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And Dozla starts out with a Crit Bonus...

Holy shit. Dozla might actually be a bit better than what we originally believed. Maybe above Gilliam, both routes.

Oh, and on the topic of tiers, I still don't know why Tana is above Myrrh, save for Dragonstone usage.

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And Dozla starts out with a Crit Bonus...

Holy shit. Dozla might actually be a bit better than what we originally believed. Maybe above Gilliam, both routes.

LOL, Dozla is good, his bases could use a little boost, though.

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Meh, I'm not really complaining about his bases.

16 STR is pretty good, at equal levels, he has more STR than Seth. Tack axes and an equal STR growth onto that and he's stronger than Seth.

Yeah, sure, you'll have leveled up Seth at LEAST once by the time you could get Dozla, not to mention a bunch of OTHER units who'll probably match him, but second highest base STR in the game (Barring CC Fags.) is pretty cool. Yes, he is lagging at SKL, but the Crit bonus makes up for it. He has ridiculous CON; he actually has the second highest CON in the game, behind Fado, but he sucks anyway.

He;s got a pretty bad DEF base, and with 30% DEF growth, he's a glass cannon. But his SPD? Well, that's not so good either. Worse yet, he has a B in axes so unlike Duessel, who can S axes and solve HIS SPD problems with Garm, Dozla can't really do that. Luckily for him, enemy AS is an absolute joke. He also has an unusually high base RES for a Berserker; more than Moulder's base.

Oh yeah, 43 base HP and laughable LCK. All in all, he's pretty good. Glass cannon is the familiar phrase. Oh, and Waterwalk helps boost his AVO. Too bad he gets, like, 2 MOV on water.

I'd give him a 5/10.


He supports Rennac; a laughable idea, but Dark affinity is pretty much epic rape. Plus, they have close MOV, so their bonuses could help out. Dark boosts Dozla's already awesome CRIT, AVO, and ACC with those Axes, and Rennac gets AVO and some DEF.

There's also L'arachel, but lolHealer with 8 MOV off on her own healing people. Dozla is about hitting things hard and killing them in one shot. And Light is epic fail anyway.

There's Garcia, too: both Axemen with AVO bonuses, while Garcia gives Dozla a nice ACC boost. Garcia is actually usable as well, so Dozla's bonuses only add on to his helpfulness.

I won't bother mentioning Myrrh much because Wind is laughable anyway, and it takes over 9,000 years to support her. +CRIT and ACC IS nice, though.

ROFL Ewan and his stupid Light affinity.

So yeah, Support priority:

Garcia > Rennac > Myrrh > Ewan > L'arachel

So much irony in that he's supposed to be guarding her. Whatever, she's a failure anyway.

Can't match up to the STACHE THAT IS MOULDAH.

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He supports Rennac; a laughable idea, but Dark affinity is pretty much epic rape. Plus, they have close MOV, so their bonuses could help out. Dark boosts Dozla's already awesome CRIT, AVO, and ACC with those Axes, and Rennac gets AVO and some DEF.

It's not laughable, I actually use Rennac :D , I A supported them :P:


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He supports Rennac; a laughable idea, but Dark affinity is pretty much epic rape. Plus, they have close MOV, so their bonuses could help out. Dark boosts Dozla's already awesome CRIT, AVO, and ACC with those Axes, and Rennac gets AVO and some DEF.

It's not laughable, I actually use Rennac :D , I A supported them :P:


But Rennac is so bad. I'd go so far as to say Syrene is better. He's just... BAD.

Base 9 DEF??? That's what Kyle had at BASE level. Same with Gilliam. SKL is unimportant for a Rogue, which is a utility role nonetheless, and a laughable base HP: the same HP as Garcia when he is BASE level.

That and his growths are retarded: 25% STR? 30% RES? 25% DEF???

lolterrible. And his supports are stupid as well. Tethys doesn't help his abysmal DEF, Dozla wants somebody else and the DEF boost is small, L'arachel is just lol, and Colm is a MUCH better Thief: why are you fielding two thieves anyway? The only GOOD parts about Rennac are his rape Dark affinity and his SPD. Best base SPD in the game (Save fag CC's.) and 60% SPD growth.

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Lolwut!? His Res is actually good, he starts with 11 Base and at lvl 1. His Def is acceptable, he has 25% (Same as Colm), what they really should've gaven him was better Luck, my Rennac there has 66 Avo, but I A supported him with Tethys actuually and A with Dozla, gave him a Killing Edge and he actually rapes XD

He is a crappier version of Legault, actually :(

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Lolwut!? His Res is actually good, he starts with 11 Base and at lvl 1. His Def is acceptable, he has 25% (Same as Colm), what they really should've gaven him was better Luck, my Rennac there has 66 Avo, but I A supported him with Tethys actuually and A with Dozla, gave him a Killing Edge and he actually rapes XD

He is a crappier version of Legault, actually :(

WOO HOO! RES totally counts in... oh wait. Only two or three chapters. And out of the six chapters you get to use him in, you get the VASTLY superior Colm beforehand.

Mention Tower or Creature Skirmishes and you're an auto-faggot. What else... oh, and he has 35% RES growth too so that argument is moot. Orson has the same base RES, and Fado has one point higher. Does that mean they're good?

He can't even CAP SPD. He's a ROGUE. A FREAKING ROGUE. Sure, he's two points off, but Colm is at LEAST capping SPD, at Lvl. 18/0 no less. He also comes .2 points close to capping STR at 20/20.

His LCK isn't as bad when you compare him to other characters' LCK; Knoll, Valter, and Riev have worse LCK bases AND growths, with Gerik having the same Base. Too bad one outclasses the other. Rennac has 66 AVO in your game? Cool. Colm can get, like, 80 on Plains; not even regarding supports.

Rennac can only get that high WITH a support, but everybody he COULD support either sucks, or won't want him.

And how the hell is it possible to A support with TWO people? Learn 2 Argue

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Hey, I'm not argueging he is better than Colm, only about his Res, but yeah, it is lolz.

And just so you know, while saying that I picture you as Oliver and I swear it's f*cking hilarious rather than getting me angry :awesome: .

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Muo ho ho! Perhaps it is my BEAUTY that has you laughing! In fact, the realization makes you feel giddier than ever before; to know there is hope for our dwindling society- I stand as that pillar of light!~

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You like my Rennac now?


I made a Prf for him, ha! :lol:

It has low Mt, but I made the class "Thief Fighter", only for him, it is a seperate one than that of a Rogue, he has +15% Crit, Crylon gives him another +15% Crit. and Crylon is effective against cavalry and infantry and allows consecutive hits.

If leveled a bit more he could cuadruple! :awesome:

Edited by soul1112
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4 MT is terrible.

Only thing that does LESS is a Slim Sword.

Joshua with Shamshir beats him; Seth beats him, Duessel beats him, Ephraim beats him:

Even with a Prf weapon, he'll have trouble against magic users with lol1 range.

He'll tink Generals.

I can make a Prf for Duessel, too.

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4 MT is terrible.

Only thing that does LESS is a Slim Sword.

Joshua with Shamshir beats him; Seth beats him, Duessel beats him, Ephraim beats him:

Even with a Prf weapon, he'll have trouble against magic users with lol1 range.

He'll tink Generals.

I can make a Prf for Duessel, too.

Meh, I'll increase to 6 then, I just found having 7Mt and all those features I mentioned before a little broken, and no, Mages will do laughable damage since he actually has a great Res for his base lvl.

No, Duessel and Seth would fail against him since Crylon is actually effective agaisnt them and Rennac cuadruples them :P

I just gave it 7 Mt.

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