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Yet you haven't provided a single chatlog of these ragequits. Bad Proto.

That's exactly why I hate it when they do that. When they leave, the window automatically closes, preventing me from saving the log.

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IPB looks like Facebook. XD


I know. :mellow:

It looks great... and it reminds me of Pokemoncrater... the memories...

Loool I remember that

Downloading the original Spectrobes (DS), and it looks pretty good.


I finished the gamescript for that~

But I have to add all this extra shit to it, which I haven't got 'round to yet.

*will make a checklist after exams*

How about a new Pokeman thread?

Or a Shoddy thread? That way anyone else outside of Oujay's could chat too. Hell, you might even get people joining after they see the thread and read what it's about!

Hey guys!

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I finished the gamescript for that~

But I have to add all this extra shit to it, which I haven't got 'round to yet.

*will make a checklist after exams*

The one which you'll submit to GameFAQs?

Or a Shoddy thread? That way anyone else outside of Oujay's could chat too. Hell, you might even get people joining after they see the thread and read what it's about!

That is an excellent idea. Someone should do it.

Hey guys!

Hi Rhythm~! How was your exam today?

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The one which you'll submit to GameFAQs?

That is an excellent idea. Someone should do it.

Hi Rhythm~! How was your exam today?

Yeah. Might do it next week. Don't take my word on that though.

I don't play, so it can't be me. :lol:

Good, but not great. :/

What's new with you?

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Heeeelllllo guys!!

I Like My Cake Iced!!!!!

Yeah. Might do it next week. Don't take my word on that though.

I'll have to check it out then.

I don't play, so it can't be me. :lol:

You can still watch, you know.

Good, but not great. :/

Haha, Chemistry, right? I'm sure you did really well. Besides, tomorrow you have Bio, right? I'm sure that's gonna be a lot tougher.

What's new with you?

Not much. People keep raegquitting when my Kingdra destroys their main Pokemon.

[spoiler=lol]The foe's Ninjask used Agility!

The foe's Ninjask's Speed sharply rose!

btw Ninjask's Ability raises its Speed by one stage at the end of every turn.

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I Like My Cake Iced!!!!!

I'll have to check it out then.

You can still watch, you know.

Haha, Chemistry, right? I'm sure you did really well. Besides, tomorrow you have Bio, right? I'm sure that's gonna be a lot tougher.

Not much. People keep raegquitting when my Kingdra destroys their main Pokemon.

[spoiler=lol]The foe's Ninjask used Agility!

The foe's Ninjask's Speed sharply rose!

btw Ninjask's Ability raises its Speed by one stage at the end of every turn.

I'll let all of Oujay's you know when it's done.


Yeah, Chem. Bio probably will be easier... Hope so.

Lol Kingdra is awesome. :D

Iced! Not much here, you?

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I'll let all of Oujay's you know when it's done.

Lol Kingdra is awesome. :D

Iced! Not much here, you?

Your writing a spectrobes FAQ! wow, what on?

Water/Dragon = win.

yeah, just got home actually.

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Yeah, Chem. Bio probably will be easier... Hope so.

Oh? I always found Bio to be way harder but that's just me.

Lol Kingdra is awesome. :D

Yes, my Rhythm~ IS awesome.

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Your writing a spectrobes FAQ! wow, what on?

Water/Dragon = win.

yeah, just got home actually.

Writing a couple. Game scripts are the worst.

Owns pretty much anything. Only weak to dragon.

Lol, nice.


You get home late.

Oh? I always found Bio to be way harder but that's just me.

Yes, my Rhythm~ IS awesome.

So do I. But admittedly I could've studied more.

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Writing a couple. Game scripts are the worst.

I could imagine. I already lost patience in writing other types of FAQs. Game Scripts must be even worse.

Owns pretty much anything. Only weak to dragon.

Yup, and the Water+Dragon attack combination is resisted by ONLY two Pokemon (Empoleon and Shedinja). Empoleon has no weapons against Kingdra and Shedinja instantly dies to any residual damage.

Lol, nice.


You get home late.

Or, he does what I do and only comes online during the time when you're on.

So do I. But admittedly I could've studied more.

I see. Well, no point in being pessimistic about the exam already over.


I seriously thought you were Joshybear at first. Hi Amelia!

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Writing a couple. Game scripts are the worst.

Owns pretty much anything. Only weak to dragon.

Lol, nice.


You get home late.

So do I. But admittedly I could've studied more.

oh, god, I don't think I could bring myself to do that.

yeah, too bad Kingdra is the only one.

hey I don't get out until 3:15 and then I have to walk.

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I could imagine. I already lost patience in writing other types of FAQs. Game Scripts must be even worse.

Yup, and the Water+Dragon attack combination is resisted by ONLY two Pokemon (Empoleon and Shedinja). Empoleon has no weapons against Kingdra and Shedinja instantly dies to any residual damage.

Or, he does what I do and only comes online during the time when you're on.

I see. Well, no point in being pessimistic about the exam already over.

I seriously thought you were Joshybear at first. Hi Amelia!

