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Assuming this refers to the resistance, well, I kinda failed too.

But we did well considering we faced OMGBAL

Shows how much I get paranoid in games like those.

And yeah, I don't know how any of us could have figured out that it was zak. Weapons DID initially consider leaving you and zak out, but then he apparently ran a search on "Core" and decided to kick me out instead.

Is it meant to be Holyn or FE3!Ogma? Basically is the key detail the theme or the scar?

X-Scar on left cheek = Oguma. FE1/3/11/12 are all the same here, I think.

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I think I'm ready for world domination with the calculator as my weapon. <3

Calculations have arrived.

Odds of success are 99.85%.

Read Erfworld already.

Yeah, but I think he's only depicted with the blue armour in FE3.

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Well, the target DID have Prayer, which gives him a chance to dodge a fatal hit. I can't remember the activation rate for that unit but I'm fairly sure it was less than 45%. Still not reasonable enough.

I've had people try and get punched in the stomach

TKD skills gogogo

Psh, he'll edit it out with his awesome skills.

To me, it looks more as if he started with a Gatrie mug and added the scar. The giant body does not fit with a Mercenary class imo.

No, but I've wanted to since I was 10.

Then why didn't you?

Not much. Trying to decide what to do now. Maths, Health or Bio...?



Not much. I finally got VisualBoyAdvance's linking to work, which opens up a lot of doors in games like Golden Sun and Pokemon. Now, if the computer would just stop overheating, I can try to play Four Swords.

Edited by Proto
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Claude fell in love with Tailto.

Not bad. At least now I don't need faillord Azel. Arthur and Tinny won't be that bad.

No Pursuit. No tomes of above C-level, either.

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No Pursuit. No tomes of above C-level, either.

Pursuit Ring + Wrath. Or at least Wrath. Plus Tailto's Tordo blood should allow for Tron... I guess.

Tailto just cleared the arena with only Tron and a Magic Ring. FUCK YEAH WRATH.

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Claude fell in love with Tailto.

Not bad. At least now I don't need faillord Azel. Arthur and Tinny won't be that bad.

I don't think Arthur can use Valkyrie though... Wouldn't Azel have been better?

No Pursuit. No tomes of above C-level, either.

Tailto has minor Tordo so the kids will have it too. No advanced Fire or Wind tomes though, but Elthunder and Thoron should cover it.

No Pursuit is indeed a problem though. Which is why Azel is considered better.

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I don't think Arthur can use Valkyrie though... Wouldn't Azel have been better?

Tailto has minor Tordo so the kids will have it too. No advanced Fire or Wind tomes though, but Elthunder and Thoron should cover it.

No Pursuit is indeed a problem though. Which is why Azel is considered better.

Claude fell in love first, and Azel was standing next to Tiltyu the whole time PLUS getting the convo for Tiltyu's +5 HP. Probably becuase Azel died in C2 and got revived.

Tron covers Arthur, screw Tinny.

I'd buy the Pursuit Ring but I have no money =(

If someone has an item they cannot pass down (like Lex and his Hero Axe to Skasaher), then if I put it in the storage, will it be passed down?

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Tailto has minor Tordo so the kids will have it too. No advanced Fire or Wind tomes though, but Elthunder and Thoron should cover it.

No Pursuit is indeed a problem though. Which is why Azel is considered better.

I meant passed down from Claude, but you're right. And I forgot about...whatshername. Tailto. Yeah.

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Claude fell in love first, and Azel was standing next to Tiltyu the whole time PLUS getting the convo for Tiltyu's +5 HP. Probably becuase Azel died in C2 and got revived.

Dying in C2, eh? I'm guessing he was revived in C4 then? In that case, Claude WOULD have a head start and it makes sense if the Azel/Tailto conversation fails to cover it.

Tron covers Arthur, screw Tinny.

My Azel!Tinny had superior stats to the Arthur of the same father. She lacked a mount but still...

I'd buy the Pursuit Ring but I have no money =(

Wait till Gen 2. Arthur can get some money then.

