in play or not. I don't know why you people care about the retarded triangle attack anyway. Kieran should obviously get lances. It's not like he really needs them as he'll use axes nearly all the time, but it may help against swordmasters and shit. Makalov should obviously get axes.

Some people think it's cool to watch, and others like the idea of using an attack with 100% crit. (I am such a person.) But anyways...

Axes are my second suggestion for Oscar. (My first suggestion for him is bows.) And with everything else, I agree.

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I'd give Kieran lances before bows any day. Lances give him better control of the weapon triangle. I'd give him swords for the same reason. Bows having no 1 range = bad.

Oscar and makalov should both get axes. The triangle attack sucks because you're forced to play Rofl, who sucks.

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It sucks mostly because you have only one kill instead of a possible two or three. Rolf being a massive failure simply adds to it.

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I give Oscar a bow, despite the fact that I use neither Rolf or Boyd, mainly due to the fact that I'm used to seeing him with a bow (because he's able to use bows upon promotion in RD).

For Kieran, I give him either Swords or Lances, although I think lances are the better choice (because most swords are restricted to 1 range).

And even though I don't use him, I'd give Makalov axes, due to their higher power (same with Astrid as well).

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Axes are the best weapons in the game, so all weapon knights are best off with axes as their second weapon. Kieran already has axes, so lances or bows are probably best (I prefer bows, but whatever). The only reason to do anything is if (A) you absolutely insist on the three brothers' triangle attack, or (B) you want all of your knights to have different weapon combinations for whatever reason.

Edited by Charlie
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Oscar: I always give him a bow. it doesnt feel right when i give him something else. I dont recall ever giving him an axe.

Makalov: Axe. He uses them well. Get a C in axes and give him a killer Axe and watch things die.

Kieran: Swords usually. just cuz.

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I've only done FE9 twice, recently, but if they have a starting ranged weapon, (astrid) give axes, a weak 1 range (makalov, low str oscar) give axes, and if they have axes and lances with enough str, give bows.

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Well, I basically give my paladins the weapon they are weak against before promoting. Oscar gets Axes, Keiran gets swords, and Makalov would get Lances. Astrid weapons varies depending on how much of a certain weapon my units are using. Most of the time though, it's lance....

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Oscar: Axes. I choosed Bow now just to see that Triangle Attack, tough i don't really recommend it, each one of them can 1RKO every enemy, plus making your units to not attack just to put them in position of doing a triangle attack is a waste.

Kieran: Lances. Javelin have more accuracy than Hand Axes.

Makalov: Axes.

Axes are really cheap in this game + all the money you get in this game. Hand Axe FTW.

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