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Luminescent Blade is her PRF weapon.

... I wish.

I'm calculating average stats and Lumi caps male myrm str with the growths I gave her, starting from level 6 with female bases.

I actually think I'd have to give her male myrm stuff, only because I was checking FE7 data, and there are only the Myrm (male)-> SM promotion gains, not the female, since there's no female myrms in FE7, just an SM.

That and the dudes even have better bases. I used the male bases for her calculations, and got the exact same base, but the dude has 3 points left over, and have better con.

I don't mind Lumi having 8 con at all. Hell, doesn't Dara use the male Druid stats in FE8 (even though she's Saleh's grandmother and not playable anyway)?

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Luminescent Blade is her PRF weapon.

Two things you should know. First of all, not everyone can have a Prf weapon and you're gonna need to have a pretty big contribution to the hack if you want your character to have one. Second of all, the Uber-Awesome Jinsei's sword has 100 Crit. You sure you don't want THAT to be Luminescent Blade?

I actually think I'd have to give her male myrm stuff, only because I was checking FE7 data, and there are only the Myrm (male)-> SM promotion gains, not the female, since there's no female myrms in FE7, just an SM.

I think FE6 and FE8 should have them then. We'd be going with those then, unless they differ (which they shouldn't).


First one, this had no neck


Second, epic facial hair get. That will make up for his neck

I see Lloyd. I approve.

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@Kai: I got a log in box. And I'm not registering until I get my own computer back.

Hence the "...I wish" at the end.

I think I'll give her Killing Edge/Wo Dao. Haven't decided yet.

But look at the comparisons. IS is obviously sexist. Lumi's going to use dude stats while her convos are going to be female. Done.

These are the stats I got from the bases, with the same addons of + 15 from what ALS gave, and another +15 because she's level 6.

Stat: F/M

HP: 23/25

Str: 9/9

Skl: 10/10

Spd: 13/14

Lck: 4/4

Def: 7/7

Res: 1/1



Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Dude has more room to add for SPD because of higher HP, STR and DEF base and me not having to spend an extra point on con.

I used the dude bases, got the same exact thing as the female bases, and had 3 points to spare. I added two to HP and one to SPD.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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~Chapter Overviews~

Everything is subject to change.

~The Beginning~

Prologue: Defending the innocent.

The Crimson Blades are camped outside of a village, to look out for Darkwright Bandits. Bandits eventually attack the village they are camped nearby. The Crimson blades defeat the bandit defending the gates of the village.


[spoiler=Prologue Dialogue]

(Opening thing. Furetchen, Kolbane, Renair enter.)

Renair: Ugh, more bandits. We'll spend our entire life wandering around the borders killing these idiots at this rate.

Kolb: Don't worry, Renair. At least it's a living...more than can be said for these people anyways.

Renair: Yeah, well, hardly my fault if some of us feel swords are better than ploughshares when it comes to not being killed.

Kolb: So you would rather starve?

Ferry: *enters* Yeah, well we'll all be dead of starvation by the time you two stop arguing. We got a job to do. Let's go do it.


(Generic "OMG BANDITS" music begins to play as focus moves to Discan and a Bug lookalike.)

Discan: Get that loot movin'! We ain't got all day!

Dude: Boss!

Discan: What is it?!

Dude: Duh, uh, there is some troopers comin' to attack us! What're we gonna do, boss?

Discan: Aukeman soldiers? What do you think you gotta do, dumbass? Get movin'! Earn yer share of the loot!

Dude: Duh, yeah, boss. Yeah. *leaves*


(Back to the Blades. There is a bandit of some kind nearby. This bandit is of the 'Bandit 1' variety.)

Guy: You get away from 'ere! These pickin's are OUR pickin's!

Renair: You sure about that? These villages are under the protection of the Crimson Blades now! If you want to fight over it, be my guest...but make it quick!


(Fight happens. Ideally that earlygame Eli Mode music plays...Companions, or whatever it's called. Anyways, you win.)


Renair: That was embarrassingly easy.

Kolb: Ungh...that was kinda rough.

Renair: You joking? They couldn't find their arses if you gave them a map!

Ferry: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, that's not important right now. You hear the flamboyantly dressed guy? I ain't heard of these Darkwright Bandits before, and I don't like the sound of 'em. We should prob'ly investigate further before just moving on by.

Renair: Well...if it means a challenge, I guess I'm up for it. Yeah, we should probably check 'em out.

Ferry: Got it, commander.

Renair: Move out!


Renair (Lord)

Kolbane (Merc)

Furetchen (Sniper)

Chapter 1: Protecting the Village

The Crimson Blades enter the village to drive the bandits out of the village. The Crimson Blades repel bandit raid.

After the chapter an old man walks by telling you that he can help you. You doubt it, but he explains that he is a genius of an old man. You reluctantly let him help you.


[spoiler=Chapter 1 Dialogue]

(Renair, Kolbane, and Furetchen appear south of the village gate. Shift to dialogue.)

Kolbane: *Enter left* So, the bandits are inside?

Renair: *Enter right* Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!

