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book of life

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[ ] Lady of the Evening

[x] Inferior being

[ ] Troll

[x] n00blet

[x] Ye who has incurred my wrath

[ ] Person with the grammar of a chimpanzee

[ ] Son of Khan

[ ] Love-child of Rosy O'Donnel and Blink 182

You Are Being Flamed Because...

[x] Your mom told me I should

[x] You exist

[x] You're breathing too much of my oxygen

[ ] You posted an accusation with no proof

[ ] You posted a thread containing 1337 talk

[ ] You posted a me > u thread

[ ] you posted a worthless thread

[ ] You continued a long, stupid thread

[x] You committed crimes against pork biproducts

[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message

[ ] You haven't read the TOS

[x] You made baby Jesus cry

[ ] You don't know which board to post in

[ ] You just plain suck

[ ] You posted false information

[ ] You posted something totally uninteresting

[ ] You double posted

[x] You killed a kitten

[ ] You're spamming MY thread


[ ] You posted racist crap

[x] I don't like your tone of voice

[ ] You are not civilized enough to post in these forums

[ ] Yuo mispeled evry sengle wurd.

[ ] Your parents are related

[ ] You and your wife are related

[ ] You dated my sister

[ ] You dated my brother

[ ] You made love to my dog

[x] You insulted the power of Fwee

[x] You have no idea whom Keith Moon is

[ ] We haven't liked you from the beginning.

[x] You put mayonnaise on Asprin.

[ ] You give it up on the first date.

[x] Your first, current, and last sexual partner is your hand


In Punishment, You Must:

[ ] Give up your new user account

[ ] shut up and get the hell out

[x] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor

[ ] Actually post something relevant

[x] Summon Cpt. Planet by yourself

[x] Watch Teletubbies

[ ] Read the ****ing TOS

[ ] Read the ****ing TOS again

[x] Call Bush and inform him he sucks

[x] Make love to Al Gore

[x] Lick a frozen telephone pole

[ ] Get in the DOG POUND with Randy Jackson

[ ] Spend the night at Micheal Jackson's house

[x] Go to your room with no supper

[ ] Apologize to everybody on this forum

[x] Go stand in the middle of a Highway

[x] Recite the Greek alphabet backwards

[x] Take a bath in bleach

[ ] Drink out of a spitoon

[x] Grind a rail on your sack

[ ] Be wangpaled by Salazar

[ ] Eat taco bell the rest of your life

[ ] Claim you were part of the crew that made Yoshi's Island

[ ] Say hi to your mom for me

[ ] All of the above

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

[ ] Fwee

[ ] 1 R 1337

[x]ITS OVAR 9000!!!

[x]U like mudkipz

[x] Pwned

[x] GG no re

[ ] Bite me

[x] Get a life

[x] Me > u

[ ] Never post again

[ ] I pity your dog


[x] n00b

[ ] Go to hell

[ ] Your IQ must be 7

[ ] Take your **** somewhere else

[ ] shut up and get the hell out

[ ] Learn to post or get the hell out

[ ] Go jump into some industrial equipment

[ ] I just dont like you

[ ] Nils2cool is more liked than you

[ ] Stop complaining and learn to deal with us

[x] lolpwnt

[x] I would have been you dad, but the dog beat me over the fence

[ ] kthxbai

[ ] Make sure your mom and I are still on for Saturday

[ ] All of the above


[ ] The commitee for a better SF

[x] The Spanish Inquisition

[x] Your worst nightmare

[x] Your mom, now go back to bed

[x] Me

[x] Charles Manson

[x] Keith Moon

[x] Chuck Norris

[ ] Doug & Porkchop

[ ] Billy Graham

[ ] Brock Obama

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*Mia stabs you*


good thing she missed. THANK YOU RNG engine. and it was a 99 hit rate.

ANYWAYS. *Uses code of the Lifemaker to make everything how i want it to be*

One not in spoiler sig.

in that case...


|Someonewhodied Is too enthralled |

|To Move......................................|


Edited by someonewhodied
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