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I woke up wondering what the child of Eirika and Ephraim would be like. Eirika's skill, Ephraim's defence, fourteen toes and the intelligence of a damp walnut.

How about getting Ephraim's skill and Eirika's defense instead, eh?

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She did. For making Kyle absolute crap.

Also the worst durability of my team of six.

First time I ever used Kyle he was a FIGHTING GOD. And Forde, who I always use, became crap everywhere. Kyle BEAT HIM IN LITERALLY EVERYTHING AT THE SAME LEVEL.

Amelia's offence matched everyone else, but her defence was pathetic. Colm was Colm. Duessel was Duessel. Gilliam was so overlevelled he could even double shit occasionally. Franz was stranded at 20/0 with no Crests (I failed to save Duessel's Dudes). Ephraim was awesome as per the norm. Fun times~

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First time I ever used Kyle he was a FIGHTING GOD. And Forde, who I always use, became crap everywhere. Kyle BEAT HIM IN LITERALLY EVERYTHING AT THE SAME LEVEL.

It's the green hair, dude

Amelia's offence matched everyone else, but her defence was pathetic.

Why did I imagine a kitty over here?

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Let's see, on my Renais Knights run, where my team consisted of Seth, Franz, Eirika, Ephraim, Forde, and Kyle...

Seth is god in all aspects. He's the tankiest, the most glorious, and has a friggin +5 ATK/DEF support to boot. Also laughs at shadowshot because he has Audhulma and is not afraid of anything.

Franz is Seth in miniature. Decently good durability, especially with Vidofnir, and doubles just about everything. At 15/15, he has 20 STR and 16 DEF, which is plenty enough. Considering that this is really his 20/10 stats. The only thing he can't do is tank magic. But out of the three cavs, his Res is the best.

Eirika still dodges well pre-promotion, but post-promotion she became Seth's lieutenant magic Tank. Which works well, since she receives a +3 from him. 18DEF/17RES at 20/11. Not bad.

Ephraim was kick ass and my only complaint about him pre-promotion was the lack of horse, but he'd be too broken. He actually channeled some Eirika and maxed SKL/SPD really early, as well as 20DEF at 20/9.

Forde is currently 19/9 and is quite well rounded. He does decently against most enemies, and I ended up Devil-axing his Axe rank up to S so he can Garm, whereas I intended to give to Kyle before. He has the same DEF as Franz, but he doesn't get a delcious +2 from Seth. He's no Franz and definitely not Seth, but he's solid.

Kyle usually comes out great, but this time he's severely SPD screwed. At 12/8 he only has 12 SPD and 14 DEF. Which means getting doubled by the fast stuff and since his durability isn't up to par as normal, he actually takes damage. Maybe it's my fault for promoting him early, but he didn't grow any SPD and was being doubled by Myrms and Mercs so I had to promote him for that +2.


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Let's see, on my Renais Knights run, where my team consisted of Seth, Franz, Eirika, Ephraim, Forde, and Kyle...

Seth is god in all aspects. He's the tankiest, the most glorious, and has a friggin +5 ATK/DEF support to boot. Also laughs at shadowshot because he has Audhulma and is not afraid of anything.

Franz is Seth in miniature. Decently good durability, especially with Vidofnir, and doubles just about everything. At 15/15, he has 20 STR and 16 DEF, which is plenty enough. Considering that this is really his 20/10 stats. The only thing he can't do is tank magic. But out of the three cavs, his Res is the best.

Eirika still dodges well pre-promotion, but post-promotion she became Seth's lieutenant magic Tank. Which works well, since she receives a +3 from him. 18DEF/17RES at 20/11. Not bad.

Ephraim was kick ass and my only complaint about him pre-promotion was the lack of horse, but he'd be too broken. He actually channeled some Eirika and maxed SKL/SPD really early, as well as 20DEF at 20/9.

Forde is currently 19/9 and is quite well rounded. He does decently against most enemies, and I ended up Devil-axing his Axe rank up to S so he can Garm, whereas I intended to give to Kyle before. He has the same DEF as Franz, but he doesn't get a delcious +2 from Seth.

Kyle usually comes out great, but this time he's severely SPD screwed. At 12/8 he only has 12 SPD and 14 DEF. Which means getting doubled by the fast stuff and since his durability isn't up to par as normal, he actually takes damage. Maybe it's my fault for promoting him early, but he didn't grow any SPD and was being doubled by Myrms and Mercs so I had to promote him for that +2.


Replace Seth with Gilliam, Duessel, Colm and Amelia (the latter of which is useless; the others, surprisingly necessary. Gilliam KILLED ALL OF CHAPTER SIX giving Franz time to take out the boss via flanking maneouvre) and you got my runthrough. And everyone has to promote to GK, but that's NEVER a bad thing.

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Eirika actually tanked through C6 with only 7 DEF on my Jehanna+Eirika run. :P

Where my team was Eirika, Joshua, Gerik, Marisa, Tethys, Ewan, and Saleh.

But at that point, I had an insanely overleveled Eirika and a base Joshua.

Duracell is boss.

GKs are fun.

I assume Duracell got Garm, but what about Audhulma and Vidofnir?

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Eirika actually tanked through C6 with only 7 DEF on my Jehanna+Eirika run. :P

Where my team was Eirika, Joshua, Gerik, Marisa, Tethys, Ewan, and Saleh.

But at that point, I had an insanely overleveled Eirika and a base Joshua.