Furetchen: *Enter right* Wait, we have to do something about the gate.

Renair: We’ll bust it open!

Furetchen: I think this ain't good idea…

*Offscreen left*: May be I can help! *All three exit*

(Shift to map. Ilanice enters from the south. Shift to dialogue.)

*Reniar and Furetchen enter right, Ilanice left*

Furetchen: Who are you?

Ilanice: I’m Ilanice. I was nearby when I saw the fight. Being curious about it, I flew around and learned what happened, so I decided to help you.

Renair: And what for?

Ilanice: Well, these are bandits isn’t it? They should be stopped. It’s no good to have them loot villages and get away with it!

Renair: Alright, you can help us out.

Ilanice: Okay, leave this gate to me!*All exit*

(Shift to map. Ilanice flies to the other side of the gate, it opens. Focus on Cobbet. Shift to dialogue.)

*Cobbet enters right*

*Offscreen left* Boss! *Generic bandit enters left*

Cobbet: Hmm? What?

Bandit: Boss! Those guys that killed Discan, they’re here!

Cobbet: So? The gate’s closed and locked. They can’t enter, what’s to worry about?

Bandit: But Boss, they are in right now!

Cobbet: What?! Stop them! We won’t fall like that Discan. Show them the might of the Drakwright Bandits!!

Bandit: Alright Boss!! *Both exit*

(Shift to map. Back with the party near the gate. Shift to dialogue.)

*Renair and Furetchen enter left and right respectively*

Renair: Now that we’re in, let’s move, everyone!

*Offscreen left*: Hey, wait up!

*Renair moves right, and Will enters left*

Renair: Will? What are you doing here?

Will: Master Furetchen, let me fight! Let me show you how much I have improved. I know I’m ready to fight these bandits!

Furetchen: … Arright, you can come... but you better stay close, dammit!

Will: Alright, I will!


(Party is near top-right corner. Shift to dialogue.)

*Kolbane and Renair enter left, Furetchen right*

Kolbane: Alright, we did it!

Renair: Not quite yet, we may have driven them out, but they will surely come back.

Furetchen: That’s right, we must stop them. But we have no idea where they come from…

*Offscreen right* Perhaps I can help with that.

*Kolbane exits, Furetchen moves left, Varkade enters right*

Furetchen: And who might you be?

Varkade: Ah, forgive me. I’m Varkade. Those bandits you have been fighting are the Darkwright. They have been attacking and looting the area for quite some time. You are the first to do something against them.

Renair: Now why that doesn’t surprise me...?

Varkade: In any case, they come from an area not too far from here, I can guide you there.

Renair: There is no need, just say to us where to go, we'll take care of them, no problem!

Verkade: No, I insist. I can help you. I’m a very skilled strategist. You could probably need help from someone like me sooner or later. Its best being sooner or else you may regret it.

Renair: Alright, you can come with us. Everyone, let’s go! *They all exit*

(Shift map. Screen fades to black.)


Will (Archer)

Ilanice (Peggy)

Chapter 2: Snuffing out the Rat.

The Crimson Blades now know where the leader of the Darkwright Bandits are residing. The Crimson Blades advance towards the castle the bandit leader has taken for his own. The Crimson Blades kill the gatekeeper.


[spoiler=Chapter 2 Dialogue]

(Group appears on the southeast corner. Shift to dialogue.)

*Renair and Furetchen appear right, Varkade left*

Furetchen: So the bandits come from here?

Varkade: Indeed. There is a castle to the north that the bandits use as base.

Renair: Well, what we waiting for? Let’s go and get ‘em!

(Shift to map. Focus on the castle. Shift to dialogue.)

*Darrick enters left*

Darrick: Those guys are coming this way? Heh, they sure have guts but, little they know they are walking straight to their graves! Hahaha! Well boys, let’s give them early death!

(Chapter. When Tris appears, shift to dialogue.)

*Enters Right*

Tris: Hmmm? A fight? Well, looks like luck is on my side, I’ll be able to sneak around unnoticed…

(Once gate is seized.)

*Renair and Furetchen appear right, Varkade left*

Renair: Ha! These Darkwright bandits aren’t so tough after all.

Varkade: Now all that is left is the bandit leader inside.

Renair: Yeah, this will soon be over for them.

Furetchen: Alright, let’s go in.

(Shift to map, screen fades to black.)


Tris (Thief)

Chapter 3: The Darkwright Bandits.

Fighting in a castle.

There are many treasures in here, but the main point is to kill the bandit leader. When the chapter ends, a mysterious figure enters the bandit castle. Which you just took over and are currently staying in. She tries to assassinate one of your people, but fails to. The person was wearing a gold crest. One of the Aukemian Elite soldiers......


[spoiler=Chapter 3 Dialogue](Group appears near the entrance. Shift to dialogue.)

*Renair and Furetchen appear right, Varkade left*

Renair: Alright, we’re in!

Furetchen: Now it’s all a matter of killing their leader, right?

Varkade: That is indeed the case. Sever the head, and the whole body follows after.

