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Here. It's the first draft, didn't really touch it up or anything. I don't know Noctian's personality so I just aped Seth's. >_> Anywho, I still haven't fleshed out Reyes' backstory, but this oughta give you clues to where I'm going with him.


Reyes: Take that! Ha ha! Didn't stand a chance, did you?! That's what happens when you face my-

Noctian: Lord Reyes! Watch out!

Reyes: Wha-?

*Noctian enters screen hurriedly and pushes Rey*

Reyes: What in the-?

Noctian: You need to be more careful, Lord Reyes. That enemy sniper nearly hit you.

Reyes: *scoffs* I could've deflected that arrow myself.

Noctian: ...

Reyes: But, er, thank you, Noctian.

Noctian: You need to be more careful out here, Lord Reyes. This is a battlefield, not a playground.

Reyes: Yeah, yeah, I know. H-hey, why are you telling me what to do?! I've been fighting with this lot longer than you have.

Noctian: I apologize, my lord. But you are still a noble of [country]. You must keep safe for your family back home.

Reyes: You're not my retainer, Noctian. You don't have to keep tabs on me.

Noctian: I understand, Lord Reyes. But we are far from home. Therefore, it is my duty as a knight of [country] to keep you safe. Your family and dukedom needs you.

Reyes: You really don't have to do that. Like you said, we are far from home. So let's forget ranks and titles! Over here we are just comrades-in-arms! How's that sound?

Noctian: *smiles* That sounds just like you, my lord. But I have my duties. I will continue to watch over my lady, but I'll still look out for you all the same. *leaves*

Reyes: .....*sighs* Nice to see he hasn't changed. Why did he have to be here? I left to get away from all that...


Reyes: Kya~!

Noctian: Hah~!

Reyes: Nice one, Noctian! You practically skewered that enemy like a pig on a spit! And we fought back-to-back, just like the heroes from the old stories! That was pretty awesome.

Noctian: Erm, you're too kind, my lord. And you're swordsmanship has vastly improved since we last met.

Reyes: Heh, thanks. The different swordplay-styles I've encountered here has helped me refine my own. I feel like I can take on anyone!

Noctian: Lord Reyes...

Reyes: I told you already, we're equals out here. Just call me "Rey".

Noctian:.............Lord Reyes...


Noctian: ...you can't allow yourself to be blinded by over-confidence. Each new army we encounter is stronger than the last. Be on your guard and keep aware of your surroundings.

Reyes: Thanks, master. I'll keep that in mind.

Noctian: Please, be serious, my lord. Your survival is of the utmost importance. Even greater than my own.

Reyes: Why? Because I'm a noble? It's not like I'm very important. I'm the youngest of five sons so it's not like I'll inherit anything. Especially since my eldest brother is already married and with a son of his own.

Noctian: You're still in the line of succession, Lord Reyes...

Reyes: Rey.

Noctian: ...you never know what may happen.

Reyes: Everyone in my family is as healthy as oxen. I can't even remember the last time someone got sick. The only way I'd inherit the castle and land is if I killed all my brothers, my father, my nephew and all my male cousins like the evil uncles in the old stories. Hey, maybe I'll do that!

Noctian: ........

Reyes: I'm joking, Noctian. J-O-K-I-N-G.

Noctian: .....I felt it inappropriate.

Reyes: Meh, it's not like I care about that anyway. I hate being in that castle and learning all that etiquette crap. I prefer traveling the world with my sword at my side as a mercenary. I like being around the commonfolk more than stuffy nobles.

Noctian: You don't mean that.

Reyes: How would you know?!

Noctian: Reyes, you may be grown, but you act the child. What you are you doing is not seeking glory, but running away from your responsibilities. You are bringing dishonor to your House and your country. Are you aware that there were people you left behind? People who need you?

Reyes: Nobody really needs..

Noctian: Did you think you could get away with leaving without a word? And for what? To live the life of a hero from the old children's stories you love so much? The world isn't like that. Like it or not, you are a noble of [region]. You need to grow up and start accepting your...

