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Bon Giorno

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*Meanwhile, Bartre tosses EJ out of the restaurant*

Bartre: This is a Restaurant, not a fast food joint!

But.. Your boss said I could order anything..

Yeah, well, I implied it to mean anything you might actually find at a high end restaurant. You're not gonna find a Whopper at Hell's Kitchen, would you?

Well.. If they're well rounded, yes.

(I don't like Whoppers actually, mayonnaise... Ugh..)

Hold on.

What's your opnion on sour cream?

Eww. That's all I have to say.

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*Meanwhile, Bartre tosses EJ out of the restaurant*

Bartre: This is a Restaurant, not a fast food joint!

But.. Your boss said I could order anything..

Yeah, well, I implied it to mean anything you might actually find at a high end restaurant. You're not gonna find a Whopper at Hell's Kitchen, would you?

Well.. If they're well rounded, yes.

(I don't like Whoppers actually, mayonnaise... Ugh..)

Hold on.

What's your opnion on sour cream?

Eww. That's all I have to say.

I see.





Don, I put my full weight behind this guy. I say he eats what he wants, how he wants. Anyone who can't stand sour cream is a friend of mine.

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*Meanwhile, Bartre tosses EJ out of the restaurant*

Bartre: This is a Restaurant, not a fast food joint!

But.. Your boss said I could order anything..

Yeah, well, I implied it to mean anything you might actually find at a high end restaurant. You're not gonna find a Whopper at Hell's Kitchen, would you?

Well.. If they're well rounded, yes.

(I don't like Whoppers actually, mayonnaise... Ugh..)

Hold on.

What's your opnion on sour cream?

Eww. That's all I have to say.

I see.





Don, I put my full weight behind this guy. I say he eats what he wants, how he wants. Anyone who can't stand sour cream is a friend of mine.

Maybe, but he's been getting on my nerves for a while now.

...Aw, hell, fine, he'll be allowed in. At 9 times the normal charge.

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*walks in to the restaurant*

I'd like to order the Lasagna, please. And while I'm waiting, could someone please bring over the wine list, as I'm parched.

Dorcas: I'm sorry, but you need to pay the entrance fee in order to enter the restaurant to order...

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*waits impatiently for the wine list to arrive*

*Meanwhile, off to the side...*

Cain: What do you think that guy's waiting for?

Abel: The menu? Like hell I'm lugging that thing all over...

Cain: Maybe he's waiting for the wine list.

Abel: Are you kidding? The wine list is just as big!

Cain: ...That exlains why it's taking so long to get it all to the cellar...

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This place is going down.

Ah, there that axe is!

*Picks it up and buries it in Rob's skull.*

Heya, Pride. Call Sawyer, please.

*places napkin on table*


Didja really have to boss?

*calls Sawyer*

Yeah, uptown...

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Rob gets up and removes axe. This place is going to be closed because of:v8q001.jpg

Yes, anyone who ate here may contract deadly diseases. You are all screwed.

2retr7t.jpg is not cain.

This is cain:2uhtt9f.png

You were fooled.

Edited by Robert
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Rob gets up and removes axe. This place is going to be closed because of:v8q001.jpg

Yes, anyone who ate here may contract deadly diseases. You are all screwed.

2retr7t.jpg is not cain.

This is cain:2uhtt9f.png

You were fooled.

...Zombie drug addicts are not allowed within this establishment. Boys, take im' away.

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