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Since I'm taking AP English Literature this year, we're being made to write poems. Now, poetry has never really been my thing, but when my teacher assigned this...assignment, I really went all out.

Since we've been wrapping up our Mythology unit, he gave each student in all his eight classes a different mythological allusion or whatever. Mine's Artemis (A goddess affiliated w/ the moon, she had a kind of evil alter-ego named Hecate), and in the end, we had to make a poster, explain it in a "dramatic presentation", and do a poem which alludes to said topic.

...But, I digress. This topic is meant to be a place where we can share our poetic works, and here's mine:


Calm, controlled, nice and precise,

The persona of those who give good advice;

Vile, low, wicked and cruel,

Their only purpose - to make you a fool.

Morally, mentally and physically adept,

A person you’d like, a friend you’d accept;

Conniving, scheming, a treacherous snake,

Their empty brotherhood - a fatal mistake.

So before I ask, though the answer may seem clear,

I beg of you - look in the eyes of those you hold dear.

Are they an Artemis of sorts, as true as they say,

People who would back you up, and guide your way?

Or are they as false as the new moon is dark,

A real-life Hecate, their words callous and stark?

In reality, today, the answer is clear,

All of us have thoughts of both malice and of cheer.

The real question is: How do we control them? Our thoughts inside?

There is no other way but to use our hearts as our guides.

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