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does anyone here hate sothe in this game

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The only way that Sothe is in the top half of the units in 4-E is if you deploy nothing but garbage. Sothe has no time to level, his STR cap is shit, his weapon selection is awful, his durability is bad, his mastery is atrocious, and his crit is almost non-existent.

He is so bad in 4-E, so godawful at combat, that I could deploy Renning and Sothe would probably lose to him. In fact, Mist gives him a run for his money, since she has 2-range over him and a better mastery skill. Words can barely describe how utterly useless that Sothe is as combatant. He is not even particularly good at shoving people. The only thing that his forced-status lends him is the lack of a giant negative for deplying him, and in fact later on you're better off just giving his slot to one of the 4-E-3 dragons.

Fuck Sothe.

Once again, you're overdoing it. Sothe is nowhere near amazing, but he's not godawful either. He has his uses. For example, Sothe only needs to be able to double to ORKO any magic enemy in 4-E-1, and he can do that at ~19/1, or another combination of 19 levels + promotion, or fewer with some BEXP after Skl caps.

"But everyone can kill these guys."

This is true, but it just means Sothe is on par with everyone else for these enemies. Meaning he isn't completely useless, because he can still do something. And he's forced, so you might as well make him useful.

4-E-1 is a ton of Generals, so he needs Bane to kill any of them reliably. Although Bane is bad compared to other masteries, it does activate, so Sothe can still put it to good use.

And he just needs enough Spd for everything else. Pretty much everything that's not a General in 4-E-2 can be 2 rounded by him if he doubles. It takes a bit of BEXP and some leveling, but he should be able to double the Warriors, Halberdiers, and Snipers (in fact, if he gets a lot of Spd, he can ORKO Swordmasters, but that's unlikely without a lot of Paragon use).

4-E-3 is mean to him if he doesn't have Dragonfoe. If he does have it, even Peshkatz can reliably one round White Dragons, and Baselard can one round Red Dragons. But this is only if you give him Dragonfoe.

By 4-E-4 if he's gotten 34 Spd, he can ORKO all the Spirits, which puts him on par with everyone else, and even better than anyone with <34 AS, since Lehran is only one enemy. In 4-E-5 he can still be on Spirit clean-up duty.

Aside from that, any enemy that does see Bane won't last much longer. If it was the second attack or Sothe didn't double, it at least makes it easy for anyone else to kill. There's also the possibility of him getting an epic transfer bonus, which does wonders to minimize his durability problems.

What I'm saying is, Sothe has use in 4-E if the player chooses to actively use him. If he wasn't forced I probably wouldn't deploy him, but that's not the case.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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4-E-3 is mean to him if he doesn't have Beastfoe. If he does have it, even Peshkatz can reliably one round White Dragons, and Baselard can one round Red Dragons. But this is only if you give him Beastfoe.

Lawl. "Beastfoe"

Sorry, don't you mean Dragonfoe?

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Sothe is good for part 1, helps in part 3, and sucks at combat in part 4, and throughout he can steal/dig up items, so he's a fine guy. I'm not going to bother "arguing" Lyle on this.

For his personality, yeah, it's really annoying. But at least he allowed the "father of Ike's children" joke to exist.

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Gameplay wise? I won't touch on that.

Character wise? I'll put it this way. He's much more interesting than a lot of the part 1 characters, especially from the Dawn Brigade. His dialogue and motives are believable, regardless if the player agrees with them. He's a sucky suck but come on, there are a lot of worse things people do when they're in a position like him.

I think I only dislike him because every time I think of him, I think of how I'm forced to drag him along, namely in part 4. By that, I also hate Sanaki and to a lesser extent, the two Goldoan dragons. Though where it matters most, as a character, Sothe isn't a bad guy. When you spend the start of the game stuck with Micaiah, Edward and Leonardo... it's nice to be able to have someone who isn't boring.

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I'll admit that in the first half of Part 1, Sothe is extremely useful. However, at about 1-6, I find his usefulness declines somewhat compared to the other units I've been using (Edward, Jill, Nolan, Volug).

In Part 3, although he does an adequate job in 3-6 and 3-13, he is completely useless for 3-12, due to the enemies being mostly swordsmasters and generals.

And finally in Part 4, Sothe is at his most useless. Granted he is useful in 4-3, due to him finding objects in the sand, but that's all.

The worst thing about Sothe is his weapon selection. Like Volke, Sothe only uses knives, but unlike Volke, Sothe doesn't have a huge critical chance/awesome mastery skill to compensate. And his durability really sucks - if he gets hit, he'll lose about half his max HP in one shot.