Renair: Then let’s get to it!

(Shift to map. Focus on the throne room.)

*Rankin enters left*

Rankin: So, Darrick failed to stop them…

*Crispin enters right*

Crispin: Rankin, what shall we do? They’re already inside!

Rankin: ‘What shall we do?’ We’ll drive them out, you idiot!! Isn’t it obvious?!

Crispin: …

Rankin: Now go and stop them from entering further!

Crispin: And what will YOU be doing then?!

Rankin: What do you think? Protect our loot. Dammit, can’t you use your brain for once?!

Crispin: Why you…!

Rankin: Well, what are you waiting for?! Get moving!

Crispin: Grrr, alright…

*Crispin leaves*

Rankin: Hmph. And to think he is my brother. He should be more grateful he is even alive.

(Shift to map. Crispin moves to his position. Chapter. When Heather appears, shift to dialogue.)

*Enters left*

Heather: Looks like I made it just in time. Though, they’ve already started fighting. No matter, now to find their leader…

(Once throne is seized. Shift to dialogue.)

*Renair enters right. Varkade left.*

Renair: Alright! The Darkwright are no more! Now the surrounding villages won’t have to fear bandit attacks.

Varkade: For the moment, though. Surely more bandits will just arrive and start attacking like the last ones.

Renair: Who cares? We’ll just beat those new guys too. After all, that’s how we make a living anyway.

(Shift to map. The Aukemian Assassin enters and reaches the throne room.)

*Renair right. Varkade left.*

Renair: So anyway…

*Furetchen enters right*

Furetchen: Boss, watch out!

Reniar: What…?

(Shift to map, Renair moves one square from her position. Shift to dialogue.)

*Renair and Furetchen enter right*

Furetchen: That was close!

Renair: What was that?! Who…?

*Assassin enters left*

Assassin: …

Renair: And just who are you?!

Assassin: …

Renair: Silent type, eh? Well, bad for you to reveal yourself… ! Wait a second…

Furetchen: What’s the matter?

Renair: That crest… it is Aukemian’s!

Furetchen: What?!

Assassin: …

(Shift to map. The assassin leaves. Shift to dialogue.)

*Renair enters left, Furetchen right.*

Furetchen: Dammit, she got away!

Renair: We must give chase, now!

*Furetchen moves left, Varkade enters right*

Varkade: Hold! We’ve just finished a battle. I don’t think your men are in condition to go after her.

Renair: …

Furetchen: He is right. We’ll just have to let it go for now.

Renair: Well anyway, this place has no use for us now. Let’s rest for now, then leave.

(Shift to map, screens fades to black.)


Heather (Peggy)

Chapter 4: Return to Aukema Castle.

Basically a get across a map and seize a point type of chapter. The enemies(Civilians) think that you are bandits. You have to kill the person on the seize square.

[spoiler=Chapter 4 Dialogue](Focus on where the boss is. Shift to dialogue.)

*Ganter enters left*

Ganter: … Hmmm, so far it has been peaceful. Could it be that the Darkwright will not attack today? Hmph, as if. They will as long there is something for them to loot…

*A soldier enters right*

Soldier: Lord Ganter!

Ganter: Yes? What is it?

Soldier: Sir, there is a group approaching the area.

Ganter: Is it now? Where?

(Shift to map. Focus on the group, and then back with Ganter. Shift to dialogue.)

Ganter: Aha, I knew it! Those Darkwright must be at it again. Listen up men! We must protect the village at all costs! Don’t let those bandits through!

Soldier: At once sir! *Exits*

Ganter: Let’s see how much they last this time…

(Shift to map. Focus on the group. Shift to dialogue.)

*Reniar and Furetchen enter right, Varkade left*

Renair: Finally, I can see a village nearby. We can resupply and rest there.

Furetchen: Indeed. Now Varkade, I suppose this is where we part ways?

Varkade: … Well, I suppose. Though if you still may be in need of a strategist, I can stay with you longer, don’t you think?

Renair: Perhaps, though right now… Eh?

Furetchen: Hm? What is it?

Renair: Someone’s coming this way.

(Shift to map. An enemy walks near the group. Shift to dialogue.)

*Soldier enters left*

Soldier: Stop right there!

*Renair and Furetchen enter right*

Renair: Huh?

Soldier: Yeah you! You won’t pass through here! We won’t let you pillage the village!

Renair: ... What?

Furetchen: This isn’t good, he thinks we’re bandits.

Reniar: Listen, we…

Soldier: Everyone, let’s kill them off this time! *Exits*

*Furetchen moves left*

Furetchen: Well, looks like they won’t listen to us.

Reniar: So what do we do? I don't think they will just ignore us if we leave, so…

*Varkade enters right*

Varkade: We should stop them?

Renair: ! *Moves left*

Renair: What are you thinking?! We just can’t attack them!

Varkade: Then what else is to be done? Like you said, they won’t listen and will not leave us alone. Having to fight is the only option left.

Renair: …

Furetchen: …

Renair: Well, looks like there is no other choice. Everyone, we’ll fight through! Just get to their leader quickly and force him to stop. Don’t kill unless there is no other choice. Got it? Let’s go!


