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Tearring Saga Playthrough Log

Don Draper

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Haha, you beat Barbarossa, the General boss? He's not quite invincible, but the game thinks he's tough enough that he actually leaves at a certain point.

I seem to recall he pulls a Lawrence and blows himself up.

I wonder if I ever beat him or not...

Edited by VincentASM
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I did beat him, but I got really lucky with Vega getting double criticals. Although even one critical would of left him with enough HP that Zeek could of killed him off. He did seem incredibly hard though, he actually managed to one round Zeek in one of my tries. He definitely seemed like the hardest boss up to that point.

Chapter 19

In this chapter, you start at the bottom of the map, and have to capture the castle ahead of you, which is connected to a town area. In the upper right corner, the NPC Loffaru is fending off monsters for himself, but he had no problem handling them. This map actually could of been won in three turns if I wanted. Zeek, Raffin and Runan charged north to the castle, and took out the Shamans and the monsters (that were being summoned every turn), and Raffin killed the boss on Turn 3. However, you must recruit Loffaru with Runan in order to receive the Soul Eater (Nosferatu Sword). Vega and Xeno took the indirect path to the town (they went to the side of the castle area instead of through it, and took care of most of the summoners while visiting villages as well. After the boss kill, Runan ran up to Loffaru, received the sword, and then ran back down to seize the castle. Oh, and the boss had an annoying AOE spell, so he was taken out ASAP.

Runan's route

Holmes was immediately put in control after his map, so I forgot to check character stats. I remember that Raffin was Level 30* (Vantage is amazing) and Vega wa Level 18*, but thats it. Oh, and Zeek leaves after this chapter. Too bad, as he was probably my best character in Runan's party after Raffin.

Turncount: 9

Now Holmes has to take part in a few mandatory monster battles, where the strategy consists of "Rush enemies. Kill them. Repeat." I'll post levels just before Level 20, and won't go into detail with the monster battles (they aren't actual chapters).

Alright, so here's the party just before Chapter 20:

Holmes' route

Holmes Lvl 17: 36 HP, 15 Str, 14 Skl, 14 Spd, 7 Lck, 12 Def

Samson Lvl 15: 38 HP, 12 Str, 14 Skl, 18 Spd, 6 Lck, 9 Def

Sun Lvl 11*: 30 HP, 14 Str, 18 Skl, 15 Spd, 6 Lck, 11 Def (I think killing just about anything is a guaranteed levelup for her right now thanks to elite. Promoted her for the gains)

Alicia Lvl 10*: 25 HP, 12 Mag, 13 Skl, 15 Spd, 8 Lck, 5 Def

Lionel Lvl 21*: 41 HP, 17 Str, 15 Skl, 20 Spd, 13 Lck, 17 Def

Narron Lvl 40*: 57 HP, 25 Str, 25 Skl, 23 Spd, 16 Lck, 17 Def

Narron>Lionel>Sun>Holmes>Alicia>Samson in terms of usefulness right now. Narron capped his level though

Chapter 20

Simple chapter. You're enemies consist of exclusively monsters. You start at the top right corner, and have to follow a mountain trail to a destroyed fort that Holmes has to seize. The enemies were pretty easy, my attack force had no problems with them. The green sperm made a comeback, as they were breeding in the bottom right corner. They eventually reached my team and were annoying, but didn't really pose a threat. Anyways, Holmes eventually followed the trail to the destroyed fort and seized it. End chapter.

Holmes route

Holmes Lvl 17: Same

Samson Lvl 17: 40 HP, 13 Str, 15 Skl, 19 Spd, 7 Lck, 9 Def

Sun Lvl 14*: 32 HP, 15 Str, 21 Skl, 18 Spd, 8 Lck, 11 Def

Alicia Lvl 12*: 26 HP, 13 Mag, 14 Skl, 15 Spd, 8 Lck, 6 Def

Lionel Lvl 21*: Same

Narron Lvl 40*: Same, obviously

Turncount: 6

Chapter 21

An interesting map. One of your immediate enemies is a dragon that is impossible to defeat. Only Katria in her Dragon form can survive one of his attacks. Therefore, I had Katria block him off, and the rest of the team move through to the right, making sure to put none of them in his range. After turn 4, he disappeared, and enemies appeared from every corner but the bottom right (where you start). Lionel and Narron took the top right corner, Sun, Samson and Alicia took the top right corner, and I left the bottom left corner for a reason. The enemies were a little tricky (some had 1-3 range and some could warp), but they were easily finished off in two turns. One turn after the enemies appeared, a huge team of allies appeared. They were all on par with somebody like Lionel or Narron, so they easily took out the bottom right corner. All this time, Holmes was in the middle, opening the two chests (you have to open the chests to clear the map). Battle would of finished sooner, but I wanted Samson to talk to one of the allies for a Hero Axe, and Alcia to talk to another for another Sylpheed (like I'll need two). The AI was also pretty stupid. The witches would choose to attack somebody like Sun instead of OHKOing Katria for example (they can warp to anywhere on the map). Worked in my favour though!