There's also the possibility of him getting an epic transfer bonus, which does wonders to minimize his durability problems.
Which seeing as he sucks balls in PoR, isn't that likely. Edited by NinjaMonkey
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In Part 3, although he does an adequate job in 3-6 and 3-13, he is completely useless for 3-12, due to the enemies being mostly swordsmasters and generals.

swordmasters what

Out of anyone on your team, Sothe should be able to handle them the best, actually, since he doubles them.

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Out of anyone on your team, Sothe should be able to handle them the best, actually, since he doubles them.

So do Nolan, Edward and Volug (who, IMO, are much better units than Sothe).

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I do. He never has a mind of his own when anything refers to Micaiah.

Him fighting the Grail Mercenaries in Part III is enough to make you hate him. Even though that he does find the war pointless at that point before finding out about the blood pact. But he knew better to not fight the Grail Mercs, but he choose to anyway, because of Micaiah's trust to him.

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I didn't even bother replying to Lyle because Fox pretty much raped him... no pun intended

Oh yes, what a great personality. It's like Sasuke all over again, and we know what fun personality HE has ;3.

Anyways, I never liked Sothe since I generally hate pre-promoted characters. Volug doesn't count, since he theoretically isn't pre-promoted. I mean, he CAN help, but when you start using him when Eddie, Nolan, and Aran get to his level...he kinda sucks ;_; .

Sasuke is all about revenge, Sothe is all about protection... polar opposites there buddy. Unless if you're talking about how dedicated they are to those things, than I guess... maybe... kinda sorta...

Well, Sothe is pretty useless in Por, and in RD he's worse than useless. He damages the team.

That makes no sense. By that logic, every time I use Nolan, Edward, Micaiah, or Aran is hurting the team too because that EXP could be going to another unit.

Not using him is hurting the team A LOT more than using him, because without him you're taking longer to beat chapters (less BEXP) and are avoiding a bunch of treasures and shit.

But still. My only real beef with Sothe is that he's forced to the endgame for no real reason. That's all.

He's one of the main characters. Much more important than kurth and (wtf)ena. Why don't you sandbag those two, who are pretty much combat failures for their entire existance?

THANK YOU!!!! Goddamn, someone else finally said it. Yeah, Ena and Kurth give bonuses when a unit stands next to them, but with reasonable size maps and enemies appearing in different spots it's not all that useful, plus they have shitty movement, so moving them in a certain place could take time. Their combat or what little they have does a LOT less than Sothe. So people who hate Sothe forced to endgame because of his not-as-good-combat-as-other-people combat must pray to the FE gods every night that Kurth and Ena be crucified after all their bones have been shattered because they can hardly damage things, especially all those generals. Not only that, they're slow as fuck....

Gosh, I thought I was the only one. Sothe fucking sucks.

don't tell Matt or TLS I said that XD

*points to wherever the Volke vs. Sothe debate is*

I hate Sothe!!

.................................alrighty then....................................I HATE SERRA/MAKALOV/OLIVER!!!

He is cool, eventhough volke is so much better.

*points to wherever the Volke vs. Sothe debate is*

I also find it funny how people hate Sothe's personality when there's people like Serra who yells shit like "ERK! Omigosh! It's been SOOOOOO long!" * CGV stabs Serra* ugh.... Can't stand her....

Then there's the fatass Oliver who thinks he's the most beautiful thing in the world besides herons. His ego is bigger than Seto Kaiba's lawl, yu gi oh abridged series joke

Sothe too protective? *Remembers Seth in FE8 grabbing Eirika and putting her on his horse and running off in a manner of like 5 seconds*

I know you're all thinking "Well, they needed to get out of there! Valter was gonna kill them!" Well in the very first scene in RD, Sothe doesn't say "Micaiah, get out of here, I'll handle these guys. GO!" Instead, he freed Micaiah and they worked together to bail safely. Plus, Micaiah is what the people call the "Silver-Haired Maiden" who is their savior and can heal people without a staff. Not only that, she's on a wanted list to be captured. Not only that, but they're long time lovers buddies. So yeah, who was saying that Sothe was too overprotective??? Actually I think he was too UNDERprotective *cough1-9cough*

I'd go further, but at this point with all the attention Sothe gets people are just fucking nitpicking at any little thing they can to try and bring him down (too much belly showing? seriously??? no, SERIOUSLY!?! inb4smartassanswer)

Btw, Meg sucks... I mean she ACTUALLY sucks...

I await the replies because I know there will some. And like I said before, great things/people/shows/movies are either loved or hated from person to person

Edited by CGV
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