(Once chapter is over, focus on the group. Shift to dialogue.)

*Renair and Furetchen enter right, Varkade left*

Renair: Finally, this is over.

Furetchen: What a mess, we had to kill the guy.

Varkade: This won’t be good.

Renair: And why is that?

Varkade: This man was a retired member of the army. His death, not to mention the attack on civilians will label us as traitors once it gets known.

Furetchen: Talk about screwing up.

Reniar: At that case, we must flee from here. Going to the village is out of the question now.

Varkade: Very well, we must make haste for the border, before we have the army pursuing us.

(Shift to map. Fade to black.)


Chapter 5: Escape from Aukema.

A retreat type of map. You have been branded a traitor for killing a Aukemian Troop leader. The boss from the last chapter. Renair questions why an Aukemian Assassin was trying to kill one of his troops. Before he can ask that question his army is pursued. Escape with your lives. Pretty much a survive chapter.

[spoiler=Chapter 5 Dialogue](Focus on the enemy.)

*Fergal appears left, a soldier right*

Soldier: Reporting in, sir. The group has been sighted not that far from here, they are heading towards the border.

Fergal: So they think they can escape our pursuit? What a meaningless effort; they will fall to our blades. Gather the troops, we must make haste and go after them!

Soldier: Understood sir!

(Shift to map. Focus on the party. Shift to dialogue.)

*Renair enters right, Furetchen left*

Furetchen: It’s no good boss; they are still on our tails. Going to the border will be harder than we thought.

Renair: How could things ended up like this? One moment we were fighting bandits, and now the next we are running away from the country!

*Varkade enters left*

Varkade: Life can be so full of surprises. You never know what could happen, but can be prepared for whatever that may come. It’s all a matter of making the most out of it.

Renair: And then there was that person who sneaked on us back on the bandit’s turf. She was part of Aukemia’s forces, but why did she tried to kill us?

Varkade: Perhaps her goal was the bandit leader, and we just happened to have an unfortunate timing and replaced him.

Reniar: Perhaps…

Furetchen: Pardon for interrupting, but we must go, they could catch up on us any minute now.

Renair: Alright. Everyone, move out!


(After. Shift to dialogue.)

*Reniar and Varkade enter right, Furetchen left*

Furetchen: That was close.

Varkade: But we are still being pursued, we must make haste to the border.

Renair: We have no time to loose, we must keep going.

*Offscreen left* There they are, after them!

Furetchen: Looks like they spotted us again.

Renair: Time to run for it!

(Fade to black.)


Felix (Shaman)

Chapter 6: Crossroads.

You need to run from the ensuing army. DO NOT FIGHT THEM UNLESS YOU WANT TO DIE A PAINFUL DEATH To complete the chapter you capture a key castle on the border. After choose a path, escape to Musain or Onduris. After the end of this chapter Aukema slowly crumbles........

[spoiler=Chapter 6 Dialogue](Focus on the group. Shift to dialogue.)

*Renair enters right, Varkade left*

Renair: We’re almost at the border, we will be out of Aukema soon enough.

Varkade: Beyond are both Musain and Onduris. We should be safe in either of them.

Renair: Though which one? Well, we’ll decide later, for now, we get out of here.

*Furetchen enters right*

Furetchen: Boss, I got news. Other than still being pursued, there are also troops on the border.

Varkade: It looks like they got ahead of us and plan to surround us.

Renair: That leaves us with no choice, we must break through.

Furetchen: It won’t be easy, but we are as good as dead if we stay here anyway.

Renair: That’s right, so we must continue forward. Come on everyone, let’s go!

(Shift to map. Focus on the castle. Shift to dialogue.)

*Addreck enters left*

Addreck: Hehehe, those fools will not make it through here. They may have reached this far, but it will be as far as they will get. Hey you!

*A soldier enters right*

Soldier: Yes, sir?

Addreck: Make sure everyone is in position; it will be bad for us if we let them escape.

Soldier: At once, sir!

*Addreck exits, soldier moves right*

Soldier: Alright, you heard the captain, get moving! *Exits*

(Chapter. When Juan appears, shift to dialogue.)

*Enters right*

Juan: So, there they are the so called traitors. Hmmm... though, could it really be true? Well, anyway, I'm hired to this side, so no use questioning about it.

(Once it’s over. Shift to dialogue.)

*Renair and Furetchen appear right, Varkade left*

Renair: We did it!

Furetchen: Yeah, they may still be after us, but at least we made it out of there.

Varkade: Now, into a more important matter, we have to decide where to go.

Furetchen: So, either Musain or Onduris? What do you think Boss?

Renair: Hmm, It will be…

*Pick choice*

Renair: *Option*.

Varkade: Well then, to *Option* it is.

Furetchen: Looks like we won’t be seeing Aukema for who knows how much time.

Renair: Yeah, it’s bad, though it must be that way. May one day we are able to return.

Furetchen: Yeah.

Varkade: …

(Fade to black.)