Holmes Group

Holmes Lvl 18: 36 HP, 16 Str, 15 Skl, 14 Spd, 8 Lck, 12 Def

Samson Lvl 18: 41 HP, 13 Str, 15 Skl, 20 Spd, 8 Lck, 9 Def

Sun Lvl 16*: 33 HP, 15 Str, 22 Skl, 19 Spd, 9 Lck, 12 Def (remember, she has Elite)

Alicia Lvl 13*: 27 HP, 13 Mag, 15 Skl, 15 Spd, 8 Lck, 7 Def

Lionel Lvl 22*: 42 HP, 17 Str, 15 Skl, 20 Spd, 14 Lck, 17 Def

Narron Lvl 40*: Take a wild guess

Turncount: 11

Chapter 22

Very easy chapter. Lionheart is guarding a castle and is being charged by enemies that he can easily handle. I sent everybody but Lionel to help him out, and easily dispatch of the relatively weak enemies. Lionel snuck around the lower part of the map to the boss, and easily dispatched of him with his Armorslayer. Not much to say about this chapter, there were no difficulties at all. Boss joins you after this map.

Holmes Group

Holmes Lvl 19: 36 HP, 16 Str, 15 Skl, 15 Spd, 9 Lck, 12 Def

Samson Lvl 18: Same

Sun Lvl 18*: 35 HP, 15 Str, 22 Skl, 21 Spd, 9 Lck, 12 Def

Alicia Lvl 14*: 27 HP, 13 Mag, 15 Skl, 15 Spd, 9 Lck, 7 Def

Lionel Lvl 23*: 43 HP, 17 Str, 16 Skl, 20 Spd, 15 Lck, 18 Def

Narron Lvl 40*

Turncount: 4

Chapter 23

A straightforward chapter. You start in the bottom left corner, and have to make your way to the castle at the top. Pegasus Knight reinforcements are annoying because they carry Javelins, so I made sure everybody had a 1-2 range weapon. Nothing difficult about this map except that I had to wait for Bud to recruit Rishuel. Bud doesn't come until Turn 6, and she has to slowly make her way to Rishuel, who is standing next to the boss. So there was a bit of waiting around, while Sun covered the chokepoint that the reinforcements approached. Samson and Narron stayed back with the Healers to handle the pegasus knights that went for the bottom portion of the map. Eventually Bud recruited Rishuel, Lionel ORKO'd the boss, Holmes seized. Game seems to be getting easier now that my team is so amazing.

Holmes route

Holmes Lvl 20: 36 HP, 16 Str, 16 Skl, 15 Spd, 10 Lck, 12 Def

Samson Lvl 19: 42 HP, 13 Str, 16 Skl, 20 Spd, 8 Lck, 9 Def

Sun Lvl 23*: 38 HP, 17 Str, 22 Skl, 22 Spd, 12 Lck, 14 Def

Alicia Lvl 16*: 27 HP, 13 Mag, 16 Skl, 15 Spd, 11 Lck, 7 Def

Lionel Lvl 25*: 45 HP, 17 Str, 17 Skl, 21 Spd, 17 Lck, 18 Def

Narron Lvl 40*

Samson is a bit better thanks to Vantage+Hero Axe. He'll be at Sun/Lionel's level soon enough. Reason I didn't promote him is because the only way he can get Nihil is by staying as a Level 20 Axefighter.

Tuncount: 12

After this is a minor diversion. Its a mandatory map, but its not technically a map (doesn't have a number). Its called the Sealed Bridge, and is very similar to an encounter. Attack enemies, they die. Don't really need to go into any more strategy. Oh, and I let Shigen die so I could recuit Sierra (when Shigen dies she warps in to take him away. You get them both when you take control of Holmes team again)

Holmes Lvl 20: Same

Alicia Lvl 16*: Same

Narron Lvl 40*: Same

Samson Lvl 20*: 46 HP, 15 Str, 18 Skl, 23 Spd, 8 Lck, 12 Def

Sun Lvl 25*: 39 HP, 18 Str, 22 Skl, 22 Spd, 12 Lck, 14 Def

Lionel Lvl 26*: 46 HP, 17 Str, 17 Skl, 21 Spd, 18 Lck, 19 Def

And now route split! I'm going to decide what to do about that for tomorrow. Good place to stop.

Samson Lvl 20*:

Edited by IOS
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