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What would YOU want in a new FE

Mister Cold

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There's a couple of things that need to make a return or have to go. Aside from that, I'm fine.

1. The support convo cop-out of FE10 has got to die. FE9 probably had the best support system (convo + actual supports) so that should probably return.

2. Branched promos a la FE8. That was nice. But they have got to make Snipers a hell of a lot more useful from now on.

3. The Nomad --> Nomad Trooper class should return. I liked watching Dayan defy the law of physics with a Killing Edge in his hands. Obviously you can't be that stupid in a console FE game but it should still have its own class rather than just call it a Paladin who can use bows and swords.

4. What the fuck was wrong with the Fatigue system in FE5 that it hasn't been used since? It actually forced you not to spam your best characters every map (like FE9 Stefan wouldn't get the bench forever after The Feral Frontier in FE9). Bring that back please.

I think that's everything... Oh and get rid of the fucking desert levels. God, I hate those with a passion.

Edited by Admiral Lifey Crunch
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I think that's everything... Oh and get rid of the fucking desert levels. God, I hate those with a passion.

You can't make everyone happy with the whole desert level thing. I love them, so it is impossible for them to make both you and I happy, unless they use split routes or something where only one goes to the desert.

I want holy weapons back. I don't care that they were ridiculously unbalanced. I also liked the whole weapon repairs thing. And I'll never understand why Micaiah never got any special weapon in part 4. Maybe wait until promotion, but still. I mean, even Lyn got a lategame special weapon.

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