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FE: Wings of Courage


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Heron brandeds would fall under the bird branded category, so what Acadia said is right. The dog tribe is there because it doesnt make sense to have wolves in the beast tribe. Not only would that make the beast tribe have four classes when the others have three, but they'd be the lone canine in a tribe of felines.

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Hrmm, fair. I guess its just that in RD, they differentiate the Heron Branded as their own separate branded.

Really? But at the epilogue Tibarn mentioned about how all the bird clans (and mentioned the Hawks, Ravens, and Herons) would be returning to Serenes.

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I dunno, I just see the Herons as completely different from the Hawk Tribes.

If I may, I could come up with more SPECIFIC growth bonuses for Branded.

EDIT: Sort of something like this:

Cats get +5 in SPD

Tigers get +2.5 in SPD and +2.5 in STR

Lions get +5 in STR

Oh, and do you want sprites for Azhozn, or do you have a grasp on what she'd look like?

Edited by OliverXRenning
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If I may, I could come up with more SPECIFIC growth bonuses for Branded.

EDIT: Sort of something like this:

Cats get +5 in SPD

Tigers get +2.5 in SPD and +2.5 in STR

Lions get +5 in STR

Maybe switch the tigers' and lions' growth bonuses. Since Lions are the most powerful of the beasts, they should be the ones with the balanced benefit, I think.

Or maybe full bonus in another stat, like HP?

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Aww, okay. I guess it'd be worse than Dheg's shockwave, eh?

But anyway, maybe I could have a support with Ether or Jenna. Personal preference really...

Do you mean something like a boss convo.Since you probably won`t end up as a PC.

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Hmm...crap. Can I request Mark Anthony as an NPC? I just realized the confusion naming him has caused >.>;

Supports...ok, here's mine. I'll edit this post over the next few days until I'm done. Before I proceed, which of the cast of PoR/RD will be in this game?

Serenity x Terra:

Level C:

S: Oh, hi mom!

T: Hello yourself, dear. How are you holding up?

S: Just fine. I try to take down foes as quick as possible, you know?

T: Just be mindful of enemy swordsmen. I may use a bow but I can't watch you all the time.

S: I know, I know. You know, I've been getting better and better at fighting. Not that I'm enjoying it but I've just been getting better.

T: The fact that you're still alive is proof enough for me. Keep improving and you might even be a match for Ike.

S: You really think so?

T: I don't see why not. The sky's the limit, right?

S: In that case, I'm gonna go practice right away! *Runs off*

T: Serenity! Ike, please go easy on her...

Level B:

S: *Sigh*

T: You ok, Serenity?

S: Yeah...I fought Ike. He was tough.

T: At least you're still standing! Oscar and Rolf tell me he doesn't hold back when he spars.

S: You can say that again! Still...he was no match for me.

T (shocked): Wait--you beat him?!

S (unsurprised): Of course. I have you to thank, too. If I was able to beat Ike in a duel, then there isn't a swordsman alive who can beat my axe!

T: Maybe so, but what about Laguz? There's many different kinds and all of the ones in our lot have a lot of experience fighting Beorc.

S: Well, I've beaten Carbina before. Maybe I should challenge Tibarn, Naesala or Caineghis... *Leaves*

T (mournful): Ashera help me...

Level A:

S (excited): WHOO-HOO!

T: What is it this time?

S: I beat Naesala!

T (unamused): The king of crows? Are you sure he didn't pay you to say that?

S: Nope! I got Tibarn and Ranulf to witness the fight. He's strong, but I brought him to the ground.

T: How did you do that?

S: Well see, when he dove at me I jumped on his back. He flew high and fast to try to shake my loose but I held on fast!

T (horrified): You must have been terrified!

S: Yeah, but I knew Tibarn would've helped me out if I fell. Anyway, He flies up again really, really high. He's going so high and so fast the sky turned from clear blue to black. It was like how the skies look at night. All around us there were thousands and thousands of stars. It was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen...

T: ...

S: It brought a whole new meaning to the word "The sky's the limit". I was brought back to reality when Naesala suddenly reverted back to his human form Apparently, he passed out or something. That's when we began to free-fall back to the ground! Luckily, Tibarn and some of his men saw us and rescued us. Since Naesala was still out of it when we returned to the ground, I won the duel.

T (hugs Serenity): My dear, sweet child. Now I know you can take care of yourself.

S (Embarrassed): Mom! Not in front on the guys!

Carbina x Katrin

C: Hey.

K: Oh, hello. You're Carbina, right? I've heard about you.

C: And I, you. A pleasure to meet you.