And with that, the pre-route-split chapters are done.


Juan (Wyvern Rider)


Lord: ! Another one!

J: Wait, can I talk to you for a moment?

L: What?

J: You see, when I was hired for this job, I expected these 'traitors' to be more... dangerous looking. However, now that I see them up close, you sure don't look like criminals.

L: What are you getting at...?

J: But, as much as I would not like to, I am in need of money, so I'm willing to keep up with the job unless... you hire me instead.

L: Hire you?

J: Though I may prioritize the need of money over ideals, I cannot turn a blind eye at them either. You're mercenaries so... hire me.

L: That sure is a weird way of thinking you got there.

J: Perhaps. Well, you accept?

L: Alright, you're hired.

J: Well, I'm off. *Leaves*

L: ... Was this really a right choice...?

~Musain Route~

Chapter 6x: Escape.

Astra is imprisoned in a cell guarded by many people. At that exact moment Enjolras comes in to save Astra from his hell hole.

Eventually Astra gets out of the prison by himself. Enjolras is still attacking the castle forces. Astra decides to help. They meet up and kill the prison master. After Blume arrives and tries to capture the both of them. Enjolras buys Astra time to escape.


Astra (Cav)

Enjolras (Mage)

Combeferre (Cav)

Courfeyrac (Cav)

Chapter 7A: Captured.

The Crimson Blades decide to capture a castle on the Musain border. Part inside, part outside type of map. After capturing the castle, it gets surrounded by Blume's forces. Renair and 2 others(unspecified) surrender themselves to Blume, the rest escape.




Lia (Troubadour)

Tailto (Mage/Cleric)

Chapter 8A: Fighting the Rebels.

Renair, and 2 others(Juan and Lia), stay behind to let the others escape. Blume forces them to work for him. Their first task, to wipe out Javerts rebels. The map is full of forestry. After defeating the boss on the map. Javert convinces the 3 to save Enjolras. Ethina talks to Tailto on being careful, due to Ethina being Tailtos Elder sister. She also tells the party where Enjo is located.


Chapter 9A: Saving Enjolras.

The 3 arrive at a prison camp especially made for Enjolras and his knights. They have to rescue them. The map is a castle holding Enjolras and his loyal knights. Incomplete



Enjolras (Mage)

Combeferre (Cav)

Courfeyrac (Cav)

Chapter 10A: Pushing Blume’s forces back.

Map shift FTW. Blume’s Army appears as soon as you start the chapter. Same castle, different part.Your point here is to avoid Blume’s Army and kill the final Prison Master to escape.Though it could be difficult since Blume’s Army is blocking the way…… Then Astra arrives on the map, with his mini Army of Paladins to save the day. Then defeat the Final Prison Master and escape. The Paladins will leave afterwards.


Chapter 11A: Finding everyone.

Plains map, yay! You will recruit many of your previous units in this Chapter. Though they are all Green units so you have to recruit them with the proper person. BOUNTY HUNTERS! THEY ARE AFTER YOUR HEAD.

Watch out and protect the green units from suiciding.

Oh did I forget to mention that some of your units are also red units? Yeah stop them from killing each other. Recruit them as fast as possible. After clearing all the bounty hunters the chapter will finish.


Chapter 12A: Towards the Capital!

Plain like map but with more stuff. Now that you have your full Army back you can now squash Blume like a bug. But before that you will have to get to Musian’s capital, where Blume resides. Blocking your way are Musainian Soldiers they should be easy to eliminate. Use them to help your underleveled units. After defeating them all, proceed to the next chapter.

Recruited: Seren (Soldier)

Chapter 13A: Through the Capital!

Now we are in the Capital, the fights will get much harder starting this chapter. The Map looks like a village, but much…..different. Since you are now in the capital there will be far more variety of enemies. Watch out for mages with bolting, they can wreck your troops. Armors are fairly common, be sure to buy armorslayers in the armory. Seize the castle gate to move on to the next chapter.


Chapter 13x Seymours Fight

Seymour briefs the current situation, that they have to invade the castle to save Mitsuki for Xin-Ken. Vixenk tells him and the others about a secret entrance, from where they have a better position to attack, but there are still lots of enemies between them and the entrance, so they have to fight their way through.


Everyone in Onduris Route.

[spoiler="Chapter 13x Dialogue]Chapter 13x

Seymour: Sir Vixenk, do you have any idea where in the castle General Xin-Ken’s fiancée is held


Vixenk: Well, the general told me she is kept in one of the cells in the dungeon, but he doesn’t

know the exact location. We just have to trust in our luck to get to her fast, before the

traitors learn of our attack.

Jared: Great, but how do we get to the dungeon?

There are enemy soldiers all around and inside the castle! Look at our numbers, we’ll be

dead even before we reach the entrance!

S.: You certainly have a point there, Jared, but if we don’t rescue Miss Mitsuki, Xin-Ken will

ultimately have to battle the Ahr-Ris-En. And that would mean death for them, and us.

*Jared disappears, Armad and Inari appear*

Armad: The number of enemies doesn’t matter. I will crush them with my axe, and they’ll be dead

before they know.

