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(Just my opinion)

People you should probably focus on.

Eliwood (not mandatory to raise your lords unless if you want to skip Lloyd's chapter though I recommend raising Hector)



Sain (I prefer Sain over Kent)


Serra (if can bear her 5 movement)


Canas (he's alright)


Heath and Fiora (if you like flyers)

Florina (if you don't mind giving her some kills)


Dart (I recommend using him on Hector's mode because of a free Ocean Seal on the desert level)

Rebecca (if you don't mind feeding her kills)

Lucius (he has great resistance and great magic)

People that you should use depending on your strategy.

Lowen (he's average though he has great HP and Defense if you want a mobile tank)

Marcus (he's pretty good throughout the whole game, use him for weakening people)

Isadora (she can be used for weakening people despite her low con she has alright speed.)

Louise (if you want another archer in your part she's decent)

Rath (if playing for ranks you can level him to boost EXP rank he's also good)

Matthew and Legault (they should be assigned to do thieves stuff nothing else)

Harken or Karel (both are good though Harken is better due to having a brave weapon and axes)

So.. yeah pretty much what everyone said that most people are usable in this game and also almost all characters in this game are usable so don't worry too much about selection.

Other things I could think of that might help you.

Marcus is a great unit just don't over use him.

This game is quite easy

Sidequest are not mandatory unless if you want Canas or more exp.

Not sure if you started but you are forced to do Lyn's mode first (tutorial) then Eliwood then Hector's mode (which is most enjoyable for me)

Eliwood's mode has lower limit of people you can deploy than Hector's mode

Hector's mode has different cutscenes

and yeah use this page http://serenesforest.net/fe7/gaiden.htm

Edited by Jason W.
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If you want a nomadic trooper in your team, the problem with Rath is he comes underleveled and late in Eliwood's and Hector's mode and can barley gain any exp in Lyn's mode.

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He's actually a spy for Ostia (which will be introduced later on) like reporting events to his superiors. Also I forgot what map it was but when you get Lucius you can have Matthew visit a house and reveal more plot stuff. (if you want to see it

skip to :44) Edited by Jason W.
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Matthew's that important?

Anyway, I just got Wallace (I'm already that far in) and I saw his Knight Crest. I was like "yay, Sain/Kent can promote now!" and he says "I want to use it!"

Fuck him.

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Matthew's that important?

Anyway, I just got Wallace (I'm already that far in) and I saw his Knight Crest. I was like "yay, Sain/Kent can promote now!" and he says "I want to use it!"

Fuck him.

http://serenesforest.net/fe7/hints_tips.htm (scroll to the bottom) it'll might take a while to do that. meh matthew's not really important to the story just another character with a story.

Edited by Jason W.
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(it's been a while since I played FE7) If I recall they only keep their levels but they will not keep their stuff so if you got stat boosters and don't mind ranks then use it. (though if you get a high rank in funds in Lyn's mode she starts out with a white gem)

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Either one is fine though Dorcas might be better cause his durability is better than Bartre and his lol 3 speed, but Dorcas only has 20% speed growth if you don't mind that. Bartre requires babying for him to be good later on. Karla is only recruited on Hector's mode btw.

Edited by Jason W.
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I'll probably go with Dorcas since he actually has hit. (Bartre had worse hit than a Bandit with an Iron Axe. Bartre also had an Iron Axe). Though I'll arena abuse Bartre for Karla.

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My advice for your first playthrough is:

Don't take advice. Figure out your favorite characters without worrying about growth stats and stuff.


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My advice for your first playthrough is:

Don't take advice. Figure out your favorite characters without worrying about growth stats and stuff.


That's basically what I did... I don't think I even had an internet connection when I first owned this game. I had my head screwed on during my first playthgough, so I didn't do too badly... From what I remember, anyway.

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Rebecca might be better because she can double often than Wil though I kinda prefer Wil because he might get higher strength than Rebecca though his speed is quite low, it's up to you if you want a unit with faster speed or unit that does more damage but pretty low speed, or both if you want two archers on your team.

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For archers, neither Wil nor Rebecca is bad, but you might want to consider taking Rebecca instead of Wil. Wil has more HP, STR and DEF, but Rebecca has more SKL and SPD, and archers are not really supposed to tank enemies and take hits anyway. So, Rebecca doubles pretty much everything reliably after a few level ups, while Wil might have trouble with it sometimes. This is where supports come into play - Rebecca's affinity is a hell of a lot better than Wil's, especially for her potential partners. Also, supports, as well as stronger weapons, can easily fix Rebecca's slightly inferior raw Atk, whereas they can't fix Wil's inferior SPD.

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Though I'll arena abuse Bartre for Karla.

This was mentioned in the post above yours, but I'll just say it anyway, just to be sure.

Karla (and Farina) are only available in Hector Mode. You can not get them in Eliwood mode.

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That means I wasted that Angelic Robe and Energy Ring...

Should I use Dorcas, Bartre or dump both? (I know I will need Bartre for Karla, though)

Also, that Energy Ring that you've used is the only one in the game. You only get the second one by data transfer only by the Mario Kart Double Dash bonus disk.

Lyn will need the Anglic Robe for the battles in the future.

It's actually easier to get a good rank in Funds in the Hard Mode than in normal because you can keep the Knight Crest and that by saving it, you can use the Angelic Robe without suffering any penalities fromm your funds rank.

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My advice for your first playthrough is:

Don't take advice. Figure out your favorite characters without worrying about growth stats and stuff.


That's basically what I did... I don't think I even had an internet connection when I first owned this game. I had my head screwed on during my first playthgough, so I didn't do too badly... From what I remember, anyway.

Now that you mentioned it, same here.

And I realized that I didn't let any characters die either, back then.

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The character that never should be benched would be Lucius, I give him a straight 10 out of 10 ;) .

He is probaly the most fragile character in the game against physical units, but he PAWNS against other magic users, give him 1 or 2 Dragonshields because he is actually even more fragile than Serra and Prissy, Goddes Icons if you wish, he is going to need a little luck for higher avoidance later on.

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If he is made of paper and almost nobody else is, he's not the best, now is he?

That's what I said when recommending him, just give him the two goddes icons you get, he will need it.

Or use the terrain bonus.

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