K: The pleasure is mine. It's nice to finally meet the sister of my son's father.

C (surprised): Who?

K: My son, Zelgius was sired by a Dragon Laguz named Nial. He told me he had a sister named Carbina.

C: I see. As you can probably tell, my brother and I are unlike most of our kind. While I lived in Goldoa, I took in a Beorc family. It's unheard of for outsiders in general to be allowed to live in Goldoa, let alone Beorc. In fact, the last outsider allowed to live among us was Lehran.

K: You don't say? I didn't know that. I've traveled all over Tellius myself but most of what I know of Goldoa I've either read about or heard of from traveling Dragonkin.

C: I would love to hear more of what you've seen on your travels. Perhaps we can share stories sometime.

K: I would look forward to it.

Level B:

C: Oh, hello Katrin. How are you holding up?

K: Just fine. It helps that I was a healer before I became a soldier.

C (surprised): Really? You certainly have the build of someone accustomed to fighting.

K: I get that alot. That's why Empress Sanaki requested I serve as a member of her personal guard alongside Signrun and Tanith. I admit at times I wonder what Nial's up tp these days.

C: He came home briefly 5 years ago but left again. He said something about trying to traverse the wastelands east of Begnion and Daein.

K (shocked): You mean that wasteland?! Well, now I know where Zelgius gets his daring personality from. Still, that's going to be tough for him considering we broke the taboo. No offense.

C: None taken. When my brother came to me, he was unable to transform. Unlike most Laguz who break the taboo, he was optamistic. In fact, he told me the reason he was going to cross the wastelands was so he could find a way to restore himself. That's when something unexpected happened.

K: Really? What?

C: On the day of his departure, he transformed, and in front of King Dhegensia, at that!

K: That must have been quite a sight!

C: It was. You see...one of the king's daughters eloped with King Ashnard and sired a son. She hasn't been seen or heard from since she left us but it's assumed much of her powers were lost when she became pregnant. Because of the taboo and our customs, the lost princess is dead in the eyes of the king both for leaving and for mating with a Beorc.

K (distracted): That's...that's...!

C: I apologize if my story brought up memories your past, Katrin. That was not my intention. *Leaves*

K: Nial...Zelgius...please, forgive me...

Level A:

EDIT: This is the last one, I'll finish it later tonight.

Edited by Aurabolt
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Aww, okay. I guess it'd be worse than Dheg's shockwave, eh?

But anyway, maybe I could have a support with Ether or Jenna. Personal preference really...

Do you mean something like a boss convo.Since you probably won`t end up as a PC.

Blargh, no, I meant for Kurda's support options. But I'll need permission first- Azhozn would pribably have convo's with the herons, Ike, Micaiah, and probably Naesala.

But right now, Kurda is talking to Mist...


KurdaXMist Support C:

K: Hmm... dagger seems to be a bit rusty. Oh well, I could-

M: Umm... hi. You're Kurda, right? The guy who touched the medallion?

K: *Gr...* Y-Yes, why do you ask?

M: Well, it's just that only people with a whole lot of order can touch it! You must be a good person.

K: Hah, dream on, kid. The only thing I've done for good is switch sides. Everything that's happened is mine to blame.

M: Wh-What? How can you say that?!? You don't believe that do you?!?

K: It's fine. You wouldn't understand anyway... Mist. *Goes offscreen*

M: Poor Kurda- maybe touching the medallion turned him insane...

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I'm pretty sure most of the canon characters will be in. Therell be chapters where groups such as the Greil Mercenaries and the Dawn Brigade are partner units, so supports with canon characters are fine.

Just for shits and giggles, I'll show you guys the supports between one of the lord characters(my OC Cerai) and Boyd. It'll be a couple type ending...and yay for telepathic wyverns.

Lvl C

Cerai: You've been acting weird lately Blaze. Are you sick or something?

Blaze: No. I'm just disappointed.

Cerai: About what?

Blaze: I haven't seen Striker around here anywhere.

Cerai: Jill went back to Daein. Why would Striker be here, instead of with his rider?

Blaze: ...

Cerai: Wha?! Okay, who threw that?!

Boyd: Sorry!

Cerai: You're the first person I'd expect to be throwing sticks around.

Boyd: Actually I was training...

Cerai: For what? Some kind of stick throwing contest?

Boyd: No...I took a swing at a log and that stick flew off.

Cerai: Sounds like you need someone to spar with. I'm up for a quick match. Deal?

Boyd: Sure.

Cerai: Steed or no steed?

Boyd: Steed.