Inari: This goes for me as well. Before Inari, every foe will fall.

S.: I… appreciate your anxiety, and I know you can’t wait to fight, but if we don’t have a plan,

we’ll run to our own execution.

*Armad and Inari disappear*

V.: It can’t be called a real plan, but I’ve got an idea how we can get into the castle dungeon

without fighting their main force.

General Xin-Ken once showed me a secret passage which was used as an emergency

exit to evacuate the women and children in times of an attack.

It’s still intact, and I hardly believe that the traitors guard that place very well, or even know

about it.

We can use it to get into the castle, and we can strike the enemy from behind.

S.: That sounds good. Where is that passage?

V.: It’s at the eastern wall of the castle, near the royal garden.

There still may be an acknowledgeable number of enemy troops until we get there,

But I believe with our skills we should be able to do it.


S.: All right… Erica, Amber, Karen!

*all of them appear*

All: Yes, Sir!

S.: Erica, since Armad and Inari will be our main attack force; I want you to guard our back row.

I know it’s hard for you since you’re our only knight, but I know you can do it.

Erica: Of course, Lord Seymour.

As long as I’m here, none of the enemies will even scratch our backs!


S.: Fine.

Amber, Karen, I know you can’t fight, so I want you to be our healing support.

We’ve got to face a high number of enemies, so it’s very unlikely we’ll get to the secret

passage unharmed. Please take care of our wounds, but don’t get yourselves into

unnecessary danger.

Amber: As you wish, Mylord.

Karen: You can rely on us, Lord Seymour.

*A. & K. disappear*

S.: Vixenk, Jared, I want you to stay with me, we’ll try our best to help out everyone else.


J.: Yeah, no problem with that.

V.: I’ll do my best.

*they disappear*

S.: Fine, then let’s go!

*Battle start*

Enemy-Soldier: Commander, it seems there are enemy forces approaching!

Com.: Is that so?

Is it that Seymour-brat and his bunch of throne-lovers?

E-Sol.: Yes, Sir, most likely.

Com.: He really showed up…

Intercept them at once, kill every last one of them!

E-Sol.: Yessir!

*Battle Seymour-Commander*

Com.: Are you the so-called “Lord Seymour”?

S.: It doesn’t matter to you. You’ll be dead before you know.

Com.: Hah, come try me!

*Battle Vixenk-Commander*

Com.: Oh, aren’t you General Xin-Ken’s right hand?

V.: I am. And you must be one of those rebellious dogs.

Com.: Insult me as much as you want, it won’t help you, bastard!

*Battle Commander*

Com.: So you got the courage to show up before our faces…

It doesn’t matter what you do, the king will fall!

You understood?!

*Defeat Commander*

Com.: N-No… that’s… that’s not possible…


*Battle End*

V.: Lord Seymour, we just found the secret passage!

S.: Yes!!

Now, don’t let us waste any more time, we have to save Mitsuki and stop this senseless


*Chapter End*

Chapter 14A: Showdown with Blume.

Here it is…..the final showdown…...with Blume. This chapter must be one of the most annoying chapters yet. The map is in a castle. Shaped like a spiral. 1-2 range or even 2 range will be useful in this chapter as the hallways are only 1 square thick. The 3 spell casters with bolting aren’t going to help either. Bring your strongest units. There will be many mages make sure you have plenty of healing staves. Once you reach the end of this incredibly painful spiral. Kill off Blume, careful since he has high mag and a strong tome. After, seize.


~Onduris Route~

Chapter 7B Eluding the Pursuers

You just crossed the Ondurian border. Let's just ho-

Oh look Aukemian lapdogs on our tail. >_> Greeeeeaaaaat. Basic map, you'll see a variety of castles, since this IS the border. Another escape chapter, only this time, to a village. Btw escape means seize as fast as f***ing possible. >_> Try not to kill yourselves on the Aukemian army. >_>


Amber (Cleric)

Erica (Knight)

Chapter 8B Seymour

Well in that case you still need to get away from Aukemian soldiers, have fun with that. But you still need to disguise yourself as Mercenaries to throw off suspicion. ;D But as you go to a village to re-stock, you see some bandits, and a man defending the villagers. You rush over to his aid, he introduces himself as Seymour. You decide to help him out… Village map, simple, don’t let Seymour die or else, he’s green BTW Defeat all the bandits to beat this simple chapter. You dive the bandits all off, but you hear from a villager that Onduris castle is having a political crisis. Seymour also joins your party as a Lord.