If someone has an item they cannot pass down (like Lex and his Hero Axe to Skasaher), then if I put it in the storage, will it be passed down?

No. Unless it's a holy weapon (thanks, Luminescent Blade), it can not be passed down. That's exactly why the Hero Axe ended up with that boss in C6, because they know that no kids can ever get it. No axe can get passed down actually. Leaf would actually have to buy them to use them no matter what.

I meant passed down from Claude, but you're right. And I forgot about...whatshername. Tailto. Yeah.

lol, you forgot that the fixed children of Tailto with variable fathers are still the children of Tailto

Best weapon Arthur can have in C6 in Wind, unless I want Levin's Elwind, but he needs it so Holsety doesn't explode.

Who is Levin paired with? Fury? Because Sety would already have Lightning.


Hi Amelia!

I kept restarting because of similar reasons...

Each time I restarted I got less and less motivation to finish, but I did it somehow. @__@

But you HAVE finished it, right? It must be annoying having to restart from the beginning though.

fucking arion

Altenna can talk to him. I had a Sage Julia with Elwind who somehow managed to beat him (Continue activation iirc).

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Dying in C2, eh? I'm guessing he was revived in C4 then? In that case, Claude WOULD have a head start and it makes sense if the Azel/Tailto conversation fails to cover it.

My Azel!Tinny had superior stats to the Arthur of the same father. She lacked a mount but still...

Wait till Gen 2. Arthur can get some money then.

No. Unless it's a holy weapon (thanks, Luminescent Blade), it can not be passed down. That's exactly why the Hero Axe ended up with that boss in C6, because they know that no kids can ever get it. No axe can get passed down actually. Leaf would actually have to buy them to use them no matter what.

Who is Levin paired with? Fury? Because Sety would already have Lightning.

Revived in C3. I spent a shitload more turns getting to Claude, Tailto and Briggid, might as well spend a few more.

But no one can get the Pursuit Ring now. Unless I can get it back in Gen 2?

I know about the Holy weapon thing. And damn.

Fury. It's mostly so that Holsety doesn't run out of uses, because I need someone to smash Leptor's face in.

Briggid and Jamka are the bow-wielding gods. HERO BOW + ICHIVAL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

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Revived in C3. I spent a shitload more turns getting to Claude, Tailto and Briggid, might as well spend a few more.

Still gets a head start

But no one can get the Pursuit Ring now. Unless I can get it back in Gen 2?

No one can get it why? If you missed getting the ring entirely like I did, then I'm fairly sure it's gone forever. If you got it but didn't pass it down, it might still be possible. I saw Ch 10 Julius carrying my Leg Ring.

I know about the Holy weapon thing. And damn.


Fury. It's mostly so that Holsety doesn't run out of uses, because I need someone to smash Leptor's face in.

I solo'd Reptor with Tailto, with Sylvia supporting her.

Briggid and Jamka are the bow-wielding gods. HERO BOW + ICHIVAL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Indeed. I never liked Midir.

First character to hit level 30: Claude.

I blame Reserve.


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First character to hit level 30: Claude.

I blame Reserve.

Mine was either Aideen through Warp and Libro, or Claude. Claude was definitely first or second.


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Still gets a head start

No one can get it why? If you missed getting the ring entirely like I did, then I'm fairly sure it's gone forever. If you got it but didn't pass it down, it might still be possible. I saw Ch 10 Julius carrying my Leg Ring.


I solo'd Reptor with Tailto, with Sylvia supporting her.

Indeed. I never liked Midir.


Azel was resurrected on turn 52, so... =P

I got it, no one can buy it. Except for Sigurd if he sells his Speed/Barrier Ring and Midir if he sells his Steel Bow (but there's no point giving it to Midir).

uh huh

... whut




Sigurd has Spd +Bbarrier

Ayra has Skl + Shield

Holyn has Power (I'm prolly selling this off)

Tiltyu has Magic

Levin has Leg

Return, Life and Pursuit are sitting in the Pawn Shop.

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