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Guess the favorite FE character of the person above!

luigi bros

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Never used him before. Cannot give accurate judgement.

However, due to my inherent dislike for axers on foot save the few epic ones and the Heroes, I think Haar will be getting all the axing job come time when I actually finish playing RD.

(It's not because it's hard either. It's because I don't physically have the game and my save file is about 10 miles away at my friend's place on her game)

and @NM: I suggest having at least Eliwood, Lyn, Raven, and Lucius go up and around, get somebody to grab Canas on the way there. Don't try to route the chapter and arena abuse---just talk to the Fergus and chapter's good.

Lucius will have a place to really shine in the next chapter. Shamans are his area of expertise. >)

I probably would've died 5975285275 times on C17 if it weren't for Lucius tanking all the shamans and onerounding them.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Percival is too good to be a Jeigan.

I suggest having at least Eliwood, Lyn, Raven, and Lucius go up and around, get somebody to grab Canas on the way there. Don't try to route the chapter and arena abuse---just talk to the Fergus and chapter's good.

Lucius will have a place to really shine in the next chapter. Shamans are his area of expertise. >)

I routed the pirates and AA'd on my first playthrough. :awesome:


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I was actually referring to my EHM PT where the enemies are slightly more difficult, pirates keep on hitting GOD Raven because shit RNG is shit, and stuff.

Ross is a cute kid, but he's still a damn footaxe. Who isn't particularly speedy on average either or skilled.

Here's the four footaxes I like based on performance (and there's three more with looks, but that's a different story)

Othin, Halvan, Hector, and FE11!Barst.

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Fa is adorable.

And NM, don't be hatin' on all Jeigans. They can be quite useful sometimes.

Level 6 Marcus actually was on my team for a good amount of time, and made it to Victory or Death and was actually useful via Killer Axe. :awesome:


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No. I'm saying that because Marcus was legitimately useful on my EHM run. He is good for getting out of tight spots, especially.

Lex is cool. I like his tanking abilities and Hero Axe does really boost his usefulness. And he's a pretty sweet guy on the inside.


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Vanessa is pretty good.

Did ERL give a reason? I find 16x a perfect place to give Raven a few levels, since it's an Axefest. Plus Lucius gets to have more support time with him.

And since this is Normal, bring a few more people with you. Guy would be a decent pick if you've gotten him.


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Is a cav.

And I didn't recommend deploying Raven in 16x because Raven is a low level and I personally don't field anyone below LV7 in that chapter. Those pirates are tough and Raven's avoid isn't reliable yet.

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Florina is a useful magekiller. Still no Lucius, but useful for long-distance killing.

Base Raven did just fine in EHM, though. ORKOing with Steel and isn't afraid of anything. The pirates won't be able to touch him due to WTA.

8STR/13SPD/5DEF/25HP is plenty enough IMO.


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