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FE: Wings of Courage


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EDIT: Oh, and here are sprites:


This is assuming his animations promote to Assassin.

Erm, what the fuck? That's mine. >_>

That's not even an Assassin, for Christ's sake.

Edited by Ninji
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EDIT: Oh, and here are sprites:


This is assuming his animations promote to Assassin.

Erm, what the fuck? That's mine. >_>

That's not even an Assassin, for Christ's sake.

Dont worry, the only part of that sheet I'll use are the mugs.

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LOL, really? Sorry, my spriting skills are still novice level, I thought I'd just google a set. It's fine.


you better not tell me you've made this one too!

Oh, and this is he new Kurda. I also might make one more person if that is okay- either an evil female Heron (:0) or a Stefan-like female Wolf character; not in regards to class, but as a hidden character- I guess.

Edited by OliverXRenning
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you better not tell me you've made this one too!

Of course not. I have no skills when it comes to spriting whatsoever. It was made for me, not by me.

Also, instead of just taking random mugshots without asking, you should ask someone to make a mug for you.

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Aurabolt: A draggy! Nice. Added Carbina, Terra, and Mark. Didnt add Serenity simply because fighter is a male only class.

Mark's a Swordmaster and according to your list you're full on those. Hmm...I'd pefer Serenity being an Axe user who isn't mounted. If that's not possible make her an Axe Knight or Thunder Mage.

Sidenote: How come only Males can be fighters? Titania favors Axes and she looks good using one, too XD

I got three more chars I'd like thrown in if you need 'em:

Name: Midas (also known as Lionheart)

Gender: Male

Race: Laguz

Class: Lion

Affinity: Anima (Fire)

Country: Gallia

Personality: Cunning and opportunistic. Likes to take point in skirmishes. Direct descendant of Soan.


Midas, also known Lionheart was believed to suceed Gallia's throne. When the battle to decide Gallia's next king came, Midas was not present. Instead, he was in Serenes Forest, where he found the Heron Nation had been wiped out be a Begnion mob. That was the last image he recalled seeing, as when he turned to go, a strange Beorc knocked him unconscious. He awoke sometime later in Crimea. The Crimean royal family considered Gallia an important ally and thus informed the newly crowned King Cainghis of what happened to Midas. When he returned to Gallia, he could recall nothing from the time he arrived in Serenes Forest to when he awoke in Crimea.

When Princess Elincia came to Gallia after Crimea's fall, Midas left by himself in the hopes of finding out more of what had happened to Serenes Forest. Upon hearing word Tibarn was looking after the Heron King, he departed for Phoenicis. He arrived in time to see Tibarn and his personal guard rush from the island nation in a hurry in the direction of Begnion. Not wanting to waste an opportunity, he bought the services of a Phoenician hunter and traveled to Begion. It was here he learned Prince Reyson had been betrayed by a friend of his and Tibarn's and was now being held captive by a Begnion noble. Mercenaries hired by Begnion's Empress forced their way into the nobleman's estate and reached Prince Reyson at the same time Midas arrived. Refusing aid from the Empress's men, Reyson and Midas fled into the woods.

Tibarn arrived and upon learning Princess Leanne had survived the massacre, added his strength to the mercenaries, defeating the nobleman's army and defending the Herons at the same time. Leanne sensed the Seid Magic used on Midas and asked him about it (for some reason, Midas can understand the Heron Language like Tibarn, Naesala and Nealouch). When he told her his story, she said only a Heron had the power to place so powerful a seal on someone's memories. If the Heron in question died, the enchantment should vanish but if Midas' remained then the Heron who did it must still be living.

After the Mad King's War, Midas met with Azariah, the Heron King where he learned of Lehran's Medallion. Supposedly, an evil goddess was sealed inside the Medallion and could only be restrained with Seid Magic. The Empress of Begnion, Sanaki was charged with looking after the medallion, also called the Fire Emblem. He decides to travel to the Imperial Capital and meet with the Empress herself. As the last surviving direct descendant of Soan, one of the three heroes, his chances of being seen should be pretty good.

Name: Katrin

Gender: Female

Race: Beorc

Class: Sentinel

Affinity: Light

Country: Begnion

Personality: Passive. Prefers to defend allies in battle. Zelgius' mother.