Cerai: You sure? It'll be a more even match if I'm on foot.

Boyd: I can hack it.

Cerai: Okay, but don't come crying to me if you lose...

Lvl B

Boyd: Those damn merchants...

Cerai: What'd Aimee do this time?

Boyd: Woah! Where'd you come from?

Cerai: My parents.

Boyd: Why didn't I expect you to say something like that...

Cerai: Beats me. You haven't answered my question by the way.

Boyd: Well believe it or not, Aimee's not the problem. Jorge was going to charge me two thousand gold for a forged axe.

Cerai: You asked for a silver one of a different color, right?

Boyd: Yeah...

Cerai: That's probably why. Silver's expensive. And I've heard the dye they use ain't that cheap either.

Boyd: I understand that, but he doesn't need to treat me like I've got money trees growing out of my ears!

Cerai: Thanks a lot, now I'm going to be laughing about that mental image all day.

Boyd: Eh?

Cerai: Money trees...ears...

Boyd: I guess that is funny now that I think about it. Well I guess I better go sell some of my old crap and buy some new crap.

Cerai: Okay, see ya.

Lvl A

Boyd: Hey Cerai?

Cerai: Yeah?

Boyd: I heard about the arrow in the wyvern's wing incident.

Cerai: Just about everybody here has.

Boyd: Well anyway. How bad is it? Is it bad enough to make her unable to fly?

Cerai: It wasn't that bad, luckily it just needed a few bandages. Wait a second...you actually knew Blaze was a she? That's impressive, considering how hard it is to tell.

Boyd: You tell everybody all the time.

Cerai: And they don't usually remember.

Boyd: I tend to remember random things...how do you tell the difference anyway?

Cerai: Males get a little bigger, but not by much. The easiest way to tell is their telepathic voice, if it sounds feminine, it's a female, and vice versa.

Boyd: I see. Well Rolf's been saying he's not going to shoot at wyvern riders from now on.

Cerai: Worried about missing and hitting wings, I'm assuming.

Boyd: Yeah. I told him he shouldn't be too concerned about enemy steeds...little brothers can be so weird.

Cerai: Twin brothers can be just as weird.

Boyd: You know I'm going to tell Leo you said that.

Cerai: Go ahead! He won't get too bent out of shape about it. I've gotta go feed Blaze now...the big lump won't catch her own food until her wing heals. *leaves screen*

Boyd: ...That one never sits still.

Edited by OrangeDragon
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That's cool. I'll finish Mist's supports right now before we can talk about whatever you want the conversation to be, Ether.


KurdaXMist Support B:

M: Kurda? Kurda!!! Where are-

K: What is it?

M: Ack! You scared me! I almost thought you were an enemy...

K: ............

M: Umm... listen... about our last talk... when you said I wouldn't understand-

K: Let me guess; you think you get me? You want to help me? You really are delusional. You can't help everyone, Mist, understand that.

M: I-I'm not a child! I know that, it's just- I think that you know, deep down, that EVERYTHING bad in the world isn't your fault. I mean, you calling ME delusional is a laugh.

K: You think you get me? You have no idea what I've been through- what I've caused.

M: Fine! If you wanna be all mad at me, go ahead! *Goes offscreen*

K: No, it's... damn, she's gone.

KurdaXMist Support A:

M: ...Go away. I don't wanna talk to you.

K: Mist, please. I just want to-

M: What, apologize, that "You can't help it? Everything that is bad happens to be your fault?"

K: No Mist... you were right this whole time.

M: Ex-Excuse me? Was your head hit by a hammer?

K: No... Mist, I've been abandoned by every person I've ever been close to. I didn't want to experience the pain I might have gave by being with somebody else. My parents left me because they thought I was bad luck. Hell, I joined the Daein Army years ago just to get them to lose!

M: You... what?!?

K: Mist, it was so I wouldn't let Ashnard get the medallion in his hands. I didn't want him to hurt anyone... To hurt you.

M: !!!

K: This... this is kind of awkward... I haven't really LIKED anyone before, but...

M: Kurda STAMMERING? This is a rarity. I must make you fall head over heels.

K: ...Yeah, you do.

M: Tee-hee!


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You're pairing Mist off with Kurda? Interesting. I always thought Mist x Rolf was a cute pairing. I'm not saying I dont like canon character and OC pairings, I did that with Cerai and Boyd, and as you can see they're a good personality match.

So...will you write a paired ending thing?

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Hrmm, it's not that I see a fit... I guess it's just obligatory, seeing as how because of the Fire Emblem, belonging to Mist at the time, gave Kurda a reason to fight.

