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FE: Wings of Courage


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HP: (E)~26 (L)~36 (G)~70%

STR: (E)~8 (L)~15 (G)~60%

MAG: (E)~3 (L)~5 (G)~0%

SKL: (E)~9 (L)~16 (G)~60%

SPD: (E)~10 (L)~17 (G)~70%

LUCK: (E)~6 (L)~12 (G)~40%

DEF: (E)~4 (L)~10 (G)~30%

RES: (E)~3 (L)~8 (G)~20%

EDIT: What are the normal gropwths for a Laguz?

Edited by Branded-Wolf
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Okay, so I typed up a little sample for KurdaXEther C Support. Just let me know if this works, kay Ether?


K: ...!

E: ... Yes?

K: It seems we have a similar background. I thought I knew you from somewhere; Ether, Brigadier General. And now you're with us.

E: Hmm, I suppose. We seemed to have tired of serving the corrupt- I hope to seek the true heir. But how do you know who I am?

K: I worked closely with Ashnard as his cloak & dagger. Sad to say, I was responsible for some of the more... deplorable acts during the war.

E: We have all done things we would rather forget. But you have done something good already- join the side of good.

K: But at what cost...

E: Pardon?

K: N-Nothing. I'll see you around, Ether... *Leaves screen*

E: What did he mean by that...


Also a VolkeXKurda support:


K: ... Come out. Now.

???: Impressive. You've improved over the years, kid.

K: I know that voice. Show yourself... "gramps."

V: *Appears onscreen behind Kurda* I'm not that old.

K: Then don't call me kid. I'm old enough to be your brother anyway.

V: Fat chance.

K: 22

V: Fifty thousand.

K: Gold? For your age? Ha, I may as well just force it out of you!

V: That's a steep price you don't want to pay.

K: Oh no, YOU'LL be giving the down-payment. But not now. After this war.

V: Ten hundred thousand.

K: I'm calling that bluff.

V: Damn. You ARE good...

Edited by OliverXRenning
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Fixed it. Do you want to make the B Support, or shall I finish the B and A?

You can finish them,I'm not a writer.Afterward,I'll look them over,but go ahead.

Also,since the canon characters are in,I'm supporting Mia,paired ending,no objections will be accepted.

Edited by Ether
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Hmm... no homework, might as well do B Support.


E: Hmm, it's that Thief. Hey, Kurda!

K: Oh, hello Ether. Look, about yester-

E: It's fine if you don't want to talk about it. I was just curious as to how you know me.

K: ...I do background checks on new higher-ups or high ranking officers.

E: And...? Oh, I get it.

K: Y-You do?

E: Here I thought you understood me! But no, you're just some racist rogue!

K: ... I have no idea what you're-

E: Shut up! Just SHUT UP, YOU BASTARD! *Runs off*

K: What did I say? Wait a minute...


And the A Support for good measure:

E: Ugh, it's him...

K: Ether... I finally understand. You were the son of a slave.

E: And how is that- wait, what? I thought you did background checks!

K: I knew you were Branded- I didn't want any more victims, so I okayed you. What you might not have known is...

E: Yes?

K: The senator you killed was my father. He abandoned me, thought I was a bad-luck charm. It's because of me everything is happening right now...

E: I... I killed your father?

K: Yes... And now I've doomed you AND this group...

E: You can't possibly mean- you think YOU are a walking omen?!?

K: Is there no reason for me not to believe otherwise?

E: Of course! Didn't your father die once he abandoned you? Have we lost even after all this time? Was my heritage discovered by the Daein Military?

K: ...

E: If anything, I'd say you are a good luck charm.

K: ... I suppose so. Ether, you're a great man.

E: As are you, though a bit of a martyr.

K: I am a martyr no more.

EDIT: Since double posting leaves a bad taste in my mouth, I'll finish up Volke's supports with Kurda. And add a C Support with Nailah, assuming she is in this version. Probably, though.


VolkeXKurda B Support:

Kurda: ..........

Volke: ..........

Kurda: We don't trust each other do we?

Volke: Forty thousand.

Kurda: Heh. Figured as much. Just be careful. Ike may have you in utmost respect but I'll kill you if you approach me.