Before she became pregnant, Katrin was a priestess in the service of Empress Mishiah (Sanaki's grandmother). When Duke Sephirain learned of her pregnancy, he could sense the mixure of Beorc and Laguz in the child well before its birth. Immediately, he banished her from the palace and for her own protection, had her sent to live in Daein for the remainder of her pregnancy. She gave birth to a son she named Zelgius. A few days after giving birth, she disappeared in the middle of the night. Zelgius would grow up never knowing his birth mother until much later in life.

It happened by chance in Crimea during The Mad King's War. After she abandoned her newborn son, Katrin found work as a bodyguard. To hide her ties to Begnion, she trained in the Daen Army for a time, working her way up as a squire under Tauroneo but left when Daein invaded Crimea. Soon after Princess Elincia escaped via the sea for Begnion, she saw the Black Knight remove his helmet. She was so surprised to see who he was, she dropped her spear. Realizing he wasn't alone, Zelgius looked at her and knew who she was. Words were needless to know how either felt about the chance encounter.

She learned that although Zelgius was the commander of the knights of Begnion, as the Black Knight he was one of Daein's Four Riders. That was the last time she saw him. Sometime later, she learned the Black Knight had been defeated by Ike. When she returned to Begnion for the first time since her banishment, she was relieved to see Zelgius was alive. He told her he had just enough warping powder to escape after the building collapsed, though he had been wounded in his haste. Almost instinctively, she held out a Mend Staff and healed his wounds, much to her own surprise. She had been told her healing abilities would leave her over time but it would seem they remained. When Sanaki learns of her ability, she adds her to her personal guard alongside Sigrun and Tanith.

Recruitment: Up to you.

Name: Jenna

Gender: Female

Race: Beorc

Class: Shaman-->Druid-->Necromancer

Affinity: Dark

Country: Daein

Personality: Anti-Social. Likes to attack weaker foes first. Friend of Pelleas.


When King Ashnard captured Ragion, he ordered his alchemists to make the Dragon Laguz into a mount for him. She was the one who created the concoction that led to his transformation though she let Izuka take the credit. When The Greil Mercenaries led an assault on the tower where she and Izuka manufactured Feral Ones for Daein, she grabbed the Summoner's Warp Powder and teleported to safety. In her haste to escape capture she came upon a blue-haired man named Pelleas. An orphan herself, she agreed to help Pelleas forge a pact with a powerful spirit. The ritual was successful, but not everything went as planned. Pelleas was injured and fell into a coma for several weeks. The entire time she stayed by his side. One day, Izuka came to her claiming Pelleas was Ashnard's secret son and the rightful King of Daein.

Despite their past with the previous king, she agreed to help Pelleas seize power, which involved The Silver-Haired Maiden. Suffice to say, their plan worked and Daein won its independence from Begnion. While she was away, King Pelleas made a Blood Pact with Senator Lekain of Begnion. When he told her, she left for Begnion to assassinate the senator and destroy the document. Upset at their defeat at the hands of Daein, Begnion soldiers subdued her and threw her in prison. Here, is surprised to find another Senator held prisoner.

Recruitment: Up to you.

Again, I leave it to you as to weather or not you wanna use them XD

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This hack isn't based on the Radiant Dawn game. It's a completely new game.



Name: Azhozn (Pronounced: AH-jo-zin)

Gender: Female

Race: Laguz

Class: Heron

Affinity: Dark

Country: Serenes Forest

Personality: Born from the same father as the other three herons, yet banished because of a prophecy among Heron culture, Azhozn grew up as a bad apple- first a dabble in light magic, but soon she used this power to further her own gains. Believing she could make herself stronger by killing and absorbing the other heron's powers, this drives Azhozn to madness, as she works behind the scenes to draw the herons to he. She instigates the razing of her own home by telling senators of Misaha's secret; urged Sephiran/Lehran to work to bring down humanity, and much more. She's a temptress in disguise, not afraid to kill, deceive, or even seduce her victims into her grasp.

