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My FE4 pairings


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Finally I finished FE4 first playthrough (for the second time :P if I count the playthrough 12 years ago.)

I want to try some new pairings and get the children that won't make me hard time. Any suggestion?

My play style is offensive. I don't use healers much and I don't like to wait unmounted units

I don't use Holy weapons much except final chapters (Other chapters I use just Mistoltin and Tyfling for resistance when needed)



Aira-Dew. Great children stats but they walk slow so I don't use them much in later game (what a waste :P )

Sylvia-Claude. boring.

Fury-Levin. Epic win for Sety and Fee

Tiltyu-Lex. Wrath+Ambush is great, but what the point of high strength and low magic Tinny?

Lachesis-Fin. I heard this is better than Beo so I choose this pairing.

Aideen-Midir. Lester attacking 4 times is really good.

Brigid-Holyn. Patty with hero sword, pursuit ring and moonlight sword is awesome.


[New pairings]

Aira - Noish. Just for the sake of critical screen battle. (Last playthrough I don't have many weapons that killed 50 times, or it comes really late.)

Sylvia - no one. I want to try Laylea

Fury - Claude. I want Fee as a mage killer (high resistance)

Tiltyu - Levin. Holsety on horse.

Lachesis - No idea. Dew? Solar sword for Nanna may be cool? or Lex? I want stronger Nanna too.

and the twin that make me headache because I really love my old pairings.

Aideen - Azel? or Jamka? I'm not sure I need Rescue staff in 1st Gen.

Brigid - Dew? Jamka? Alec? I want great Patty. Faval comes late and walk slower.

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Ira-Noish is pretty good

I've heard ditching Sylvia is wise, I've never done it...but the subs are supposed to better than her kids

Fury-Claude is excellent! Fee will be a mage killer, Sety will max out mag, res, and probably other stats as well.

Titlyu-Levin is the best! Arthur with holsety for the whole 2nd half! Tinny will be pretty good as well

Lachesis-Lex will give you kids without pursuit, but if you give the hero sword or pursuit ring to Delmud (and a good sword) you'll have a very good warrior, Nanna can be a healer and avoid fighting, so her not having pursuit isn't so bad. This is probably better than Dew-Lachesis.

Aideen-Jamka will give you a powerful Lester, and he'll inherit the hero bow from his father so lack of pursuit isn't an issue. Rahna will be good like always.

Briggid-Dew nets you an unbelievable Faval, his bases will be out of this world. Patty can get Dew's wind sword, and nice growths.

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Try Lachesis-Azel, it gives a much better healer Nanna and Delmud is good with normal and magic swords(Hezul blood makes sure he doesn't get Strength-screwed)

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Fury - Claude. I want Fee as a mage killer (high resistance)
Try Lachesis-Azel, it gives a much better healer Nanna and Delmud is good with normal and magic swords(Hezul blood makes sure he doesn't get Strength-screwed)

I'm suggesting to swap their partners for lolsfun.

Claude/Lachesis, because B staves!Fee is old while B staves!Nanna is not.

Azel/Fury, because this is just a little downgrade of Claude/Fury. He is the best for her if Levin and Claude are taken.

And I'm a bit sure that some people will after my head for posting this.

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Aira - Noish. Just for the sake of critical screen battle. (Last playthrough I don't have many weapons that killed 50 times, or it comes really late.)


Sylvia - no one. I want to try Laylea


Fury - Claude. I want Fee as a mage killer (high resistance)

This pairing works fine, though Fury can "magekill" either way. However, this pairing gives Fee pretty severe Str issues, which are harder to cop with than a Sety with Mag issues...which is why I like to recomend Noish/Fury. Try it sometime when you have Noish freed up.

Tiltyu - Levin. Holsety on horse.

Best Levin pairing.

Lachesis - No idea. Dew? Solar sword for Nanna may be cool? or Lex? I want stronger Nanna too.

If you want a pairing with Pursuit, your options are limited. The best ones are Fin/Beowulf, and there's their sort-of-replacement Alec, but his secondary skill and his growths aren't as good. Azel can be done, but the whole magic sword deal is vastly overrated (the kids do more damage with a melee father, always...hell, they do more damage with a melee attack even if they have Azel as their dad). Nanna's higher Mag won't make a difference for her healing either.

If you want something besides cookie cutter Pursuit-on-a-horse fathers, you'll probably need to spare Delmud the Pursuit Ring, and limit Nanna to healing + arena. Jamka, Noish and even Levin make surprisingly good fathers for Lachesis, since they have two out of the following multi-hit skills Critical, Continue and Charge. They all stack with Pursuit, which is why I recommend Delmud with Pursuit Ring so much. Since Noish and Levin are taken, you've gotta try Jamka, or change your pairings.

But really, I recommend just using Beowulf as a dad.

For Aideen...same as with Lachesis, pretty much, except Lana cannot fight before promotion. Pretty much "see above", except Lester's str needs a lot more help than Delmud's. I don't recommend Jamka/Aideen without the Pursuit Ring. Lester without Pursuit is really, really crippled. At least Delmud can still give Charisma.

Brigid does very well with Lex. It allows you to raise Patty out of suck mode more easily, as a bonus Faval grows really fast, and you can use Sleep Sword with Patty in the arena in conjunction with Ambush to make her always beat stage 7. I personally think this is the best pairing for Brigid provided Lex is not taken and you're willing to take your time.

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