Duracell is boss.

GKs are fun.

I assume Duracell got Garm, but what about Audhulma and Vidofnir?

Audhulma will likely go to Colm, who needs it most. Vidofnir to Gilliam (who has S Lances already, naturally) or Amelia, if I can get her there in time (Vidofnir is +5 Def, right? Amelia's def is terrible).

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Yep. +5 DEF.

... It made Franz's physical durability almost as good as Seth's.

What level is Amelia at right now?

... I had an amelia once who had 6 DEF at 10/20/1 Paladin. I went WTF.

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Yep. +5 DEF.

... It made Franz's physical durability almost as good as Seth's.

What level is Amelia at right now?

... I had an amelia once who had 6 DEF at 10/20/1 Paladin. I went WTF.

Cool beans.

Yeah, it'd probably take Gilliam to the stratosphere.

Six cavalier, I think? At the start of Selena's level. With E swords. So...yeah, no real easy way out this level. I already busted a shield on her. This is AFTER two runs through the first level of Valni. Franz is 20/0, Dura --/slightly over base, Gilliam 20/12, Super Christmas Brigade 17ish, Ephraim 18, Colm 16.

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Go with Gill, then. Invincible tank will be invincible and Amelia can do whatever Kyle did on my run. Chip damage and finishing blows.

Yeah. It's pretty damn hard to level Amelia without Valni. :/

Well, if you have extra money, kill/buy off Rennac and get his card drop to buy more crests for people.

Gill looks like MVP material there.

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Go with Gill, then. Invincible tank will be invincible and Amelia can do whatever Kyle did on my run. Chip damage and finishing blows.

Yeah. It's pretty damn hard to level Amelia without Valni. :/

Well, if you have extra money, kill/buy off Rennac and get his card drop to buy more crests for people.

Gill looks like MVP material there.

It'll depend on the situation. Right now, the right flank (consisting of Gill, Duracell, Gerik and Tethys (I allow myself to use people on their joining stages)) has a pretty smooth ride but has to rush to get the talisman somewhat. The left flank's the tricky bit; rip through the fighters, survive the flock of peg knights, not get critted by the Killer Knight (this bit's pretty easy), rush down, kill the pirates, save the village and then NOT do what I did last time.

I actually made it to the snag bridge thing, everything was perfect. Then I set up my formation. Kyle took point with Forde behind him. I hit 'Rescue' instead of wait. Panicking, I ran Forde back. Then I discovered the GK had a handaxe, and neatly 2HKO'd Forde while narrowly doubling. Cue ragequit.

I intend to.

Yeah, he's undoubtedly my hero.

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You might want to delegate Duracell to the other way, then.

I had Seth and Franz (while building their B support) take the left and Ephraim leading Kyle and Forde on the right. Ephraim did most of the work on the right there. And dodged Bolting with his 20 SPD because he... is insanely SPD-blessed.

Franz narrowly avoided death, though. Selena's Bolting is no joke.

I did have a support circle, which was cool.

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You might want to delegate Duracell to the other way, then.

I had Seth and Franz (while building their B support) take the left and Ephraim leading Kyle and Forde on the right. Ephraim did most of the work on the right there. And dodged Bolting with his 20 SPD because he... is insanely SPD-blessed.

Franz narrowly avoided death, though. Selena's Bolting is no joke.

I did have a support circle, which was cool.

I need the offensive grunt of the cavaliers though, to get to the village in time.

Yeah, Bolting is a pain in the ass.

Supports are good but most haven't kicked in yet.

Remember Furet, I can start hacking when you finish the dialogue.

How much d'you want? I've done up to chapter six, probably more, save the introductions of other characters. And I've done Amelia's, Lumi's done her own...I think that's it, actually.

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I need the offensive grunt of the cavaliers though, to get to the village in time.

Yeah, Bolting is a pain in the ass.

Supports are good but most haven't kicked in yet.

Oh. Right.

I think that's why I sent Seth and Pallie!Franz down there in the first place.

Friggin Falcos actually do damage on Franz. :< I laugh when they run into Seth though. It's hilarious to see them getting lolpwned by a god.

Which supports are you doing?

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I don't see chapters 1-6 in that Dialogue thread.

Oh, yeah, Acacia did those and I haven't looked through 'em all yet...yeah, gimme a minute or ninety.

Which supports are you doing?

A Supports

DuesselXAmelia (Currently nonexistant)

Incest Wonder Twins (Currently C)

FordeXKyle (Currently A)

FranzXGilliam (Currently B)

C Supports

EphXForde (done)

EphXKyle (done)

FordeXFranz (done; Forde is my first fully supported character ever)

EirXFranz, if that can be done? I dunno. Or AMelia. I don't really care either way.

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Oh, yeah, Acacia did those and I haven't looked through 'em all yet...yeah, gimme a minute or ninety.

A Supports

DuesselXAmelia (Currently nonexistant)

Incest Wonder Twins (Currently C)

FordeXKyle (Currently A)

FranzXGilliam (Currently B)

C Supports

EphXForde (done)

EphXKyle (done)

FordeXFranz (done; Forde is my first fully supported character ever)

EirXFranz, if that can be done? I dunno. Or AMelia. I don't really care either way.

Do Franz and Amelia.

I wish EirFranz can happen, but sadly...

Or else they'd have the most hax support triangle since RutgerDieckClarine.

Imagine. Seth A Eir B Franz B Seth.

Full ATK/DEF all the way.

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