Haha, wait until you see the length of Spectrobes: Origins, which I haven't finished yet. The tutorial shit was longer than the whole Spectrobes one (the original Spectrobes for DS). PLUS, cutscenes suck.

Lol, Shedinja... dies against ... 5 types, I think?


I know. I'll be pessimistic when I get my score back

oh, god, I don't think I could bring myself to do that.

yeah, too bad Kingdra is the only one.

hey I don't get out until 3:15 and then I have to walk.

:lol:Feel my pain

That's what I thought until I saw Proto's post. :lol:

I get out at 3:05, bus leaves at 3:15, get home about 20 minutes later.

Also, hi Amelia!

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Lol, Shedinja... dies against ... 5 types, I think?

:lol:Feel my pain

That's what I thought until I saw Proto's post. :lol:

I get out at 3:05, bus leaves at 3:15, get home about 20 minutes later.

Also, hi Amelia!

well they had to give it the worst type combination to make up for it's ability.

then why are you doing it?

oh, Legadary's don't count

But I have to walk 3km :(

Hi amely!

also read this :lol:http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3289342&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=1

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Haha, wait until you see the length of Spectrobes: Origins, which I haven't finished yet. The tutorial shit was longer than the whole Spectrobes one (the original Spectrobes for DS). PLUS, cutscenes suck.

You're writing a Game Script for that one too?

Lol, Shedinja... dies against ... 5 types, I think?

Yep. Fire, Flying, Dark, Ghost, Rock. Also dies to poison, burn, confusion damage, leech seed, stealth rock, spikes, and stuff like Future Sight. Stands no chance at all.

I know. I'll be pessimistic when I get my score back

No, you'll feel relived to get such an unexpectedly good grade.

Why does this have to happen to me...? *headdesk*


Hi Light, Rhy Rhy, Iced.

How are you?

Hi Amelia!

well they had to give it the worst type combination to make up for it's ability.

Tropius (Grass/Flying), Abomasnow (Grass/Ice), Onix/Rhyhorn/Golem (Rock/Ground), etc. You know, if a Porygon2 with Trace switches in on Shedinja, it's gonna copy the Wonder Guard ability. Which lets it void all types except Fighting.

then why are you doing it?

Because she wants to post something that players from all over the globe can see and benefit from. The users' appreciation makes it all worth it.

oh, Legadary's don't count


But I have to walk 3km :(

Every day?

Unknown website. Is it safe?

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well they had to give it the worst type combination to make up for it's ability.

then why are you doing it?

oh, Legadary's don't count

But I have to walk 3km :(

Hi amely!

also read this :lol:http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3289342&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=1

I'm doing it because, strangely, I enjoy it.

... Still Water/Dragon.

Catch a bus.


You're writing a Game Script for that one too?

Yep. Fire, Flying, Dark, Ghost, Rock. Also dies to poison, burn, confusion damage, leech seed, stealth rock, spikes, and stuff like Future Sight. Stands no chance at all.

No, you'll feel relived to get such an unexpectedly good grade.


You know, if a Porygon2 with Trace switches in on Shedinja, it's gonna copy the Wonder Guard ability. Which lets it void all types except Fighting.

Because she wants to post something that players from all over the globe can see and benefit from. The users' appreciation makes it all worth it.

Unknown website. Is it safe?

Yes. So long. @_@

Haha, that's why I don't use them.

XD Thanks.

Exactly! :P

Lol! Ownage. Didn't think of that.

Probably main reason I'm doing it. There's NOTHING out there on Spectrobes. Seriously. And all the forums and stuff are in chatspeak. Pisses me off.

I just went on there with no problems, and my comp lets me know what I'm about to enter an unsafe site.

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I'm doing it because, strangely, I enjoy it.

That's not so strange actually. It makes perfect sense to enjoy putting a lot of effort for a noble cause.

... Still Water/Dragon.

Interestingly, Palkia is the only one of the three legendary DPP dragons that doesn't have its own unique typing. Water/Dragon was so awesome that they didn't want to make a new one for it.

Catch a bus.


Yes. So long. @_@


Don't worry, you'll finish it eventually.

Haha, that's why I don't use them.

I did once. Wasn't too bad in-game. But in competitive battles, it's dead meat.

XD Thanks.

You're welcome, Rhythm~

Lol! Ownage. Didn't think of that.

Best part is, Porygon2 doesn't have only 1 HP and actually has decent stats, making it incredibly difficult to take down.

Probably main reason I'm doing it. There's NOTHING out there on Spectrobes. Seriously. And all the forums and stuff are in chatspeak. Pisses me off.

Yeah, there are a lot of underrated games out there that aren't as popular as they should be. It's really good that someone like you decided to stand up and do something for such a small community, instead of leaving it alone.

I just went on there with no problems, and my comp lets me know what I'm about to enter an unsafe site.

Alright then.

But... But... Luke is too cute.. I can't resit! ;~;

Still, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Hi hi~ !!

Hi Amelia! lol3rdtime

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