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Serenes Forest: The chatroom!


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Really? You're the only one I know (I wasn't stalking you to find out) to live there. I thought the location of most prople would be in Japan or something cause that's where Fire Emblem's made.

This is a Fire Emblem site that is in ENGLISH.


Some Japanese know English, but it's still a site that is in ENGLISH.


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This is a Fire Emblem site that is in ENGLISH.


Some Japanese know English, but it's still a site that is in ENGLISH.



Me llamo Mateo, tu?

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It's working for me.

The problem's on your end, probably. Maybe your neighbours are stealing your internet.

=/ It's still not working. I don't know why. Everything else is fine, just chat. . .

My neighbors? :o

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Hmm...I hate to say this, but maybe you should try out mIRC...

I wouldn't be surprised if this was all part of Eggman's Nightmare's master plan....

Also, I have a friend whose Internet was "stolen" by neighbors this one time.

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I wouldn't be surprised if this was all part of Eggman's Nightmare's master plan....

Also, I have a friend whose Internet was "stolen" by neighbors this one time.

XD Yeah, we were arguing about chat programs earlier.



As far as I'm aware, it's fully trusted.

If I get a virus, I'm suing you. XD

I'll try refreshing the chat a few times, and if it doesn't work, I suppose I'll download mIRC. . .

Edited by Cymbeline
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It's probably your connection acting up. It was like that for me once; no matter which program I used, it wouldn't connect to IRC. I waited a few hours and it started working.

Okay. I suppose I'll just wait then. . .

I hope it works soon, and if it doesn't, at least tomorrow.

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