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Best/Worst on the forums Round 1

luigi bros

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Please vote for what YOU think is the best/worst on the forums for this round. The round will last for about three days, after which I will tally the votes, and will add the top three to a list in the opening post of the next topic.

It would be nice if you nominate ideas for when I'm out of them. I'll keep track of the nominations. Please nominate only once a round.

Please remeber to nominate. Also, if your vote is not for one person/thing/etc, it will be thrown out.


Best/Worst Sub Forum

Best/Worst Skin

Best/Worst Smiley

Best/Worst User Signature

Best/Worst User Avatar

I vote

Best:Far From the Forest...

Worst:Serious Discussion

Edited by luigi bros
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I agree with you on the votes but I don't think we should directly insult moderators or users. *is implying that I don't want to be voted for worst/least known member 100 times*

I agree. I'll remove them.

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Serious? At best it's a popularity contest dude. It's not serious anywhere.

Edited by Rehab
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I got rid of Best/Worst User and Moderator. It's only a popularity contest on the users' profiles and I'm hoping for no bias. All Best/Worst Polls are a popularity contest anyways.

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I nominate Hikarusa for the position of Best Shitposter, and myself for the Worst


Wait, is being the best shitposter a good thing or a bad thing? Well either way ilu.

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Best/Worst Sub Forum: Serious Discussion/No Worst

Best/Worst Skin: IPB 3 Upgrade/Magical Purple

Best/Worst Smiley: :awesome: / :Wrys:

Best/Worst User Signature: Pride/No worst (I don't pay too much attention to sigs unless it's a funny one

Best/Worst User Avatar: Mine/Others

Edited by Old Snake
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Skill at blowjobs: best: Cynthia, worst: Sirius, honorable mention: Namie Amuro, Matthew O'Connell


Best/Worst Sub Forum: Srs Discussion/That one for Brawl because I never visit it

Best/Worst Skin: Dunno lol

Best/Worst Smiley: dunno lol

Best/Worst User Signature: Eltoshen/All the ones saying "I claimed THIS MASSIVE LIST OF CHARACTERS" except for Hika's

Best/Worst User Avatar: Hika/people with gay avatars

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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