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That's fine by me.

On another note that nobody cares about, I just finished the desert chapter on my Renais Knights + Lords Eph route run and it's annoying as hell. In the desert, With four mounted units and two unpromoted Lords, a Sage and Sniper who isn't allowed to hit things, and Cormag whose job is to get Silver Card and keep out of battle.

But anyway, I finished it. Seth critkills Valter with a Javelin for trying to rape Eirika. LOL.

[spoiler=more stuff you don't care about but I need a place to put it or I'm annoyed]Character rating up to C15~

Seth- one word: GOD.

-/16.93 Paladin| 40+7 HP| 20 STR| 21 SKL | 19+2 SPD| 18 LUK | 20+2 DEF| 12 +2 RES|

Eirika-Needs a promotion ASAP. I’ve saved her an Energy Ring, so she can damage more things, but for now she’s just going to get that B with Ephraim. On the upside, 3 entire DEF from supporting SETH. F’yeah. I’m glad I got her to L20 before the route-split, though. Still dodges most things.

20/0 Lord | 29+7 HP| 11+2 STR| 20 SKL | 19 SPD| 13 LUK | 10 DEF| 7 RES|

Ephraim-Is badass and more durable than the cavs, Awesome man is awesome.

20/0 Lord| 35 HP| 16 STR| 19 SKL | 20 SPD| 11 LUK | 15 DEF| 7 RES|

Franz- Is like a mini-Seth. Runs around Javelining things and is not afraid of anything except horseslayers. Fast, moderately durable, and pretty damn good offense. Oh, and supports Seth with a B.

15/9.17 Paladin| 39 HP| 16 STR| 17 SKL | 21 SPD| 11 LUK | 15 DEF| 5 RES|

Forde-Meh before he promoted, but is now on track and awesome. I might try to get him to Garm instead of Kyle, but Kyle has Axe-rank lead. I might let him on the Devil Axe or something. I guess the Goddess Icon will go to him.

19/3.40 Great Knight| 42 HP| 15 STR| 15 SKL | 16 SPD| 13 LUK | 13 DEF| 4 RES|

Kyle-is SLOW. And he no longer has a durability lead over Forde. Decently strong, but can’t double for his life. He has A axes though, so GARM may fix things. But he hasn’t gained much in the speed department, much less than his averages anyway. I kinda regret earlypromoting him, but he desperately needed the +2 SPD (and Seth took the wings so he can double every boss). I'm giving the other set of wings to him.

12/6.27 Great Knight| 39 HP| 16 STR| 13 SKL | 11 SPD| 8 LUK | 13 DEF| 4 RES|

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Though technically, since he and Lumi are from the same family (are we still doing the brother-sister thing? if so, then...) it makes sense to have some form of light/dark/sky/timeofday/whateverthehell Latin word derivation there.

But eh. Whatever you want, Proto, JUST NEED TO GET THAT SUPPORT DOWN.

< basic Latin dictionary :P

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He had just confessed his true feelings to her and yet he wasnt content. He wanted more, he wanted............ to touch her... He must have her right now. If she turned him down then.... then.... he couldnt think of it. The girl however looked up to him frozen in fear. She could feel the blood drain from her face. She felt the same about him all along but she was still shocked. Sitting down next to her he stroke her face a few times. Then, she let out a soft moan as he brushed the hair off her face and finally kissed her


This is so sick and wrong.

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