History: A story is told in the heron tribe that once out of one hundred years, a single heron is born from the ruler. This record would be lost forever to time, until King Lorazieh gave birth to not three- but four- heron children. However, one of these children had on them a strange mark- the mark of Ashera's Disfavor- which horrified the Heron King. So in secret, he had sent this omen of a child to a far-away fort between the Phoenicia-Goldoan ocean. Left for dead, the infant remained defenseless for her first few days. By her third day, she had managed to eat her own clothes. Trapped in this place, freakish monsters approached this small girl to kill and eat her. However, they were blinded by this girl's damnable power, her potential evil unmatched. She escaped that fort with the worst memories one could dream up. All for the sake of getting back at the world who abandoned her.

This nameless girl, who was beautiful by any regard, traveled to Phoenicias after seducing her way onto a pirate vessel- and killing the members- so she may learn of current events. The girl remembered a name in her head, Sephiran; among many names, she discovered this one was a Prime Minister of Begnion. To learn a heron was with the Apostle's court could mean one thing to the girl- she meant much to him. After planting seeds of a rumor that one of the higher-ups was a Branded, she then traveled back to the Serenes, disguised as a Phoenician traveler, when she was caught off guard by a Begnion mob several months later. Upon seeing her home, all these names being called, she only laughed in response. This birthed her name, Azhozn: maniacal laughter. She remained behind the scenes, but she raged when she heard of Ike's victory over Ashnard. Now, she will further plant the seeds of chaos for this new Nyra girl...

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Aurabolt: I was tired when I wrote that...didn't pay much attention, therefore I didnt take Mark being a swordmaster into consideration. As for fighter being male only: Titania uses axes because she's a paladin, not a fighter. Who knows, I might change my mind later.

Oliverxrenning: That is one evil heron. She probably wont be a unit due to that, but it'd be interesting to make her a boss or something.

No more character submissions for now...

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Yeah, I was hoping for that. Certainly not playable! Maybe as a secret character like with FE8's Monster Maps. But that would be awkward to animate...

But that's awesome too. I won't ask for a character specific magic tome, but if I had a preference, a combination of the power of Verrine of FE11, and the effect of Flux in FE8, wherein the attack ignores resistance. But it can be a light magic, so it can follow the Heron rule of attack. So yeah, this would make a challenging boss if she had a high RES and AVO %.

But I won't ask that much.

EDIT: Oh, and is anyone willing to work on supports with each other? So we can keep thread activity up...

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EDIT: Oh, and is anyone willing to work on supports with each other? So we can keep thread activity up...

Okay, though I think we should know a little more of the story for this. After all, supports can be about anything, even the current events of the story.

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Yeah, a heron boss...how uber is that? She'll have the two heron magics: Shining Spell(attack) and Vigor Spell(the "give an ally an extra turn" thing).

All I can say is it's a good thing there's only one of her. It'd be pretty annoying for all the enemies to get an extra turn. She can either use Vigor Spell on one of her troops or attack the player during her turn.

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Ohhhh, maybe a long ranged Vigor spell that not only targets a single foe within ten spaces of her, but can also affect any adjacent enemy TO the selected foe.

Dheg has competition for best boss.

EDIT: Also, if supports can be about anything, then why not do something OTHER than the story? We might not know much, but I'd say formal introductions are okay.

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Ohhhh, maybe a long ranged Vigor spell that not only targets a single foe within ten spaces of her, but can also affect any adjacent enemy TO the selected foe.

Sorry, no long ranged vigor spells.

You guys can start writing supports between your charries if you want.

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Ah, like a "I know how you feel," Branded conversations? Maybe with people of two different backgrounds...

EDIT: Also, and I know this is probably improbable to implement, but there's no option for a Heron Branded. Maybe like a growth bonus of +5% RES.

That's just me though.

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EDIT: Also, and I know this is probably improbable to implement, but there's no option for a Heron Branded. Maybe like a growth bonus of +5% RES.

That's just me though.

Herons belong to the bird tribe. That would be +5% speed growth bonus then.

Ah, like a "I know how you feel," Branded conversations? Maybe with people of two different backgrounds...

Yes, that is the idea. Well, not exactly, since unlike most branded, he didn't learned it the hard way.

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Wouldn't the beast and dog tribes, effectively, be the same?

Well, they should, but it seems OrangeDragon will have them as separate tribes.

Maybe because of the quantity of Laguz types it will have treated as a whole.

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