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The best epic dark tome is obviously Nagalfar, even though you can't use it until Creature Campaign.

Glitch Moulder to S Dark, give him body rings because lol infinite boosters, and watch him slayer the hell of Lagdou with its 25 mt and infinite uses.

That's one less person you gotta worry about buying weapons for.

But then again, it's CC.

Otherwise FE7 Luna takes the cake.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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The best epic dark tome is obviously Nagalfar, even though you can't use it until Creature Campaign.

Glitch Moulder to S Dark, give him body rings because lol infinite boosters, and watch him slayer the hell of Lagdou with its 25 mt and infinite uses.

That's one less person you gotta worry about buying weapons for.

But then again, it's CC.

Otherwise FE7 Luna takes the cake.

I'd side with Apocalypse for it not being obscenely heavy like the other ultimate dark tomes.

...I'm not a fan of doing that, honestly.

Yeah, it's so easy to see why it got nerfed in FE8.

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What about FE6 Eclipse?

The only thing FE6 Eclipse is good for is breaking down walls, honestly. Its hit is way too low to use on anything else.

Also, you wanted Celes, Edgar and Setzer, right? Tauro hasn't been active in quite a while, so you can just go ahead and take Edgar (after all, it's how I got Celes and Locke). And I'll share Celes with you.

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Canas makes me wish HHM had more deployment slots.

Because I could totally have him there. He could B support Pent too.

Lucius and Pent should totally support.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Man did Eclipse's animation take forever in FE6. >_<

Canas is the best Dark Magic user in FE. Bar none.

It's funny how Luna went from crazyawesome in FE7 to nearly useless in FE8.

You're telling me. >_< Then again, dark magic animations in general were pretty slow in FE6.


Yeah, it's just hilarious.

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The only thing FE6 Eclipse is good for is breaking down walls, honestly. Its hit is way too low to use on anything else.

lol, I wonder why I never thought of using them to break walls. I always had Eclipse in my supply.

Also, you wanted Celes, Edgar and Setzer, right? Tauro hasn't been active in quite a while, so you can just go ahead and take Edgar (after all, it's how I got Celes and Locke). And I'll share Celes with you.

Oh, cool! Thanks, Richter Lanford!

Canas is the best Dark Magic user in FE. Bar none.

He needs more Con.

Don't let him frontline tank or anything.

Yeah, because sending a bow user to the front is always the best strategy.

OMG. I might've found some "evidence" that Karel and Karla were once descended from the Issacians.

How else could Karel resemble Shanan so much when he was young and Galzus when he was older?

Isaac = Sacae = Jehanna

Silesia = Ilia = Frelia

Thracia = Bern = Grado

Macedonia and Begnion have both the fliers though, so I can't decide between the last two groups.

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Read FarinaxKarla B. There's one line in there that just made me go "OMG".

"Yes, you could say that... I’ve heard that my ancestors sailed here from across the seas, however..."

We have enough evidence now.

Macedonia=Begnion, there. :awesome:

That works.

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lol, I wonder why I never thought of using them to break walls. I always had Eclipse in my supply.

Oh, cool! Thanks, Richter Lanford!

He needs more Con.

Yeah... FE6's walls are ridiculously durable. >_>

No problem.

You gotta admit, though - it's hilarious how Luna was awesome in FE7, then when FE8 came along, it became nearly useless.

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