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Unsolved mysteries of FE


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Post things you wonder about, and if you have theories post them too.

How does light magic wound/kill? I wouldnt be surprised if dark magic basically sucked the life out of people, but light magic is just a big bright flash.

Critical theory:

Criticals are caused by big adrenaline rushes, like extreme anger/fear/whatever. Killer weapons release something that goes into the wielder and speeds up that process, making them more likely to perform a critical. During a critical the person feels no pain(explains criticals happening when theyre at low health)and gains a sudden burst of energy(explains the 3x normal damage)

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I always thought of all damage received does specific damage relative to the amount. If it's a low amount, it's the equivalent of smashing the helm or shield of a unit, wearing one's endurance down, as well as giving a good rattle. The more damage, the more severe the blow. High damage would be inflicting harsh flesh wounds that, while did not incapacitate, it would give reason for a unit to back down due to the pain. My theory, at least.

Why is there a mouse in the first game -____-

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Why is there a growth rate for defense.

Obviously because getting hit hard enough makes you tougher.

Unless you're an archer who never gets attacked, and your DEF goes up. Then I guess you're taking drugs.

Why are Boots consumed when used?

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- Why do steel weapons break earlier than iron weapons? Steel is a tougher metal than iron, after all.

- Why do weapons always break after the exact same number of uses, with that number usually being 20?

- Why do archers not strike back in melee combat? They could at least strike back with their bow or even their fists or something!

- How do hand axes return to their user after being thrown?

- Why can you not be good friends with more than one partner?

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- Why do steel weapons break earlier than iron weapons? Steel is a tougher metal than iron, after all.

- Why do weapons always break after the exact same number of uses, with that number usually being 20?

- Why do archers not strike back in melee combat? They could at least strike back with their bow or even their fists or something!

- How do hand axes return to their user after being thrown?

- Why can you not be good friends with more than one partner?

Because they don't want you to have more of a stronger weapon.

Because the # shows exactly how many uses are left.

They aren't sensible enough.



Why do Magic Tomes wear out? It appears they wear out simply from getting read!

Every spell rips a page.

Why don't rescued units ever fall off wyverns?


Why are Boots consumed when used?

They are either worn or a medicine.

Obviously because getting hit hard enough makes you tougher.

I got my arm cut off so I'm stronger?

Why are units who have had swords slice them, axes chop them, and lances spear them able to fight as long as their "hp" is up enough? Someone gets their leg cut off by an axe. Can a silly staff heal that? How can the units take so much beating? After 5 hours in the arena, how can they keep going? Fatigue system, but that is onlyi n one game.

Edited by Robert
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Where the hell did Devdan disappear to after FE9? (because as we all know, Danved is not Devdan)

How come Lekain and Numida can use Light magic, when supposedly only good people can use it?

What caused Largo to lose one of his arms between FE's 9 and 10?

How come Titania can use lances in FE9, but can't in FE10?

What does Astrid see in Makalov?

How does Ilyana manage to remain so thin, even though she eats so much food?

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Here's one... How come FE final bosses are always so easy to take down? The least they could do is put of more of a fight, and provide a very good challenge.

I know Ashnard and Ashera did put up more of a fight, but it really wasn't that much of a fight to make them both legitimately hard.

Edited by Little Al
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How come Lekain and Numida can use Light magic, when supposedly only good people can use it?

How does Ilyana manage to remain so thin, even though she eats so much food?

Because they serve the goddess of order. I don't think you have to be good to use light magic, you just have to serve one or more of the ruling deities of that continent.

Dunno... high metabolism?

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Here's one... How come FE final bosses are always so easy to take down? The least they could do is put of more of a fight, and provide a very good challenge.

I know Ashnard and Ashera did put up more of a fight, but it really wasn't that much of a fight to make them both legitimately hard.

Because one of the bosses you listed actually, you know, MOVES.

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I got one, how come the enemies in later chapters are stronger than bosses in early chapters.

ex. Why didn't Ashnard send some of the units he had in Melior to attack your mercenary base? They could have totally pwned you.

Edited by Ragnell
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How the hell Pirates/Zerkers walk on the water? They use boats? Then why can't every unit walk on the water as well?

And if they swim, how the hell can they attack?

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How the hell Pirates/Zerkers walk on the water? They use boats? Then why can't every unit walk on the water as well?

And if they swim, how the hell can they attack?

They tie their axes to their heads to look like sharks when swimming.

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They tie their axes to their heads to look like sharks when swimming.

Sounds reasonable enough.

Also, Ilyana is like one of those models, she eats to later puke it all out. gross

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What caused Largo to lose one of his arms between FE's 9 and 10?

Fighting bandits/pirates/feral laguz maybe?

Someone gets their leg cut off by an axe. Can a silly staff heal that?

Staffs are magic, they heal open wounds, don't know if they can reattach limbs though. Probably not, because if they could, Callil would just use one on Largo when he lost his arm...

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Fighting bandits/pirates/feral laguz maybe?

Staffs are magic, they heal open wounds, don't know if they can reattach limbs though. Probably not, because if they could, Callil would just use one on Largo when he lost his arm...

Calill could only use knives. If she had picked staves instead, maybe Largo would be in FE10.

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Because they serve the goddess of order. I don't think you have to be good to use light magic, you just have to serve one or more of the ruling deities of that continent.

In the weapon description for the Light tomes in RD, it says that they can be wielded only by those who choose to serve good. And Numida (with his oppression of Daein citizens) and Lekain (with the whole Blood Pact thingy) don't seem that good, to be frank.

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