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If you fight Hilda she says something like "You killed my father husband and son" but we never saw her father. She could mean Leptor but he is't her real father and sigurd and Alvis killed him instead of celice.

Oh is it me or does she care more about ishtar marrying Jurrius then the fact you killed blume and Ishtor

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If you fight Hilda she says something like "You killed my father husband and son" but we never saw her father. She could mean Leptor but he is't her real father and sigurd and Alvis killed him instead of celice.

Father = Leptor. True that it was Sigurd who killed Leptor, but Sigurd is dead now. What's better option than to kill his son as form of revenge?

Oh is it me or does she care more about ishtar marrying Jurrius then the fact you killed blume and Ishtor

Hilda is a bitch. A greedy bitch who cares more about power than her family.

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But Reptor isn't even her true father. He's her father-in-law.

Like Fia said, Hilda cares more about power than her family so her happiness at the thought of being the mother of the Empress of Jugdral (which is obviously a VERY high status) overrode her sorrow (if there was any, in the first place) of losing Blume and Ishtor.

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But Reptor isn't even her true father. He's her father-in-law.

Actually, Selis is also a problem for her since he is oppossing the Empire. Selis is a danger for her plan, that's why she needs to get rid of him.

I think avenging Leptor's, Blume's and Ishtor's deaths is only secondary reason to her, while the main one is... well, she wants the Empire to win the war of course.

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Does anyone here actualy like her or is she just hated.

Do I like Hilda? I don't think so.

Do I hate her then? No.

I'm neutral.

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everybody loves a great villain.

or something

Sephiroth? No, he failed.

Kefka? Ehhh, maybe.

Ok then, Camus\Ishtar\Dheggy were all great, but where the hell are their cults?

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Sephiroth? No, he failed.

Kefka? Ehhh, maybe.

Ok then, Camus\Ishtar\Dheggy were all great, but where the hell are their cults?

i should have phrased myself properly.

anybody with half a brain loves a great villain.

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Sephiroth? No, he failed.

Kefka? Ehhh, maybe.

Ok then, Camus\Ishtar\Dheggy were all great, but where the hell are their cults?


i should have phrased myself properly.

anybody with half a brain loves a great villain.

Bad Bianchi

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Why didt blume or the isht siblings stop Hilda?. Tinny mentioned that they where kind to them

Hilda is a member of the Velthomer family. And it just happens to be that the Velthomers (or rather, Alvis) were in power during that time. Not even Blume would think about speaking up to someone from the royal family. It could cost him his life.

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Hilda is a member of the Velthomer family. And it just happens to be that the Velthomers (or rather, Alvis) were in power during that time. Not even Blume would think about speaking up to someone from the royal family. It could cost him his life.

That or she wore the pants in the relationship. Ishtar could learn a thing or two from her mother about how she's got Blume whipped.

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Good call, Toge.

That or she wore the pants in the relationship. Ishtar could learn a thing or two from her mother about how she's got Blume whipped.

In the FE4 THREAD, she did.

Kind of hard when her boyfriend is the host of a dark god, though.

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