Seymour (Lord)

Chapter 9B Trapped

After hearing that news they promptly set off to Onduris to see if the rumors are really true. But first you have to get rid of the Aukemian stragglers that are following you. You decide the way to do that is to enter a large village where you can easily blend in. You enter [insert big village name here] only to find yourselves surrounded by ONDURIAN troops Yeah that’s right, Aukema requested assistance to find and kill you. >_> Chapter data……Yeah so it’s a fairly large map, village type scenery. There is also a blockade of armors stopping you from passing through the village to the north. On turn 2 reinforcements will appear from the south, Aukemian reinforcements. Since you are sandwiched be careful with your units. After the chapter ends you are really questioning WHY Onduris would help Aukema. Though there is only one way of finding out……


Karen (Troubadour)

Chapter 10B Hells Gate

FINALLY you have eluded the Aukemian knights from following you. Now you need to get to Onduris to find out why in the wayward they attacked you. But first to save the villagers from any crossfire that may happen IF the political screw up turns to war. Since Seymour know the Onduris territory quite well. He guides you through the forestry of Onduris to hide from the soldiers. You bring the villagers along with you, as they would like to finds out the truth as well. SUDDENLY BANDITS COMEOUT OF NOWHERE Wanting the food and supplies that you have as well as the villagers, they attack. Defend the villagers while wiping out all the bandits, a night/fog chapter, fairly large, a rout chapter. Afterwards you defeat the bandits you see a village at the end of the forest. You decide to leave them there and move on towards the capital.


Armad (Pirate)

Chapter 11B Inari

Almost at the capital, but before you do that ya gotta get prepared at a village. As you enter, you see a woman being harassed by a couple soldiers. Seymour, being the gentleman that he is, intervenes. The soldiers get pissed and attempt to burn the village. GREAAAAT. Inari, is a green unit, try not to let her suicide. >_> Protect. The. Damn. Villages. Easy enough of a chapter. After the battle Inari gets pissed, she claims that she could handle the battle by herself. She joins your party out of curiosity on what happened in Onduris.


Jared (Fighter)

Inari (Merc)

Chapter 11Bx Chaos

Enjo and Astra Gaiden.


Everyone in the Musain Route

Enjo we need to discuss this.

Chapter 12B Corruption

As you near the palace, General Xin-Ken approaches you…….he orders his men to attack. Seymour questions why Xin-Ken would attack you, considering that he is loyal to the king. And would not be hostile to a foreign party. Anyway the point of this chapter is to talk to Xin-Ken and seize a point, which would be the castle gate. Yes that’s right he’s standing on the seize spot. Get Seymour to talk to Xin-ken. After that is done the chapter ends…. JUST DON’T KILL HIM, OR GAME OVER. >_>

You have to wipe out a considerable amount of troops to get to the seize point.

Xin-Ken tells Seymour that:

His beloved fiancée is held captive by the traitors.As soon as he'd try to save her or work against the nobles (or even tell somebody about everything) Mitsuki would be killed, so he has to involve outsiders like our heroes to save her. But they have to hurry, because the traitors plan to kill the king, with the help of Xin-Ken very soon.


Vixenk (Myrmidon)

Chapter 13B Betrayal

Your party enters the castle……your task is to rescue Mitsuki before Xin-Ken arrives. Mitsuki is held in a cell in a lone spot in the castle. *doesn’t have a map* Talk to her with Seymour, she’ll turn blue temporarily. After a certain number of turns Xin-Ken will appear again, though forced to fight you. Carefully get Mitsuki to talk to Xin-Ken, another temporary blue unit. Now all you need to do is kill the nobles surrounding the throne. It shouldn’t be that difficult. Chapter end.


Chapter 14B End of the line

After re-conquering the outside of Onduris Castle.

Jinsei tells the party on why and how the traitors were able to usurp the throne. In the end he hires you to kill the rest of the corrupt nobles. He tells you where the final Nobles have fled, a castle on the rim of the Aukemian/Orndurian border. A chase, you have to kill them, a basic map of plains is needed.


~Aukema Reborn~

Chapter 15 Rebellions Flame

After conquering Musain/Onduris and reforming them to their former glory….. You hear something horrible..... Aukema is under siege. Naturally since it is your home town you rush towards it with all your speed. But to get there....You must cross the Desert of Death.....

When traveling towards the Aukemian Border several soldiers stop you, they ask who you are. You tell them, they immediately engage you in battle to stop you from passing any farther. Rout chapter, plains, near nighttime. Foggy. BRING THE DAMN TORCHES After routing you wonder who would attack you.....the next chapter explains it.

[spoiler=Chapter 15 Dialogue]

*All lords and retreaters move in*

Renair: The Aukeman border. It'll be good to be home...

Furetchen: ... I worry more about how much of 'home' is actually left standing.

Renair: Don't be so cynical.

Furetchen: Yeah, well...tell me that when I'm chased out of town by a lynch mob.

Astra/Seymour: Stop bickering. We're almost at the border.

Renair: I'll talk to 'em. We've definitely got authority to pass here.

*Back to map. Renair moves west until she's nearby the captain and a few soldiers.

Captain: Friend or foe?

Renair: Hey, captain guy! We're going to pass this checkpoint!

Captain: I -said-, friend or foe?

Renair: ...Friend.

Captain: Who are you?

Renair: Captain Renair, of the Crimson Blades, an irregular unit of the Aukeman Army.

*Beat, then threat music plays*

Captain: Bah, you lie worse than you fight, Visharan dog!

Renair: What?