Volke: .........

Kurda: Hypocrisy aside, you're too quiet.

Volke: If I talk to you, I give you weaknesses. You can work off of that and find what hurts me most.

Kurda: Ha, as if that were actually possible.

Volke: .........

Kurda: .........


VolkeXKurda Support A:

V: .........

K: Hello Volke.

V: *!* Oh... hello Kur-

K: Did I spy a shimmer of fright, Volke? Has the master assassin been surprised? Well well, you really have lost your touch.

V: ......... Where are you going? After the war I mean...

K: Me? I dunno. Maybe go back to Daein and help rebuild.

V: ... Listen. Come back with me.

K: What? Why, you don't trust me and-

V: You're wrong. On both accounts. If we hadn't trusted each other we'd already be dead.

K: ... *Sigh* I suppose. But are you sure you want a rather unknown stranger to follow the Great Fireman around?

V: We... trust each other, don't we?

K: .......

V: .......

K: Wow, no charge. I'm surprised Volke. We should go to a bar more oft-

V: One hundred thousand.

K: .......

V: .......


NailahXKurda C Support:

K: By the Gods... she's beautiful...

N: ??? ... Hello? Anybody home?

K: Ah! Pardon me... I was just caught up in thinking...

N: You new here? Because I don't remember your scent.

K: I'm- wait, scent?

N: Yes. We wolves are easily able to remember beorc and laguz by their scents- they're distinctive enough to a Wolf's nose.

K: You're a... laguz?

N: Oh, I get it. No wonder you were so enchanted by me- you just wanted a slave to show off. Goodbye then.

K: Wait, that's not- Wait, "enchanted"? She heard me?!? Oh Gods...


This isn't an edit for a support, but I am just curious: did you ever manage to finish Azhozn's mug? If you don't mind, I'd like to see it...

Edited by OliverXRenning
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I'm gonna go ahead and finish NailiahXKurda:


N: ... Hello.

K: ! *Ah, it's her...* Hello, Lady Nailah, I-I apologize for my rudeness yesterday and-

N: Don't sweat it. You know... you're kind of cute when you're exasperated. Like a cub.

K: Wh-What? Umm... thanks?

N: You're blushing and you don't even know it! You know what- you're too cute. I'm surprised no Beorc was wise enough to take a guy like you.

K: Erm... I suppose there's a reason for that. Maybe because... I'm a walking omen?

N: You're a what?

K: A walking omen. Means wherever I go, bad things happen. It started with my parents, with the Mad King's War... everything.

N: My Goddess... I... I didn't know... Pardon me! *Leaves screen*

K: Wait, Nailah! ... She's gone...


NailahXKurda Support A:

K: ...

N: There you are. Kurda, I-

K: Stay away from me. I don't want to hurt you, regardless of how I feel.

N: No. I understand it now. You never wanted to own me, like a slave; you wanted to be my mate.

K: !!! L-Lady Nailah, I-I would n-never suggest-

N: Please. Call me Nailah. I... I like you too.

K: !!! W-What?

N: I hadn't realized it. You're so distant... because you've never been loved. Caressed. You've never known the comfort of another's hands.

K: Lady Nailah... we can't...

N: ... I knew it. "Oh, but it's against the Goddess's Rules!" You swine! You-

K: Not that... I mean, we cannot marry in this war. After the war... I want to be with you for as long as you live.

N: Kurda... I love you...

K: This is... a little more mooshy than I'd like. How about this- whoever gets the higher body count gets to be on top tonight!

N: !!! Kurda!

K: Hahahahahaha! Only kidding. See you around, Nailah. *Leaves screen*

N: ... Aww...


Paired Ending:

Nailah, Desert Queen- Though uproarious in Hatari, Nailah brought Kurda back to her kingdom and married. Their new policies led Hatari to create their own nation in the desert. Nailah loved her husband unwaveringly and led her kingdom through a great reign of prosperity.

Kurda, Phantom of Sands- Kurda traveled with his beloved Nailah to her kingdom of Hatari, where he was crowned as the first Beorc King. Despite massive protest, Kurda proved himself by helping create Hatari into a mighty nation. He devoted every second to Nailah's and Hatari's well-being.

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