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Let's Play The Name Game, Shall We?

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Simple: Some names are the same between the English, and Japanese versions, while some differ.

Most of the differing names can be pronounced pretty much the same way; it's just the spelling.

But some are WAY different.

Just state which ones you prefer:

Jeigan or Jagen?

Gohdon or Gordin?

Dohga or Draug?

Sheeda or Caeda?

Riff or Wrys?

Barts or Barst?

Saji/Maji or Bord/Cord?

Kashim or Castor?

Nabarl or Navarre?

Marich or Merric?

Matis or Matthis?

Zagaro or Sedgar?

Biraku or Vyland?

Banutu or Bantu?

Radei or Radd?

Rinda or Linde?

Jeik or Jake?

Tomth or Dolph?

Mishelan or Macellan?

Thormas or Tomas?

Boha or Boah?

Horus or Horace?

Astria or Astram?

Paora or Palla?

Katua or Catria?

Cheine or Xane?

Rolence or Lorenz?

Gato or Gotoh?

I neglected to mention some names because they were either the same in both versions, or had too small of a difference to really count (seriously, Kain or Cain?)

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I think that this whole name thing personally, is pointless. As long as you know who the characters are, you have no problem. If you like a certain name better, then just use it. For all anyone cares, we can call them Frank Bob and Billy. Who cares how you pronounce it as long as they know what you are talking about. But that is just my opinion. If you guys want to decide which is better in a thread be my guest, I just don't think it's a good idea.

Don't mean to be mean by the way. :)

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Nintendo needs to listen to Marth Koopa.

(Marth Koopa)

(warning, lots of sarcasm!)

Jagen - lets swap the e and a and completely drop the i, that makes sense!

Gordin - was there any reason to change the o to an i? NO

Draug - guard backwards, how old was the person who thought of this? 12?

Shiida/Caeda - changing the e's to i's serves no purpose other than to make the name uglier, there are so many things wrong with CAEDA, it's ridiculous, the biggest thing is that CAEDA is hard to pronounce properly

Wrys - Let's change "Riff" into a name that is very similar to an already existing character!

Ogma - there was no reason to drop the u

Bord/Cord - we have a chopping board and an extension cord, that's so much better than Saji and Maji!

Barst - He sure loves his Pop Tarst

Darros - that extra R was completely necessary

Merric - Because Marich is too hard to pronounce

Mathis - Math is... math is what? Math is hard? Math is easy? Math is fun? Math is pointless? I don't get it

Sedgar - nevermind that Zagaro is a perfect translation and an amazing name, EDGAR with an S in front of it is much better!

Roshea - The added a serves absolutely no purpose, it only makes the name look ugly and leads me to believe NOA thinks FE fans are bad at pronouncing names

Vyland - this isn't even a translation FFS, it's just an outright change! What was wrong with Biraku?

Wendell - "Hey guys, what if we add another L onto Wendel's name?" "DUDE YOU'RE A GENIUS! Have a promotion!"

Rickard - Because Ricardo isn't a proper name and it sucks, yup

Bantu - Where'd the u go? It makes no sense to drop it!

Radd - MORE dropped letters? Does it cost more money for the programmers to type in that extra letter? What the **** is wrong with RADDY?

Linde - Another proper name changed into an improper name that makes no sense

Dolph - DOLPH? DOLPH? What the **** kind of name is DOLPH? What is wrong with Toms or Tomth? Not "idiot" sounding enough? Let's turn TOMTH the badass into DOLPH the DOOFUS

Macellan - More improper translations and names that make no sense

Tomas - More pointless letter dropping and improper names

Horace - Translation that makes no sense

Palla - Let's change Paola's beautiful name into the most boring name we could possibly imagine and ignore the fact that Paola is a perfect translation

Catria - Another name that further proves NOA doesn't know how to translate and doesn't give two ****s about the quality of their translation

Xane - What is this, Kingdom Hearts? Get these Xs out of here! And, as with Caeda, is hard to pronounce properly

Tiki - nevermind that Chiki is, again, a perfect translation

Lorenz - Looks goofy, the more sophisticated spelling of LAWRENCE fits the character more

Gotoh - ANOTHER improperly translated name and completely useless change that only further serves to annoy the non-Japanese FE fans

I am spelling in caps not because I am angry, but because I am too lazy to use bold. Some of the names are different from the two listed.

Jeigan or Jagen? JAGEN

Gohdon or Gordin? GORDON

Dohga or Draug? DRAUG

Sheeda or Caeda? CAEDA

Riff or Wrys? WRYS

Barts or Barst? BARST

Saji/Maji or Bord/Cord? BOTH

Kashim or Castor? CASTOR

Nabarl or Navarre? NAVARRE

Marich or Merric? MARIC

Matis or Matthis? MATTHIS

Zagaro or Sedgar? ....

