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Chocolate Kitty

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FE6/7 Nightmare - Right at the bottom of the character editor module.

FE8 Nightmare - Use the battle palette editor modules. Put in the correct classes on the first one and then the palettes on the corresponding spaces of the second.

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The colors, for the most part, are 15-bit RGB values. That's more than enough knowledge.

If you don't have a clue what you're doing, look up some tutorials on google. Tactics Universe should pop up eventually, or in the meantime someone will explain it more fully to you.

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Programs you'll probably need: VisualBoyAdvance (or some emulator), a hex editor (such as WindHex), GBA Color Picker

1) Identifying the palette to edit

Here's an old image I happened to have. It's not really the right thing, but it's the same method.


When you enter a battle and when you can visibly see the battle sprite you want to edit, go to the Palette Viewer in VBA.

You'll want to look at the right hand side under "Sprite", not "Background". Look for the palette (line of colours) that correspond with your sprite. When you've found it, click on the colours to retrieve the values. (For example, the colour in that image has a value of 4F34, as it says next to the colour.)

Copy these bytes down, but in reverse. Rather than 4F 34, copy down 34 4F (somewhere like in a notepad). Do the same for the next few/many colours. For example, you might have something like this now:

34 4F 38 A9 56 79 01 F4 23 8A 54 43 77 2A E4 45 6A 22...

Now type in a 00 in between every 4 colours (in between every 8 bytes) like this:

34 4F 38 A9 56 79 01 F4 00 23 8A 54 43 77 2A E4 45 00 6A 22...

Now open your ROM in your hex editor, and do a hex search for part of the string you just wrote down, or you can search the whole thing. For example, search "344F38A9567901F400238A5443772AE445006A22". When you find a single result, that should be the correct palette. (You might get more than one search result though...)

2) Your palette

Your colours should be in the same format as the game's colours. If not, get the RGB values of all your colours and convert them by using GBA color picker. Then you can simply type in these values into your hex editor to replace the old ones.

For example, if the old palette was:

344F 38A9 5679 01F4 00 238A 5443 772A E445 00 6A22...

and your palette was 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 8888....

You'd go over the old values and it should be something like this

344F 1111 2222 3333 00 4444 5555 6666 7777 00 8888... (Leave the first colour as it is, since it's the background colour. Leave the 00s too.)

I hope that wasn't too confusing, since I'm not sure of the extent of your knowledge on palettes. (Of course, you might just find a better tutorial on Tactics Universe. You need to register on the forums, but they have a horde of useful guides.)

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  • 3 years later...

... Did you seriously answer to a topic of 2009...?

Anyway I needed this info, so.. thank you..

in FEditor you increase the maximum index of animations and put your animation in the last slot. Just remember to use the free space manager beforehand.

Can you be more accurate in this point, please..?

Edited by Heartwhisperer
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Don't necropost.

... Did you seriously answer to a topic of 2009...?

Anyway I needed this info, so.. thank you..

Can you be more accurate in this point, please..?

If you still need help then make a thread in the questions section.

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