Captain: No Aukeman unit was outside of the border! And I have never heard of these Crimson Blades!

Renair: Listen, if you want a look at my King's Shilling, be my guest...but you are NOT stopping us from doing our duty! If it's you or us...well, it's going to have to be you.

Captain: Hah! You just try that, Visharan!

*Back to map. Renair runs back.*

Renair: It turned ugly.

Astra/Seymour: We noticed.

Renair: You know...when I took the shilling, I never thought I'd live to see the day when I needed to kill my comrades to save the lives of others.

Astra: Well...that's war. That's war.


*Battle happens for a couple turns. You know that awesome Hector Mode midgame music? Yeah, that should play. "Cause it's awesome.*


*When the Afternoon Brigade burst in as Green units*

Brallen: *pant pant* We...we made it!

Saskia: About time after being forced through the desert.

Brallen: Look, how was I to know there would be an army in the Desert of Death?

Saskia: That was the Desert of Death? You idiot! Nobody survives that place!

Brallen: Well we did! Look, this place is better than the ruined city I found you in! Forced to steal from empty houses!

Saskia: I was looting!

Brallen: From poor folk like yourself!

Saskia: They were dead! Probably! Then you come by and cuff me by the arm and take me through a desert, of all places, and-

Brallen: Stop whining! At least we're safe.

*Faceless soldier walks in* Guy: Halt! Nobody is permitted to cross the border at this time of crisis.

Brallen: Rubbish! I'm moving across-

Guy: I am prepared to stop you by force, sir!

Saskia: ...Brallen, you idiot...


*Saskia is recruited*

S: Yo! Official-looking type! You look like the enemies of the state...suits me fine. Need an extra pair of hands?

Lord: What's a girl doing in the middle of this desert?

S: Ask the big man over there with the axe. That idiot brought me here just cause I was helping myself to some dead guy's heirlooms... Anyway, I'm a good fighter, and I can also offer some...less legal assistance. If you need to bust a lock...or a head, I'm your girl! We'll discuss terms later, 'kay? *leaves*

L: I...what?


*Brallen is recruited*

S: Oi! Big guy! I just secured our employment!

B: Kind of...distracted...here...!

S: Look, the ragtag buncha misfits over thataway are our mates, you got that? Maybe I'll even let them take you in!

B: Look...make yourself useful and...keep yourself focused...on...the present...!

S: Oh fer...can't even think about the future. He's lucky he got me to look after him.


*Aukemans suck at fighting. You kill 'em all.*



Captain: Argh...I...

Renair: Did you HEAR me? I ASKED you a question! Why did you attack soldiers of Aukema?!

Captain: Soldiers of ... Aukema? You are no soldiers I ever...heard of.

Renair: Yeah, you ever heard of the Crimson Blades?

Captain: No, I...ugh...thought you was Visharans. Damned looters have been raiding the villages...no respite...*leaves*

Enjolras/Seymour: He's unconscious.

Renair: He told us all we need to know. It's a pity that so many died over...a misunderstanding.

Enjolras/Seymour: This is the way of war. In all the confusion, sometimes you can't even tell friend from foe.

*More uplifting music plays*

Renair: Well, let's cross this damn desert, and get back home. I get the feeling that Aukema's going to need every last soldier on the payroll.


Saskia (Thief)


*Saskia is recruited*

S: Yo! Official-looking type! You look like the enemies of the state...suits me fine. Need an extra pair of hands?

Lord: What's a girl doing in the middle of this desert?

S: Ask the big man over there with the axe. That idiot brought me here just cause I was helping myself to some dead guy's heirlooms... Anyway, I'm a good fighter, and I can also offer some...less legal assistance. If you need to bust a lock...or a head, I'm your girl! We'll discuss terms later, 'kay? *leaves*

L: I...what?

Brallen (Fighter)


*Brallen is recruited*

S: Oi! Big guy! I just secured our employment!

B: Kind of...distracted...here...!

S: Look, the ragtag buncha misfits over thataway are our mates, you got that? Maybe I'll even let them take you in!

B: Look...make yourself useful and...keep yourself focused...on...the present...!

S: Oh fer...can't even think about the future. He's lucky he got me to look after him.

Continued in the next post.

ASL posted that, you need to be hack staff to see it. Dunno if I want to link the rest

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Wait up, there is a template IIRC

We needed a template.







For bases look at this: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe7/class_base.htm

After apply 15 points of your choosing to any stat.

For every Level you have over 1 add 3 points to any stat.

(Pegasus Knights and Archers have 19)

For prepromotes you get +15 stats total on your base promoted class.

(Falcon Knights and Snipers have 19)











You may spend a total of 310 points here. Growths can only be increments of 5. PREPROMOTES CAN ONLY GO TO 245 POINTS








Weapon Levels:


Preferred Chapter of Appearance:

Preferred Weapon(Equipped):

Preferred Level character starts on:

Description: (of your character)







Please ask before listing someone as your support.

Formula for statpoints

Unpromoted unit: 15 + 3x(level)

Promoted: 15 + 6 + 3x(level)

Have fun ^_^

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