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Bad Soluna.

Be proud in your work.

I am, in this banner at least, but I made it just because. :<


Isa? /looks up her OA

Nice~ /icons

Oh, right, durr, thank you~

Why not? It would be a really cool banner, you know.

F-fine, but, ERL already said he was going to suggest it... >3>

Edited by Cappuccino
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Portrait: I'll let someone competent in splicing / spriting handle this.

Name: Fayt

Class: Dark Sage (Dark/Anima/Staves)

Affinity: Anima


After apply 15 points of your choosing to any stat.

For prepromotes you get +15 stats total on your base promoted class.

(Falcon Knights and Snipers have 19)

HP: 20 --> 26

Str: 6 --> 12

Skl: 3 --> 09

Spd: 4 --> 12

Lck: 0 --> 04

Def: 5 --> 07

Res: 5 --> 11

Con: 10

Mov: 7

(Yes, I do know that I went slightly over the alloted statpoints. But sages have such poor class bases that I considered it fair to use these stats.)


You may spend a total of 310 points here. Growths can only be increments of 5. PREPROMOTES CAN ONLY GO TO 245 POINTS

HP: 25

Str: 45

Skl: 45

Spd: 65

Lck: 30

Def: 10

Res: 25 Total: 245

Weapon Levels: A Anima, S Dark, B Staves


Preferred Chapter of Appearance: I don't know the number of chapters, but I should show up about halfway through the game

Preferred Weapon(Equipped): Fimbulvetr (equipped), Luna, Physic

Preferred Level character starts on: L1 promoted

Description: (of your character):

Somewhat of a hermit, Fayt is a middle-aged sage who lives in the mountainous foothills. Although he lives a life of relative solitude, this is not to say that Fayt is an asocial person. Rather, he prefers a simple, quiet life without the worries of the city. He also left the hectic city life behind in order to study the world, and to hone his natural magical talent (for magic is created by connecting one's consciousness with the various spirits of nature, and coalescing this spiritual energy into physical form). Nonetheless, as Fayt heads toward middle age (he's 42), he begins to contemplate that perhaps he has spent too much time in isolation. He therefore begins traveling the world in search of one to whom he can teach his formidable ability before he passes on.

Like Haar (FE9/10), he's known for sleeping more than he probably should, giving him the appearance of someone aloof and lazy. Despite appearances, he's actually rather down to Earth and quite dependable when times are hard. Perhaps this is because he has learned to survive in the natural world? Of course, having had limited human contact for the past 20 years, he can come off as more than a bit rude, even when he doesn't mean to. That is not to say that he actively avoids contact with other people. Merely that he has forgotten proper social etiquette, which leads to some rather... amusing interactions.

Physically, Fayt is fairly massive - about 180 cm tall, 82 kg in weight. He's also got a decent amount of muscle tone (perhaps from daily physical activity, and perhaps from having to lug 12 weight tomes with him all the time...).

~Supports~ After I know who's in the game, I can do something here.

Um, well, not sure what else to add.

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An FE8 Druid to be precise since it's only FE8 where Druids have access to Anima magic.

Dark Sage sounds cooler, though.

Druid sounds way better than fucking Dark fucking Sage.

...And, ew, Pelleas' stench is all over that shit.

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Download Game/Anime OSTs here

There is a catch though. You have to sign up. AND to be able to download, you have to either pay them or refer people to the site. I'm choosing the latter. :newyears:

To sign up, go to download something and then it'll prompt you to sign up. It's be a HUGE favour to me if, in the referrals box, you said that you were referred by "Rhythm".

Also, hi.

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