Reyes: Noctian, shut up.

Noctian: ! F-Forgive me, my lord, I spoke out of turn. I-

Reyes: Go back to your post. Don't speak that way to me again. That's an order.

Noctian: Yes, my lord. By your leave, *leaves*

Reyes: ........


Reyes: Noctian!

Noctian: Yes, my lord?

Reyes: Hey..um...sorry about the other day.

Noctian: For what?

Reyes; You know, that...that outburst and..stuff...

Noctian: You did nothing wrong, Lord Reyes. I had forgotten my place. The fault lies with me.

Reyes: No, it doesn't. I was wrong. I felt like you were lecturing me when in reality you were telling me what I needed to hear.

Noctian: Lord Reyes?

Reyes: *sighs* You're right, Everything you said about me was right. I thought long and hard about it. How could I have been so blind?

Noctian: You had your reasons, my lord.

Reyes: Yeah, and they were terrible ones. I wanted to leave. To get away from everything and just live a simple life. But you showed me what I was really doing. I tried fooling myself that everyone would be better off without me and my true calling was that of a mercenary.

Noctian: ...

Reyes: But all I did was run away. Convinced I was a nobody and no one would miss me. But even if I am...

Noctian: Untrue, you are not nobody. There were plenty of people who missed you. One in particular...

Reyes: Really? Who?

Noctian: I enjoy the use of my tongue, milord. So forgive me if I remain silent.

Reyes: Is...is that a joke? Did Noctian tell a joke?!

Noctian: *smiles*

Reyes: Heh heh heh! I think I witnessed a miracle here. Or a comet that won't be seen again for 100 years! Anyway, thanks for giving me the kick in the pants I needed. When this war is over I will return to [dukedom] and assume my responsibilities.

Noctian: That's good to hear. The people love you most of your entire family because you do your best to understand them. Plus, I see a great future for you as a general of the Knights of [duchy].

Reyes: Really?

Noctian: I say what I mean. Ask your father about it.

Reyes: No, I'd like to earn that position. I'll challenge my second eldest brother to a duel for it and accept the consequences, whatever the outcome.

Noctian: It seems you did some growing up after all, Rey.

Reyes: Heh, finally! You called me "Rey".

Noctian: Oh forgive me. That was improper.

Reyes: Heh heh. Noctian, you're an excellent bodyguard, knight...and friend. Never change.

Noctian: My lord, I wouldn't know how.

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Aww. I wish we're allowed 6 support slots now.

This would've been awesome to have.

Noctian is exactly Seth in personality, except having a (marginally) slightly less control over his emotions. So you basically got him there.

Can't wait until you get his backstory done, and then we can work on him and Lumis. :D

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Thanks. :D I still might post it at FEM for kicks. Maybe one of your support slots will drop out. I'll finish up Reyes' backstory tomorrow and get to work on his X Lumi's supports.

Also, still need to fix his stats. A prepromote with 5 base RES? Reyes will be this hack's Isadora if I don't fix him. ;p

Edited by El Rey León
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I'm trying to see if I can withdraw a support with someone that doesn't have a conversation written.

Because it's too awesome and I'd definitely want to use it.

Plus Noctian could definitely do with full more ATK and AVO as well.

So now I have two potentially awesome support triangles. Win.

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Yeah. And I suppose that it was a good decision in the end because that's the only method of PP restoration early on. Also, I'm just about to take out the Aqua Hydra.

Oh snap, you had to go all the way back to Garoh BEFORE you got to move around in your ship? Anyhow, it was worth it. Is this Hard Mode?


Eh, I had to keep healing but he fell eventually to the high-powered summons. He has over 16000 HP but 4-Djinn summons or higher end up doing at least 1000 damage so it was all good.


I made frames~


Really? I was going to blame myself.

Stop that

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Blinking and talking frames for Lumi.


FEditor isn't recognizing it. It's more than 16 colors. I can fix that though.

And I only change my name on the day that I joined, every year. It's not January 12th yet.

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