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You're kidding me...


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So I'm currently on Ch. 20, HNM, and I'm working against the clock to get Legault. Of course, his course of action is to loot the two chests on the right of the map, pass the boss, and then leave through the top left corner.

A second thief appears one turn after him, and follows his path.

I bring Hector and half my party up to meet Cameron, defeat him, and open that small room near the top left corner of the map in the hopes of intercepting Legault.

I'm one turn ahead of him, and Hector's waiting in the small doorway to the hallway where Legault is moving.

I make Hector attack the second thief (who is ahead of Legault by now) just for fun, and, of course, I miss.

On the next enemy phase, Legault runs past Hector, but he's still in walking distance.

Then the most unexpected thing happens.

The second thief decides not to run, of course.

Instead, he walks right in front of Hector and blocks him from Legault.

I just got cockblocked by a Thief.

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Imagine how much shit we would all be in if the game had half-decent AI which purposely did this sort of stuff.
I'll tell you how much.

FE5 has AI that does this on purpose, I think. On Ch. 4, an enemy soldier knew the exact move of the civilian NPCs, and walked using one move, fully knowing that the NPC civilians wouldn't be able to walk past him, and as a result blocking my characters from being able to get him before he captures one.

FE5's AI is freaking intelligent and brilliant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it's because the second theif is going to loot the chests in the small room. This happened to me too but I just had Wil kill him :P

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