But yeah, ending:

Kurda: Shadowy Martyr- Kurda, once the war was over, traveled to the far east and brought along his ever-faithful lover, Mist. Though Ike and the mercenaries objected to this action, they could not deny the happiness Kurda gave Mist, and vice versa.

Mist: Shade's Hope- Mist, once she realized her love for Kurda, wed with him at a Crimean altar, despite heavy disagreement. She cared not for their pleas, and traveled with her husband to the Hatari Desert- rumor has it they have started a friendly rival mercenary group...

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Is it too late to join? Oh and how will you get Trueblades in this? Wouldn't it be better to just do Myrmidon > Swordmaster? or Myrmidon > Trueblade?


I would prefer it if he came in the earlier chapters if you don't mind. If he can't then can you make him at quite a high level (14~16)

Name: Raphael

Class: Myrmidon > Swordmaster

Race: Branded (Wolf)

History: Grew up in Hatary/Hatari with his Auntie Nailah (Auntie by Mother). When he was 10 he left and became a lone wolf travelling through the lands. He has a love of women, and is a fan of the perverse ways. He is mystified by the moon.

Personality: Perverted, carefree, annoyed easily when angry, has a temper. He is quite brave I would say.

If appears in the early chapter (E) if appears later (L) and growth rate (G)

HP: (E)~26 (L)~36 (G)~70%

STR: (E)~8 (L)~15 (G)~60%

MAG: (E)~3 (L)~5 (G)~0%

SKL: (E)~9 (L)~16 (G)~60%

SPD: (E)~10 (L)~17 (G)~70%

LUCK: (E)~6 (L)~12 (G)~40%

DEF: (E)~4 (L)~10 (G)~30%

RES: (E)~3 (L)~8 (G)~20%

=350% Can lower it if you want.

I'' try to get the portrait. But it's probably not gonna be clear.

Edited by Branded-Wolf
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Branded Wolf: Idk, I might be accepting more character submissions later on, but I have enough myrmidons/swordmasters.

OliverxRenning: I like the titles you gave to them, only I can't see Mist leaving her brother's mercenary group like that. My opinion though. And since you needed a mug...


Edited by OrangeDragon
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Branded Wolf: Idk, I might be accepting more character submissions later on, but I have enough myrmidons/swordmasters.

Oh okay. If he can't be a Myrm or SM then can he be of the Wyvern Knight Class? Also if he is ion it can his supports be Jill, Nephenee, Volke, Lethe, and Heather.

If he's in it:


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Branded Wolf: Idk, I might be accepting more character submissions later on, but I have enough myrmidons/swordmasters.

OliverxRenning: I like the titles you gave to them, only I can't see Mist leaving her brother's mercenary group like that. My opinion though. And since you needed a mug...


I don't need a mug for Kurda. I already have one. I meant for Azhozn. Plus, Kurda looks WAY too young in that mugshot.

EDIT: Yep, here:


And I already gave credit on Pg. 3...

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I don't need a mug for Kurda. I already have one. I meant for Azhozn. Plus, Kurda looks WAY too young in that mugshot.

EDIT: Yep, here:


And I already gave credit on Pg. 3...

Giving credit doesnt do anything unless the person who made it gave you permission...sorry, I just dont want this Stellar Void to scream at me for using their mug without them knowing. I can make him look a bit older.

And I'll have Azhozn done shortly.

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Meh maybe. I really wanna be a swordmaster but they're taken I think. Then I wanted to be a Wyvern/Rider/Lord/Master but they're taken too. So I'll be a mage if I can't be one of those 2 classes.

If one of those 2 classes:

HP: (E)~26 (L)~36 (G)~70%

STR: (E)~8 (L)~15 (G)~60%

MAG: (E)~3 (L)~5 (G)~0%

SKL: (E)~9 (L)~16 (G)~60%

SPD: (E)~10 (L)~17 (G)~70%

LUCK: (E)~6 (L)~12 (G)~40%

DEF: (E)~4 (L)~10 (G)~30%

RES: (E)~3 (L)~8 (G)~20%

If Mage:

HP: (E)~26 (L)~36 (G)~60%

STR: (E)~8 (L)~15 (G)~10%

MAG: (E)~3 (L)~5 (G)~60%

SKL: (E)~9 (L)~16 (G)~55%

SPD: (E)~10 (L)~17 (G)~60%

LUCK: (E)~6 (L)~12 (G)~40%

DEF: (E)~4 (L)~10 (G)~20%

RES: (E)~3 (L)~8 (G)~45%


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