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Hmm... try this.

After the war, Lumi never forgave Noctian for trying to distance himself from her, and dismissed him. Noctian turned to Celia for comfort, and their friendship eventually turned into a blissful marriage.
Edited by JB25
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Noctian is a two-timer?

He isn't. He pulled a Seth on Lumi, who didn't take it as well as Eirika did so she got megapissed at him. He can either go talk to her (LxN support A) or become depressed (not support A). As Lumi was in love with him as well, such rejection (even though he didn't really want to either) really hurt her, and she practically refused to talk to him (unless support A'd).

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Yay! *cherishes it*

You're awesome, LB.

BTW, I finished my River character. I actually had to rewrite her entire backstory to fit the Shaman class, but I hope it's good enough.

I made her the Anti-Micaiah in terms of stats. aka SPEEEDDDD PLZZZZ!


Portrait: mistshaman.gif <3

Name: River

Class: Shaman

Affinity: Ice


For bases look at this: http://www.serenesfo.../class_base.htm

After apply 15 points of your choosing to any stat.

For every Level you have over 1 add 3 points to any stat.

(Pegasus Knights and Archers have 19)

For prepromotes you get +15 stats total on your base promoted class.

(Falcon Knights and Snipers have 19)

15+(7-1)*3= 33

HP: 15 + 7 = 22

Mag: 3 + 6 = 9

Skl: 1 + 5 = 6

Spd: 1 + 8 = 9

Lck: 0 + 2 = 2

Def: 1 + 5 = 6

Res: 5

Con: 3

Mov: 5


You may spend a total of 310 points here. Growths can only be increments of 5. PREPROMOTES CAN ONLY GO TO 245 POINTS

HP: 40

Mag: 55

Skl: 50

Spd: 55

Lck: 20

Def: 30

Res: 60

Weapon Levels: D Dark


Preferred Chapter of Appearance:

Preferred Weapon(Equipped): Flux, Energy Ring, Vulnerary

Preferred Level character starts on: LV7

Description: (of your character) A cheerful girl that searching a friend

Born on a farm in the outskirts of the duchy of [blank], River was a normal farmgirl who lived with her brother Isaac and father Germaine. Her brother was an expert swordsman who could have joined the [country] army, but declined after their mother Ilina fell ill and soon died so he stayed to protect his family and farm. One night, an intruder in a dark cloak came by the farm. Isaac sensed danger and immediately went to confront him, as it appeared the cloaked figure was stealing one of their vegetables. River watched on (despite being told to stay back) as Isaac brought down his sword on him only to be parried when the figure drew his own sword. After a fight that seemed like hours, the figure immediatly sheated his sword and laughed and hearty good-natured laugh, leaving Isaac and River dumbfounded. Turns out this figure was the young Lord Reyes of House Deleyon, on another one of his midnight escapades to escape the confines of his castle. Despite this strange encounter, Isaac, River, and Reyes soon became fast friends and he'd visit them often, in disguise and without his parents permission as was his style.

One day when cleaning out the attic, River discovered some of her mother's old dark tomes. Dark magic had been outlawed in the region and was one of the reasons River's parents had to live all the way out in the boondocks. River had a natural aptitude for it and began practicing it in memory of her mother. Her father and brother grew worried because she could breaking the law, but Reyes encouraged her because he always found elder magic fascinating and said she was really good at it. River persisted and found uses that even helped out on the farm.

A few years later, tragedy struck. A large group of bandits from the mountains came and tried to sack her home. River was scared as she had never seen so many ruffians in her life, and her father had been crippled in an accident and lost the use of his sword arm. Isaac, hot-blooded, as he was, fought for his family and tried to take them on himself. He fought and fought and fought, but there were too many. Germaine joing the fray and fought them off as well as he could with his axe. But they were both overwhelmed. River then got out her dark tomes and entered the fight herself, but it was too late. Her brother and father had been felled. The bandits laughed like hyeanas as they proceeded to plunder the farm until they saw her and decided they'd like to plunder her too! With tears in her eyes, she invoked the name of every elder spirit imaginable and thrust dark magic at all off them. The bandits, fearful of mages, tried to escape, but River wouldn't stop, couldn't stop until each and every bandit was dead. Sunrise came and the farm was littered with the bodies of bandits and her kin, her house and farm nearly annihalted. River had nowhere to go. Nowhere to turn. She had no family. And it would be at least day until the knights of [duchy] came by to see what happened. And then rather than see a girl who lost her livelihood, they'd see a dark magic practitioner and execute her. There was only one thing left to do.

After giving her father and brother a proper burial, she employed the spirits to lead her in the direction of who she wanted to see most. "Reyes". A few weeks ago, Reyes ran away from home, but told her and Isaac he was going on a grand adventure, and enjoy life without stuffy nobles for a bit. He promised he'd return for them. The spirits showed where he was and River proceeded to find him...


- Reyes (Fire)





Please ask before listing someone as your support.

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