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Unsolved mysteries of FE


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Calill could only use knives. If she had picked staves instead, maybe Largo would be in FE10.

Then that was a brain fart on my behalf...and yeah, he probably would if she hadnt picked knives.

In the weapon description for the Light tomes in RD, it says that they can be wielded only by those who choose to serve good. And Numida (with his oppression of Daein citizens) and Lekain (with the whole Blood Pact thingy) don't seem that good, to be frank.

That's true...wierd weapon description then.

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How does light magic wound/kill? I wouldnt be surprised if dark magic basically sucked the life out of people, but light magic is just a big bright flash.

Light magic is lasers.

This more applies to the GBA Brave weapons, but... How does a weapon that lets you attack twice as often weigh so much?

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How do units build "RES" to elements? Fire's going to burn you, lightning should shock you, and wind is retarded compared to those two.

Why doesn't FE10 Rexflame kill everything?

Where do the meteors come from when you use the meteor tome?

Is Anna a time lord?

How do vulneraries work?

Why are all bandit chief assistants ugly?


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How do units build "RES" to elements? Fire's going to burn you, lightning should shock you, and wind is retarded compared to those two.
I'm guessing Res is like a magical force field or something that repels some of the magic shot at you.
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How do vulneraries work?
You rub it on your wounds and makes it go away.
Why doesn't Levin age? My guess is that he's the Denzel Washington of FE. They both don't age.
He died after Battle of Bahara against Manfloy, then the wind god revived him and possessed his body. (If I recall correctly.) Edited by Jason W.
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That's true...wierd weapon description then.

Nothing in the descriptions reflected the game, as much as the amount of fancy over concept that was invested in the words--more is rambling that actually ends up contradicting what the items do because of semantics (see Mist's weapon).

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How do vulneraries work?

You rub it on your wounds and makes it go away.

I always thought vulneraries were meant to be consumed...they heal from the inside. If not, that would make my "getting high off vulneraries" joke obsolete. (I know, I have a weird sense of humor.)

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For the defense growth, I'm imagining that it, together with heath growth, represents the total stamina those characters have. Naturally the more you exercise, the more your stamina increases.

Unfortunately I can't think of a better explanation than that.

Edited by Little Al
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If Chainey gets pregnant-- Nah, even Ramna 1/2 jokes get old.

Why does the enemy wait nice and still until the end of your phase?

GenericEnemySoldier(Bob): Uhh, captain they're killing us. Shouldn't we attack?

GenericEnemyCaptain(Jack): No.

Bob: But--

Jack: I SAID NO.

-Enemy Phase-

Bob: Now?

Jack: Eh, none of them are in our range.

Bob: But sir! YES THEY ARE.

Jack: You take care of them. I don't feel like getting up.

-Player Phase-


Jack: Well they're coming after me. Let me give my two generic lines of the game followed by my death quote.

Bob: Can I leave after you're dead?

Jack: Who said you were going to outlive me?


-Enemy Phase-

Jack: They're in position just out of my 1-2 range. Curse them and those bonuses they gain from supports!

Jack: Hey, maybe I could get a support too...

Jack: Hey Bob!

Jack: Oh wait...

-Player Phase-

Jack: "[Generic Death Quote]" *dies*

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This more applies to the GBA Brave weapons, but... How does a weapon that lets you attack twice as often weigh so much?

Maybe it stuns the person after the first hit so you have time to hit them again, but because it's so heavy you have to take a break and they somehow recover.

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Better yet, why is there a growth rate for luck?

I actually think this makes some amount of sense- more time fighting = more situational knowledge of how battles flow, maybe slightly better positioning/teamwork that saves your life by a hair, something like that.

Edited by Rehab
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I actually think this makes some amount of sense- more time fighting = more situational knowledge of how battles flow, maybe slightly better positioning/teamwork that saves your life by a hair, something like that.

That's the Skill/Speed stats.

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Luck growth does make some sense, though. Luck can change for the better, though it can change for the worse as well. Just imagine the luck stat increasing and decreasing at random.

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Maybe it stuns the person after the first hit so you have time to hit them again, but because it's so heavy you have to take a break and they somehow recover.

Maybe it's so heavy when you swing it the momentum spins you completely around and you hit again.

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Why do criticals do so much more damage?

How do people survive millions of axes in their heads?

How come units could only use specific weapons even if their lives are at stake?

How are units as big as mountains yet they are also as big as thrones? O.o

How do you rescue somebody who is mounted?

How does supports increase stats?

Why are boots so rare?

Yeah... that's all for now.

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I actually think this makes some amount of sense- more time fighting = more situational knowledge of how battles flow, maybe slightly better positioning/teamwork that saves your life by a hair, something like that.

That's the Skill/Speed stats.

I imagine speed is straight up reaction time/limberness, and skill is more use of your weapon specifically.

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I actually think this makes some amount of sense- more time fighting = more situational knowledge of how battles flow, maybe slightly better positioning/teamwork that saves your life by a hair, something like that.

That's the Skill/Speed stats.

I imagine speed is straight up reaction time/limberness, and skill is more use of your weapon specifically.

Which are both applications of creating a situation beneficial to you.

Luck would be accidentally tripping on a twig and then falling on your own sword.

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Why is there a growth rate for defense.

Obviously because getting hit hard enough makes you tougher.

Unless you're an archer who never gets attacked, and your DEF goes up. Then I guess you're taking drugs.

Oh yeah? Then Callil must be f*cking tough to have the same growth rate Ike has for DEF (In PoR).

Why do Magic Tomes wear out? It appears they wear out simply from getting read!

Every spell rips a page.

That doesn't explain things...how can a huge and heavy book like Fenrir(FE7, 8) has 20 uses, the same goes for many other sacred tomes...

And it looks like Ilyana and Tormod went for some weight lifting in the 3 years to RD.

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