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Question about the Christian God

Kedyns Crow

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God doesn't want believers who don't have faith in him, so he waits until a certain time. Just think about it for a minute. Would you trust someone who just up and invaded your country? Would you be loyal to him, especially if he had ideas that seemed radical to your world view? that's how I view it, anyway. I, for one, would not trust an invader over a loving friend.

God could simply make everyone be faithful instantly if he wanted to.

I disagree. Satan, for instance, is obviously pure evil. I do agree, however, that anyone of this Earth cannot be pure evil. Good is somewhere inside everyone, even Hitler. have you seen his home videos? He loved his family. Yes, for the most part, he was evil and dark, but a glimmer of light shined in his heart, albeit a very small one.

Satan was in actuality a tester of man prior to more modern interpretations. However even at such a point in which it is synonymous with "the Devil," I'm not seeing where the pure evil is.

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I was once handed a pamphlet by a woman in a metro station that told me of how Satan is literally everywhere, and basically everything in the human world is him trying to corrupt me. That I must be vigilant at all times against the influence of evil, like some kind of super-Christian vigilante. Hail Satan?

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As often said, the Devil was probably the best invention of the Church's various modifications to the earlier view of Christ. What better way to get others to fall in line than to prey upon their basest fears?

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God can not "make" anyone do anything. Humans and Angels have the power of free-will.

Satan was once one of God's most beloved angels. Using his power of free-will, Satan, then known as Lucifer, CHOSE to rebel against God, and lead other angels astray out of envy towards humans. Humans were created and considered by God to be "above" the angels. So Satan has sort of dedicated his existence to leading humans astray, to prove to God that they are weak.

We humans have free-will. We have been given the power to CHOOSE right from wrong. We have the power to CHOOSE either to believe in and follow God or not believe or follow him.

Free-will is our defining feature which sets us above animals.

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And here's another one of those topics that tends to cause a lot of trouble yet somehow managed to survive for several years. This one, I think, may have actually fallen into necro territory, so I'm going to lock it.

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