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So yeah, I applied to like 5 places, and one called me for an interview. Interview went great, and I got called for a second. Same deal, went pretty well I think. Said I could work any and all hours of any day, I do anything they ask and I have plenty of free time so I can work extra. They seemed quite interested.

Well now it's been a good 4 days since the interview and still no call back (this is the third time, the last two I didn't get the job...). I'm worried I didn't get the job, as I really need work. What's really got me stressed out is that everyone around me is getting a job with no effort. They don't even turn in a resume or application, they ask for a job and they end up getting it. It's really got me bothered, I mean I'm happy for them, I just wish a stroke of good luck like that would come my why. It seems like it's only the people I know it happens to as well.

Why must I climb to what others can walk to I suppose is what I'm getting at. It's obviously complete coincidence, but it's an ironic one at that. I really need a job though, I got to make enough to get an apartment soon. It's really a frustrating situation. You get a person interested, you go to two interviews over the course of 3 weeks, just so you can do it all over again when they don't hire you. I'm not going to blame the economy, or people, only the fact that I live in a small town with few jobs available, and myself. I mean I'm wondering if it's my approach. I come in clean, neat and tidy with a can do attitude and willingness to do what it takes to get the job done, yet no luck. I wish I had hookups like my friends do, unfortunately that's the curse of living in an area so isolated it's almost impossible to get out of unless you swim.

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I know what you mean. Im going through the same thing, i've applied to 12 places so far, not a single word back D: even after talking to the mangaers face to face and they say crap like "I could use someone like you "

Edited by Masu
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It's all about connections.

On a side note, someone told me to be a persistent fuck and keep calling back to see if you got the job or not.

Well I'm going back today to see if I got the job.

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You need connections and you have to be very effective at bloating your smallest accomplishments in a way that's meaningful. In today's economy people only really want the best, you have to show quality like you're Unstoppable. It's tough starting off with your first job nowadays. Always remember to dress nice and speak clearly. Be a person.

Also do not be persistent. Show them why it's a benefit to hire you... Don't look desperate to get the job, that's a weakness of character.

If you're into labor w/ decent benefits I'd recommend something like UPS or Fedex in your area. They generally are hiring around this time of the year if not later. I'm a supervisor for them... It's the toughest job in the world, I get my job threatened everyday even though they love me!

The nice thing about UPS and Fedex is that they have whole websites simply dedicated to finding careers in your area. Hop on google and give it a look. I remember I made about $10.00/hr as a sorter with some progression, working like 20 hourish weeks. Not that bad, they help you with school costs and other things too. Now I'm making about $460 a week as a supervisor, working 24-27ish hour weeks.

But I'm joining the military later. That's something everyone should be considering especially during these times, but it takes a certain kind of character.

Edited by Eaichu
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I'm in the same boat as you are, all my friends except 1 or 2 have jobs while I'm stuck struggling. I did have a job about 2 weeks ago but I had to quit since I literally couldn't do the job. It required a car and I would've had to pay almost $150 for the kit used to demonstrate. Both of those I don't have so I had no choice but to quit and the pay was too good to pass up too($16 an per appointment).

Now I'm stuck checking job search sites and I hate applying online, though I could be biased since whenever I do apply online the position is always taken when I call back around 3-5 days later.

Its pissing me off to no end since everyday that passes by with me doing nothing waiting for the place to call back while the people I know are doing something and getting something(money) infuriates me.

Doesn't help I have little to no connections whatsoever, unlike my friend who's mom handed him a job at where she works.(she's the boss)

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As I've just lost my job to outsourcing a week ago, I'm finding that the job market isn't as nice as it was the last time I was in the market for a new job. One thing I've learned: people go in and say the things they think their employers want to hear. The ones that are flattered like that are weak bosses; they're prone to political tactics, and unless you like playing politics like a pro, you don't want to work for those people. You have to be yourself, and be assertive; remember that a job interview is a two way street, and that you're interviewing your boss as much as he's interviewing you. I didn't like my last job, but I did like the people I worked with, and I got that because I was pretty honest with who I was, and what I was about.

Good employers can see past people taking the piss with them. Someone that says their only weakness is "that I just work a bit too hard sometimes is full of shit to anyone but a retard. Don't say "my weakness is that I tend to wake up once a week hungover, naked and in a sewer with my keys up my ass", but there's no right way to interview. Just be assertive, and don't be retarded.

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I've been applying for jobs for the last year and a half. I've never even been called for an interview.

The economy is balls right now. Plain and simple. Lots of places can't even afford to pay the employees they HAVE.

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ZXValaRevan you know full well Canada is the 51st state and just hasn't "warmed up" to the idea (pardon the pun).

I'm employed, and from my experience I would agree with what everybody has been saying. I'd say that persistence really is the key here, hell I'd say its as important as the interview itself - because, like Superbus has said, due to the endless parade of fronts people are taught to put up in an interview, there isn't much that will separate you from everyone else who has heard the exact same advice. Aside from just actually being more qualified through real experience, I'd say being very upfront about wanting the job and keeping continuous contact with the people involved in the selection process will give demonstrable proof that you actually have the qualities you say you have.

Edited by Crepe Knight
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