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FE5 - Galzus and bosses


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Does anyone have any ideas how to make Galzus appear in Chapter 5 (the arena chapter)? I know it's possible and I've even done it before. However I can't seem to figure it out again.

On a similar note, do any of these bosses(?) look familiar to anyone?

I suppose I could check into the army data, but I remember it being a bit messy ^^;;;

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Does anyone have any ideas how to make Galzus appear in Chapter 5 (the arena chapter)? I know it's possible and I've even done it before. However I can't seem to figure it out again.

On a similar note, do any of these bosses(?) look familiar to anyone?

I suppose I could check into the army data, but I remember it being a bit messy ^^;;;

Kill enough enemies. I believe the last ones being a Berserker and a Swordmaster.

The bosses on that link... I don't really recall seeing them in FE5.

EDIT: Checked the arena enemies in C5. You start against a Merc, Warrior and General.

Edited by Sirius
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EDIT: Checked the arena enemies in C5. You start against a Merc, Warrior and General.

Following that, if Beldo and Leidrick are still there, the Swordmaster and the Berserker should appear. If they're still watching the show, Galzus should come with his almighty Thin Sword.

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From what I've played, I guess it works the following.

As long as Beldo and Leidrick are still there, the bosses keep getting refreshed every time you kill one. It starts with a Warrior, General and Hero, then after that you get a Swordmaster, a Berserker, and then Galzus. Mareeta is independent, I believe she arrives the moment you pass a certain point.

If you open the door or Eyvel dies, Galzus starts retreating instead of attacking.

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I thought you had to kill all the arena enemies as well. However I did that and nothing happened.

Maybe I bugged something? I did use a few cheats, but all they did was raise Leaf's stats (usually I'd use the "always move" cheat as well, but that's bad for events).

Also, the first boss, Jabal, isn't from Chapter 2x is he? I remember an old character listing mentioning he's from there.

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Oh okay. I was probably just thinking of the regular pirates.

Searching Jabal's name, it appears he was originally meant to appear in Chapter 9.

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The bosses on that link... I don't really recall seeing them in FE5.

Lilke has Kempf's mug... and that's all I know. >_>

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Lilke has Kempf's mug... and that's all I know. >_>

They're pretty much recolors.

I know Kant looks like Oltof ( 11x Bishop ), Orbis literally has Colho's portrait ( 12 ) and Shupel/Manheim are recolors of other bosses appearing multiple times.

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Lilke is Kempf. (my avatar)

Orbis is those bandit NPC's in Ch4 (the jail chapter)

Shupel resembels some bishops throughout the game.

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Oh. so this game has like 3 bishops with the same mug, just recolored like fe6? >_>

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I'm pretty sure a remade version of Seisen's (FE4) arena ward is the one you see :/

That guy appears as a generic bandit/pirate at some points in the game, including in the chapter where Leaf is imprisoned.

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^ I'm hoping that the blank post you just sent was an accident. If you feel compelled to post, expound a bit.

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Kempf just quoted themself from before : P

Anyway, thanks guys, I got the answers I want. Maybe when I'm bored I'll try spawning Galzus again (and maybe without cheats...).

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