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You have trouble beating the Elite Four with a bunch of ~50 Pokemons? Seriously?

Back in Blue, in my VERY FIRST POKEMON RUN EVER, I managed to beat the whole League with just Venusaur and Articuno, both of them below Level 55. Venusaur was below 50 iirc.

Use your Zapdos more.

I did. Dewgong killed it in two shots of Ice Beam. And then when I thought Moltres was safe, he pulls out Surf.

And now imma get a Dragonite first.

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Dragonite has 4x weakness to Ice Beam. At least for Dragonair, it's only 2x.

Also, evolve your Kabuto and it should take care of the Dewgong, I think. Any Water type walls the Water+Ice combo

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Ehh, okay...

Now imma get a Kabutops and a Dragonite. :awesome:

So lets see...



Moltres (Endure + Toxic)




Any hope of beating the Elite 4, or at least Lorelei?

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Kabutops walls the Water+Ice combination, I told you. And Rock is super effective against Ice while neutral against Water, so STAB Rock Slide should take care of her. So Lorelei should fall to it.

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btw I evolved my Bulbasaur at Level 46 solely for SolarBeam. Then I realized that it's a horrible move without Sunny Day support. Stick to Frenzy Plant.

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btw I evolved my Bulbasaur at Level 46 solely for SolarBeam. Then I realized that it's a horrible move without Sunny Day support. Stick to Frenzy Plant.

Well, glad to see that you're doing well and all. I'm off to take the GRE (Graduate school admissions test). I'll probably be back in about 4 hours or so.

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Well, glad to see that you're doing well and all. I'm off to take the GRE (Graduate school admissions test). I'll probably be back in about 4 hours or so.

General GREs or subject GREs?

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You know this drama goes excellent with a nice bowl of grated mozzarella shreds. Yum.

Hey, you can disrespect most of us...but Light is a pretty cool guy, and like you, he knows FftF isn't srs bsns, these are more personal problems.

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Just the General GRE (verbal/quant/writing) test. I did a little better than I was hoping for...

Did they change the scoring format (800/800/5) since I took them, or are things more or less the same? Also, everything but the writing was on the computer adaptive system still, right?

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Did they change the scoring format (800/800/5) since I took them, or are things more or less the same? Also, everything but the writing was on the computer adaptive system still, right?

Everything's computer adaptive still. And I think that the scoring is unchanged as well. So I don't think there's been any big change since you took it.

Since I don't really mind, I'll just state that I got a 580/800 (verbal/quantitative) and I won't know the writing score for another two weeks or so...

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Those aren't bad results, actually. Especially that quant. IIRC my scores were 670/760. I can't remember writing so much (no neat reversible numbers mnemonic) but I think I lost half a point there.

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Those aren't bad results, actually. Especially that quant. IIRC my scores were 670/760. I can't remember writing so much (no neat reversible numbers mnemonic) but I think I lost half a point there.

No, they're not bad results, but I really just had to take the test on a whim, so I didn't prepare well enough to raise my verbal score up much. But I'm a math and economics major, so the verbal score isn't so important (as long as I don't bomb it - which I avoided doing...)

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Proto told me to wait until after I got back from Dad's before sending a reply. I'm still at Dad's and I just sent it. He better not have left.

I have his e-mail anyway...

Big hug for Fayt for quoting what Proto said so I could read it!

*big hug for Fayt*

Not on for long, Dad thinks I'm just checking my e-mails...

Anyone wondering what I look like, go here

Go to exactly one minute. I'm the chick in the rainbow tie-dye top playing Spectrobes Origins. :awesome:

I'm suspicious of the burly guy in the leather jacket with the Gilliam sideburns staring at you from the left hand side of the screen.

I'm probably not in any videos, which makes me feel inferior. Although I could try and find myself in CanCon '09, I guess...

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I'm great. Better than I've felt all week. That Rhythm! sure has a way with words...


Morning guys!

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Hey BK and Fayt! How ware you both?

I'm fine. Just playing SO3 and procrastinating on my big econometrics paper due in the next week...

Don't worry, it'll get done. Sooner or later...

Also took the GRE today and did reasonably well on it, so that's good too. :)

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Lol. I've got a friend coming over later so we can do an assignment due this week. Back at school soon. :sob:

Congrats on your GRE test.

Good for you BK.

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