Biraku or Vyland? VYLAND

Banutu or Bantu? BANTUTU

Radei or Radd? Randei? RADDY

Rinda or Linde? LINDA

Jeik or Jake? JAKE

Tomth or Dolph? Dolph is a doofus. (It's actually short for RanDOLPH Marth Koopa)

Mishelan or Macellan? McCLELLAN

Thormas or Tomas? TOMAS

Boha or Boah? BOAH

Horus or Horace? HORUS

Astria or Astram? ASTRAME

Paora or Palla? PAOLA

Katua or Catria? CATRIA

Cheine or Xane? CHAINY

Rolence or Lorenz? LORENZ

Gato or Gotoh? GOTOH

Edited by Marae
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Jeigan or Jagen Jagen sounds retarded. Jeigan is much better.

Gohdon or Gordin? Gordin is better.

Dohga or Draug? Doga is a better name.

Sheeda or Caeda? Sheeda is better than Caeda.

Riff or Wrys? At least Riff is a word. Where the FUCK did Wyrs come from?

Barts or Barst? Bart would have been better. XD

Saji/Maji or Bord/Cord? Saji and Maji sound better.

Kashim or Castor? Same.

Nabarl or Navarre? Same. They both sound like weird names to me. Weird but cool, anyway.

Marich or Merric? Same.

Matis or Matthis? Matthis is better, IMO

Zagaro or Sedgar? Zagaro sounds better.

Biraku or Vyland? Vyland, I guess.

Banutu or Bantu? Funny to say.

Radei or Radd? Neither

Rinda or Linde? LindA would have been better.

Jeik or Jake? Jake is always better than Jeik.

Tomth or Dolph?

Mishelan or Macellan? Neither

Thormas or Tomas?

Boha or Boah?

Horus or Horace?

Astria or Astram?

Paora or Palla?

Katua or Catria?

Cheine or Xane?

Rolence or Lorenz?

Gato or Gotoh?

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Jeigan or Jagen? Jeigan

Gohdon or Gordin?Gordin (Gordon would've been better)

Dohga or Draug?Draug

Sheeda or Caeda?Caeda

Riff or Wrys?Riff

Barts or Barst?Brast

Saji/Maji or Bord/CordBord/Cord (I'm Bord...)

Kashim or Castor?Kashim

Nabarl or Navarre?Navarre

Marich or Merric?Marik

Matis or Matthis?Matthis

Zagaro or Sedgar?Zagaro

Biraku or Vyland?Biraku

Banutu or Bantu?Bantu

Radei or Radd?Radd

Rinda or Linde?Rinda

Jeik or Jake?Jeik (srsly)

Tomth or Dolph?Tomth

Mishelan or Macellan?Michelin

Thormas or Tomas?Thormas

Boha or Boah?Boah

Horus or Horace?Horace

Astria or Astram?Astria

Paora or Palla?Paora]

Katua or Catria?Catria

Cheine or Xane?Cheine

Rolence or Lorenz?Rolence

Gato or Gotoh?Gotoh

Edited by cheezperson
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Jeigan or Jagen? They're pronounced the same.

Gohdon or Gordin? Gordin. Gohdon is obvious Engrish.

Dohga or Draug? Doga sounds slightly better.

Sheeda or Caeda? Sheeda. Caeda is perfectly acceptable, though.

Riff or Wrys? Don't care.

Barts or Barst? Don't care.

Saji/Maji or Bord/Cord? Bord/Cord is slightly more amusing than Saji/Maji.

Kashim or Castor? Kashim. Castor is perfectly acceptable, though.

Nabarl or Navarre? Navarre because that's what I've always called him.

Marich or Merric? Don't care.

Matis or Matthis? Don't care.

Zagaro or Sedgar? Don't care.

Biraku or Vyland? Vyland sounds slightly better than Biraku/Villuck.

Banutu or Bantu? Aren't they close enough?

Radei or Radd? Aren't they close enough?

Rinda or Linde? I prefer Linda to both.

Jeik or Jake? Jake. They're pronounced the same, and "Jeik" is obviously Engrish.

Tomth or Dolph? Dolph sounds like a real name. Tomth sounds like a stupid lisp.

Mishelan or Macellan? Aren't they close enough?

Thormas or Tomas? Tomas is a real name. Thormas is Engrish.

Boha or Boah? Aren't they close enough?

Horus or Horace? Same thing more or less.

Astria or Astram? Don't care.

Paora or Palla? Don't care.

Katua or Catria? Don't care.

Cheine or Xane? Chainy is superior to both. Xane is the one and only name change that I actually hate.

Rolence or Lorenz? Rolence is Engrish. Lawrence and Lorenz are the same thing.

Gato or Gotoh? Don't care.

Edited by Charlie
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