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Team Idea

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I was thinking of using units I have never or rarely used. Here are a few lists. I want some people to help me choose the men. List skills for the teams I'll pick what I like and/or give my own ideas and we''l refine them...

Units unuseable:











Units I've used once and still can be picked for this play:










Units I've used once and won't choose for this (Probably due to strength):



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There's lots of people you could have. Lesse...

Volug - Savage, Howl, Shove, Provoke

Gatrie - Luna, Adept, Shove (Give him the Boots)

Jill - Nullify, Canto, Stun

Volke - Lethality, Shove, Gamble (Remove Stillness)

Stefan - Astra, Shove

Ulki - Tear, Adept, Shove, Canto (Swap out Adept for Dragonfoe in 4-E-3)

Oscar - Canto, Sol, Adept

Leonardo/Rolf (whoever is better at endgame) - Shove,

Calill - Shove, Shade, Flare

Ilyana - Shove, Shade, Flare

Rafiel - Miracle, Shove

Give Gatrie a forged Silver Axe, Jill gets Urvan, Volke gets Baselard/Maxed Knife forge with good card (Hit doesn't need to be maxed), Stefan gets VK blessed with Alondite in inventory, Oscar gets teh Wishblade, The Marksman gets the Double Bow, Calill gets Rexflame and Ilyana gets Rexbolt.

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There's lots of people you could have. Lesse...

Volug - Savage, Howl, Shove, Provoke

Gatrie - Luna, Adept, Shove (Give him the Boots)

Jill - Nullify, Canto, Stun

Volke - Lethality, Shove, Gamble (Remove Stillness)

Stefan - Astra, Shove

Ulki - Tear, Adept, Shove, Canto (Swap out Adept for Dragonfoe in 4-E-3)

Oscar - Canto, Sol, Adept

Leonardo/Rolf (whoever is better at endgame) - Shove,

Calill - Shove, Shade, Flare

Ilyana - Shove, Shade, Flare

Rafiel - Miracle, Shove

Give Gatrie a forged Silver Axe, Jill gets Urvan, Volke gets Baselard/Maxed Knife forge with good card (Hit doesn't need to be maxed), Stefan gets VK blessed with Alondite in inventory, Oscar gets teh Wishblade, The Marksman gets the Double Bow, Calill gets Rexflame and Ilyana gets Rexbolt.

I like most of those actualy. However my question is who would I support some people with?

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Set up Volug X Jill, Stefan X Volke, Oscar X Rolf (Ilyana if Rolf is not in play), Calill X Ulki, Leonardo can support someone that you'll probably use until endgame where you drop him, like Tauroneo. Gatrie takes Shinon until endgame, where he then supports Leo, I guess. Or alternatively, Gatrie can support Ike, though I find that support quite useless (Gatrie doesn't need much more tankiness, and he's wasting Ike's Earth).

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There's lots of people you could have. Lesse...

Volug - Savage, Howl, Shove, Provoke

Gatrie - Luna, Adept, Shove

Jill - Nullify, Canto, Stun

Volke - Lethality, Shove, Gamble

Stefan - Astra, Shove

Ulki - Tear, Adept, Shove, Canto

Oscar - Canto, Sol, Adept

Rolf - Deadeye,Shove

Calill - Shove, Shade, Flare

Ilyana - Shove, Shade, Flare

Rafiel - Miracle, Shove,Cecerity

Changes in bold...

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If you're still looking for an endgame team, I have a suggestion:

Nolan with Urvan, 'A' Zihark - Nihil, Colossus, Shove

Zihark with Vague Katti, 'A' Nolan - Adept, Astra, Shove, Vantage, Cancel

Elincia with Amiti, 'A' Volug - Stun, Canto, Imbue

Haar with the Brave axe, 'A' Reyson - Stun, Canto, Resolve

Mia with Alondite, 'A' Ike - Vantage, Astra, Shove, Adept

Shinon with the Double bow, 'A' Soren - Deadeye, Shove, Adept, Wrath

Boyd with a Forged Silver Axe, 'A' Nephenee - Colossus, Shove, Nihil

Soren with Rexcaliber, 'A' Shinon - Corona, Shove, Pavise

Nephenee with the Wishblade, 'A' Boyd - Wrath, Impale, Shove, Cancel

Volug, 'A' Elincia - Savage, Shove, Nihil

Reyson, 'A' Haar - Blessing, Galdyr, Shove, Celerity.

This pretty much uses all the units you've never used before + Volug. I would suggest giving Volug paragon top help get him to level 30 faster.

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If you're still looking for an endgame team, I have a suggestion:

Nolan with Urvan, 'A' Zihark - Nihil, Colossus, Shove

Zihark with Vague Katti, 'A' Nolan - Adept, Astra, Shove, Vantage, Cancel

Elincia with Amiti, 'A' Volug - Stun, Canto, Imbue

Haar with the Brave axe, 'A' Reyson - Stun, Canto, Resolve

Mia with Alondite, 'A' Ike - Vantage, Astra, Shove, Adept

Shinon with the Double bow, 'A' Soren - Deadeye, Shove, Adept, Wrath

Boyd with a Forged Silver Axe, 'A' Nephenee - Colossus, Shove, Nihil

Soren with Rexcaliber, 'A' Shinon - Corona, Shove, Pavise

Nephenee with the Wishblade, 'A' Boyd - Wrath, Impale, Shove, Cancel

Volug, 'A' Elincia - Savage, Shove, Nihil

Reyson, 'A' Haar - Blessing, Galdyr, Shove, Celerity.

This pretty much uses all the units you've never used before + Volug. I would suggest giving Volug paragon top help get him to level 30 faster.

I think the first list was people he wouldn't use this PT.

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If you're still looking for an endgame team, I have a suggestion:

Nolan with Urvan, 'A' Zihark - Nihil, Colossus, Shove

Zihark with Vague Katti, 'A' Nolan - Adept, Astra, Shove, Vantage, Cancel

Elincia with Amiti, 'A' Volug - Stun, Canto, Imbue

Haar with the Brave axe, 'A' Reyson - Stun, Canto, Resolve

Mia with Alondite, 'A' Ike - Vantage, Astra, Shove, Adept

Shinon with the Double bow, 'A' Soren - Deadeye, Shove, Adept, Wrath

Boyd with a Forged Silver Axe, 'A' Nephenee - Colossus, Shove, Nihil

Soren with Rexcaliber, 'A' Shinon - Corona, Shove, Pavise

Nephenee with the Wishblade, 'A' Boyd - Wrath, Impale, Shove, Cancel

Volug, 'A' Elincia - Savage, Shove, Nihil

Reyson, 'A' Haar - Blessing, Galdyr, Shove, Celerity.

This pretty much uses all the units you've never used before + Volug. I would suggest giving Volug paragon top help get him to level 30 faster.

I think the first list was people he wouldn't use this PT.

You'd be right. The only unit I'd use on that list for this play is Volug...

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