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I need some serious help with my history homework, tonight!


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This is a pretty big assignment in terms of points, and even though I was able to answer most of them, there are a few that I can't find ANYWHERE!

Basically, I'm answering questions about the constitution, however, the twist is that I have to answer them by copying down a quote from the DoI. I can only use quotes, I can't use a direct answer on all but five of the questions, four of them I've already answered. The questions are...

14) How many usurpations are listed in the DoI? Only answerable by quote.

21) What power did the DoI give to the colonists? Only answerable by quote.

25) What does the DoI say about slavery? Only answerable by quote.

1) Why are lines 5-8 hypocritical? Direct answer allowed.

Here's the link to a copy of the DoI by the way...http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/document/index.htm

Is there something I'm missing here? Because I'm pretty sure they said absolutely nothing about slavery >_<

Edited by FionordeQuester
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9) "For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences"

14) There seem to be a ton of these. Anything that starts with "He has" counts, I think, and there are quite a few between these starting with "For" or "He is" which I would guess also qualify. I counted 27 total but didn't feel like copying all of them.

21) "full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do"

25) It never mentions slavery directly, but this might have something to do with it? "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights"

1) I can't really help here because my line numbers won't match yours.

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14) There seem to be a ton of these. Anything that starts with "He has" counts, I think, and there are quite a few between these starting with "For" or "He is" which I would guess also qualify. I counted 27 total but didn't feel like copying all of them.

Yes, I know, but I can only use a quote to answer the question. And I can't find an exact quote where they specifically say how many offenses they've written down. And I can't write down every single quote because I don't have anywhere NEAR the amount of space needed to write down all those quotes down on my paper. Heck, I have barely enough to write down even three lines for each questions IF I'M LUCKY!

1) I can't really help here because my line numbers won't match yours.

Here's what it says in mine...

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Are you sure that's lines 5-8? That's the very beginning, so I would assume that includes line 1...

I see no quote listing the exact number. Perhaps you could get by with "a long train of abuses and usurpations" or "repeated injuries and usurpations"?

Edited by Meteor
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I believe line 5-8 had to do with all men are created equal quote. (could be wrong though.)

1) It's hypocritical because Slavery still existed when it said all men are created equal and only men were created equal not the women in their terms.

I'm pretty sure also it said nothing about slavery besides the all men are created equal quote.

Edited by Cyas
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Are you sure that's lines 5-8? That's the very beginning, so I would assume that includes line 1...

Nope, according to my paper, Line 1 is the Title. The beginning of the very first paragraph is listed on Line 5.

I see no quote listing the exact number. Perhaps you could get by with "a long train of abuses and usurpations" or "repeated injuries and usurpations"?

Maybe. I'll try.

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No problem.

You didn't do a fucking thing.

FionordeQuester, these questions aren't particularly hard if you understand the question, which leads me to believe that you don't. The biggest error someone can make while helping another on their homework is to just give them the answer and not have them understand it. Do you realize how Meteor's quotes might have answered your questions in any way, or are you just copying this down without comprehending what's been said?

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Wow. At first I was going to ask what the fuck the Dol (DOL) is, and then I realized you were saying DoI (DOI) meaning Declaration of Independence. XD

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  • 3 weeks later...

FionordeQuester, these questions aren't particularly hard if you understand the question, which leads me to believe that you don't. The biggest error someone can make while helping another on their homework is to just give them the answer and not have them understand it. Do you realize how Meteor's quotes might have answered your questions in any way, or are you just copying this down without comprehending what's been said?

No, I read Meteos quotes, and believe me, I understood the questions. That wasn't what was hard for me.

What WAS hard for me was finding quotes that directly answered these questions. Believe me, I spent a few hours just trying to figure out these problems before asking for help here. You have to remember, I could only use exact quotes to answer these questions, I would literally get docked in points if I tried to answer them in my own words. These are the problems I had for the numbered questions...

14) Each question on that sheet only had a limited amount of space in which to write each answer. They were also so fricking small that there was barely enough to put even 4 lines down, let alone all of the abuses that was listed in the DoI. I thought of the "long train of abuses" line, but the question was worded in a way that asked for an exact amount. To me, it was the equivalent of a police officer asking you...

"Well, what exactly did he do to hurt this man?"

And me answering....

"Oh, that's easy. He hurt him A LOT!"

Can you see why I was scared that my teacher just might not like that answer?

21) I missed the quote for this one.

25) I still insist that this one seemed damn near impossible to me, even more so than 14). Remember, I had to somehow figure out how to answer this question using a quote from the DoI despite that fact that just a few days ago, my history teacher made it clear that the DoI SAID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT SLAVERY!!!

I was just stunned by how impossible that question seemed to be to answer. I thought of just saying "nothing", but the directions never said I could do that, and I thought this assignment was due tomorrow, which obviously ruled out just putting it off until I can talk to my history teacher.

1) The only question I needed help with that I was allowed to answer using my own words. Unfortunately, though, I just couldn't find anything contradictory about how Lines 5-8 were written.

I don't think he gives a shit. If he's asking his video game forum for help with his homework, he's obviously beyond caring about understanding anything and is looking to skate by.

That's not true! I only did this because I couldn't think of anyone or anything else that could help me. My dad was out of town because of work, I couldn't ask my history teacher because this was due tomorrow at the time, my mom TRIED to help me, but she only managed one problem, and I didn't know the phone number of anyone else in the class who might've known the answer.

When I asked for help on this forum, it was as a last resort, hoping that I'd be lucky enough for someone to care enough to help me.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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I was just stunned by how impossible that question seemed to be to answer. I thought of just saying "nothing", but the directions never said I could do that, and I thought this assignment was due tomorrow, which obviously ruled out just putting it off until I can talk to my history teacher.
Did the answer end up being "nothing"? If your teacher made it clear that the Declaration of Ind. doesn't talk about slavery, then it was probably just a trick-question, right?
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