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Fire emblem dreams


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I give up trying to help you, sorry. YOU'RE HOPELESS!

How was that helpful? You were just telling me that I'm irritating and stupid basically. <_<

Except for Soul, I'm the only f*cking person here who sometimes tries to be nice to you and gives you hints on how to make people appreciate you. You know why? Because I know how hard it can be. The fact that you never even noticed makes you more hopeless than ever

Oh, I'm sorry. :(

Now I feel like a total Douche.....

Hey, come on, I was like one of the 3 guys helping you out 3 months ago with the Mist thing. Granted, now I like spouting crap about you, but...

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I had a dream last night were I was Rutger and I was chopping up enemy (I presume) people, but then they had trolls with bows that shot giant fire balls, but then me (Rutger) and a few other survivors dodge them, but then the trolls got into trucks and came to run us over and all we could do was run (I was shit scared) eventually I hid in a public toilet with Titania, who then proceeded to collapse and cry a lot alerting the Trolls to our position they found us but I had a long talk with them about why killing us would be the wrong thing to do, eventually we came to a compromise and I let them kill Titania and we became the best of friends. after that the dropped me off at the zoo for no reason at all, where I saw a list of "Most awesome myrmidons" the list was 3.Mia 2.Rutger 1.Fir I broke down crying that I wasn't first and then woke up.

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Yo, I had two dreams today:

My first dream had me as a rich guy with a huge mansion and Cath, Fiora, Tana, Marcia, Sigrun, and Est as my maids doing whatever the fuck I wanted them to do.

Cath was playing Street Fighter IV with me.

Fiora was busy sweeping the floors.

Tana was in the kitchen, fixing me a double-decker BLT sandwich. (I got hungry at this part and woke up to fix double-decker BLT sandwich to eat, then I went back to sleep.)

Marcia was feeding me grapes like I was the fucking emperor, y'all.

Sigrun was busy doing my laundry.

Est was busy washing windows.

At the end of my dream, I had sex with all of them, one at a time.

I fucked Cath doggy-style.

I fucked Fiora in the missionary position.

Tana was on top, fucking me while I was eating the BLT sandwich she fixed for me.

Marcia, Est, and I had a threesome.

I fucked Sigrun standing up, yo.

I shot a huge-ass load on all of them, every time.

After that, I collapsed under exhaustion and told them all to get back to work and good night.

My second dream had Tibarn and Elincia using "ehanced interrogation techniques" (read: cold-blooded torture) on a naked Izuka, demanding that he finds the solution the restoring Duke Renning's sanity (he's still Bertram in this scenario). Izuka then goes off on his wild ramblings about how he's a totally awesome scientist and yada yada TIBARN GETS PISSED AND SMACKS HIM UPSIDE HIS HEAD TO SHUT HIM UP. Elincia then takes out a whip and tells Tibarn to leave the room. Tibarn asks what she is about to do to him. Elincia tells him that Izuka will give up information more easily if Tibarn leaves the room.

Tibarn leaves, and Elincia politely asks about the solution to restore Renning's sanity, since the galdrar did not work. Izuka laughs madly and tells her that there is no solution and that he is permanently Bertram.

Scene fades to black as Elincia whips Izuka to near death, stopping only to ask him "Are you sure?". Izuka draws just enough life to laugh at her. Elincia removes Amiti from her scabbard and proceeds to stab Izuka in the heart.

A few minutes later, she leaves the room and goes to the dungeon where Bertram is kept. Her last words before taking out a 9mm and shooting Bertram in the head are "Forgive me, Uncle...".


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I can't believe, I had that dream again... and this time... I was more... of an ass...

I said, right after the Durandal incident... "Get a hold of yourself, she's dead... she's dead..."

Others told me I was being harsh...

and then I said...


And then, I woke up ._.

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Not about Fire Emblem, but Digimon.

I was in a roller coaster car that was stuck on a hill, Angewomon was with me. Everything was fine and dandy, until she started sucking me off.

I woke up with a jolt after that. I can never look at Angewomon the same again. =/

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I dreamt that Eirika and Ephraim were having sex. It was hawt.

lol :lol:

And I just saw that Tat is banned. ;_;

.......I'd say something on-topic, but nobody would want to hear my dreams.

I'd rather hear yours than Tatsumaki's

His dreams were just...sick.

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