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FE4 rings


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Who should I give the rings to?

So far it's like this - Speed Ring on Midir, Skill Ring on Ayra (she went and critted Gandolf), and Magic Ring on Jamka (>_<). I'm prolly gonna give the Magic Ring to Adean, but what about the other rings?

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My preferences for rings (again just my opinion)

Power: Sigurd or Midir

Magic: Azel, Levin, or in Aideen

Skill: Arya or Beowulf (if he's going to be paired)

Speed: Beowulf, Midir, or Azel

Shield:Give it to who you want


Elite: Sigurd,or Lachesis, (if she does manage to kill Voltz), Aideen (if she can afford it)

Return:Sigurd or Cuan (some parts where Althenna has to make quick returns to home base)

Leg: Sylvia or Laylea (if she can afford it in the next gen, have to kill off Sylvia btw)

Bargain: If managed to get it in First Gen: Levin, Aideen, and probably Claude If Second Gen; Shanan, Aless, Levin!Arthur, Levin!Sety, a healer, or Claude!Sety

Life: Sigurd a healer or dancer

Prayer: Anyone in the second gen considering if they can kill the boss or buy it off

Pursuit: (See Secret Event page) Ethlin so she can pass it down to Leaf (again if she can afford it)

Knight: (if you do manage to keep the three npc alive) Lachesis or any non-mounted unit

Edited by Cyas
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Bargain should essentially go to anyone who's using a holy weapon and doesn't have some quick rapid way of getting money (like being Patty's lover)

...Patty's a thief. She can give money to anybody.

Lakche's lover on the other hand, he's getting tons of money. Even a hero sword only costs her 160 per hit, Silver Blade 200, so chances are after clearing out each arena and repairing her weapons she'll have lots of money left over for her lover to fix just about anything.

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Stat booster rings, just give them to who you think puts them to best use. No brainers really.

Secondary rings?

Return-Cuan or Claude. Cuan for stated above reasons, Claude if you're making Corple, so at any time he can Return home, Revive, then Warp the killed unit.

Prayer-Anyone who doesn't have it.

Pursuit-Lex. He's the best cantidate for it gen 1, due to Brave Axe. Then sell it, give it to Lakche, so when she falls in love with Johan/Johalva, she can sell it, give the money to them so they can then buy it that much sooner. Whoever says to give it to Ethlin is putting it on someone who's no good at offense anyways, and making sure it vanishes for 3 chapters.

Bargain-Anyone not a legendary weapon user who happens to have an expensive weapon. Patty for any father who isn't Dew as she won't have Bargain then for her Sleep Sword, which helps her arena output for extra cash she normally wouldn't have to give to other people. Fatherless Fin, the Sword Twins depending on if one of them got the brave sword, you get the idea. Only otherwise I'd think of whoever is using Holsety, as chances are they are spamming that sucker to no end.

Thief Ring-Anyone with money woes, which is generally nobody in gen 2.

Cock Ring-Most certainly to Shanan~<3

I'm fucking terrible.

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I don't give them to one person in particular for longer than one chapter, generally, unless the ring is nearly superfluous (not worth the money dip). For example, the Elite Ring goes around in the arena stages until everyone who could've used it has done so.

I disagree on Pursuit Ring on Lex. He already ORKOs a lot with Hero Axe. Give it to Levin, who only has Continue or Critical for ORKOing until he gets Holsety. Or give it to Cuan when he's there, now he ORKOs everything with Silver, sometimes even before counters due to Continue. Giving it to Ethlin isn't bad either since Leaf gets about as much mileage from it as Levin, as he has the same skill set.

Yes, it vanishes for 3 chapters, but look more closely at who wants Pursuit Ring in 4, 5 and 6. Pretty much the best mounted candidate (Cuan) vanishes along with Ethlin. Levin probably isn't getting a whole lot of action early on in Ch4 on account of not being mounted, and for the last part of the chapter he has Holsety. Then his son Arthur has Holsety as well, and with a Magic Ring he OHKOs everything near him in Ch6. Every other child in Ch6 should have Pursuit - if they don't, your pairing sucks. I guess it's nice if you have like Jamka/Aideen...but if you're going for full efficiency, you'll have Midir.

I guess that leaves Johan/Johalva, but they don't have the money to buy the Pursuit Ring early on, and they're also ORKOing a lot already with Hero Axe. And only join for the tail end of Ch6 anyway.

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I just realized something, and I feel stupid for it.

Bargain Ring should always go to a staff user. Unfortunately, this basically means dragging Edin's ass all the way to the village in the forest, or Ethlin who we then have it missing for 3 chapters, and given to someone who has no business having the ring.

Staffs are expensive to repair, and serve an important function. Quite important to have them in top form, and Bargain helps these moneyless staff users, as the only way they can get money is villages.

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Power: Sigurd->Celice, Patty

Magic: Azel->Delmud, Tinny

Skill: Ayra->Lackhe, Skasaha

Speed: Sigurd->Celice, Johalva

Shield: Levin->Arthur, Fee

Barrier: Sigurd->Celice, Shanan

Leg: Sylvia->whatever dancer I decide to use

Life: Fury->Fee, Celice (too lazy to sell)

Return: Holyn->Patty, Sety

Prayer: Tinny

Pursuit: Levin->Arthur, gives it to Tinny or Johalva

Bargain: Edin->Rana

Thief: Aless

Elite: passing it around, though I typically leave it on Ethlin to make Leaf grow faster

Edited by Dr. Rockso
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Aideen doesn't really need Bargain Ring - for me she's generally fine with just Dew's initial money plow. From that she can staffspam until she promotes and from there make money in the arena, perhaps kill an enemy with a droppable ring to keep as a bank loan of sorts for 20k for her daughter.

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Power: Anybody, really. But if you have Daisy, then her.

Magic: Levin, or Azel (It doesn't really matter who to give it to in the first gen, and most of the second gen. But in the second gens' end, it should be given to staff users with Silence and Sleep to be able to hold Julia at bay while you are trying to get to Manfloy.)

Skill: Midir (With his low skill, he will need all the skill that he can get.)

Speed: Fin (He will need all the avoid that he can get especially for protecting Lester by Blumes forces in both Chapters 7&8.)

Shield: Tiltyu>Tinny (For their Wrath skill and that they might get OHKO by their starting level.)

Barrier: Sigurd->Celice,Altenna (Sigurd and Altenna both have low Res and they need all the Res that they can get. For Celice, it makes it that more inevitible with his already high Res, thanks to the minor Narga blood growth. And that he needs it especially in the beginning.)

Leg: Edin>Rana (Chapter 5 Celice, makes it easier to get the Tyrfing)

Life: Fury->Fee, Celice, Altenna (too lazy to sell) (Only Fliers, maybe Celice should get the Life Rings)

Return: Ethlin>Leaf (Gets Leaf out of trouble if he is getting ganged upon some tough foes.)

Prayer: Altenna (She should have it for her terrible avoid.)

Pursuit: Bargain: Edin->Rana (Already stated. Staves are the most expensive items in the game.)

Thief: Aless (For his Mistoleen cost)

Elite: Fin (Makes saving Leaf Nanna/Janne alot easier as it makes it easier to promote him during his length of availibility in Gen 1.)

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