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Mist haters/Rhys fans thread


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This is the official Mist sucks/Rhys rocks thread!

In this thread anyone who wants to bitch about Mist/say how awesome Rhys is can post here!

Co-founded by me and Crash.

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I support this thread 100%!

This is the perfect opprotunity to show how I REALLY feel about that bitch!

When I get to Part 3 of Radiant Dawn, I'm gonna put Mist into the line of fire with nothing equippped and watch her die! (preferably by a Fighter)

I think Boyd should have a GOOD lady like Titania! (My choice, thought there are plenty of eligable girls in 9 and 10)

Also, Rhys is one of my favorite Tellius characters, aong Boyd, Oscar, Titania and a bunch of people I forgot (I just woke up recently), and he's gonna be my Part 3 healer because of what I'm gonna do above.

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Lord Rhys?

*thinks about a Tellius FE with Rhys as the Lord*

That would be awesome and funny at the same time! XD

in before Jonathan Aulin bashes this thread to the deepest pits of hell

Yeah, he'll totally go to town on it.





Got enough popcorn there? lol!

Edited by CrashGordon94
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