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Good afternoon dead thread.

I dunno why but my History is screwy recently. WHILE Physics and Chemistry is not. FFFFFFFFFFFFFfffff-

Hi Amelia! How's your kitty?

Expected. You were always awesome in Physics and Chemistry and you were complaining about History for a while now...

You know, I didn't get that until yesterday when I re-read it.

You read that yesterday? So you were digging through 26 pages of the PM conversation just for that? Or the MSN logs, which would have even more conversations?




I'm the only person here who apparently loathes mathematics and cannot wait until he gets that out of the way to do more significant and interesting things with his life and education.

No matter what you choose to do in your life, Maths will always haunt you until you die.

Lol, I did so badly at Chem... Totally aced Bio and Philosophy and did well for English and Health. Maths was pretty meh... But I'm not doing Maths any more, so... :awesome: And my Philosophy teacher told me that I got an A for the exam. So, I'm happy too!

Expected. Except for the Chemistry bit. How bad was it?

The real way to recruit Ayra without deaths is to haev Sigurd solo Kinbois and the castle, then to have Sig talk to her. After that, Cuan, Fin and Lex can do their shit.

That's the same thing that me and Luminescent Blade were saying. Let Sigurd talk to her before she kills someone. It doesn't matter if Sigurd solos the castle or not.

Don't forget; HAND ACQUIRED

I lol'd way too hard at this.

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No matter what you choose to do in your life, Maths will always haunt you until you die.

I lol'd way too hard at this.


Meh. If I'm reduced to dividing polynomials, I doubt it has any more practical use for anyone who doesn't seek to do, like, architecture or carpentry or anything.

Still not as good as 'LUBE CAPTURED', though.

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Hi Amelia! How's your kitty?

Expected. You were always awesome in Physics and Chemistry and you were complaining about History for a while now...

Eating a loooooooooooot. D:

Chemistry? Yes. Physics? Don't think so.

And I was complaining because I got bad mark. >:

But luckily, I kinda turned the situation around so Amely is happy~ .w.

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You read that yesterday? So you were digging through 26 pages of the PM conversation just for that? Or the MSN logs, which would have even more conversations?



No matter what you choose to do in your life, Maths will always haunt you until you die.

Expected. Except for the Chemistry bit. How bad was it?

I was just flicking through it to see what was in it... Then I got to that bit and it finally clicked.

:awesome: Thanks Proto~


Pretty meh. It didn't help that the exam room was really hot, which made it hard to focus.


Edited by Rhythm
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Good afternoon dead thread.

I dunno why but my History is screwy recently. WHILE Physics and Chemistry is not. FFFFFFFFFFFFFfffff-

Good evening, Amelia. Though I guess you're going to sleep now. :< I always found History easy, while Physics and Chemitstry gave me trouble. Chemistry's hella fun, but Biology will always be my favorite science.


Lucky Aussies getting their summer break because they live in a hemisphere where everything's backwards. I always wondered why you were on less than Furet. I see him all the time, but you...never. I guess you take your studies more seriously.

I'm the only person here who apparently loathes mathematics and cannot wait until he gets that out of the way to do more significant and interesting things with his life and education.

BROTHER! Finally, a fellow math hater on SF! I thought I was alone, surrounded by these math-loving...freaks! The day I finally got out of it was one of the best days of my life.

Well, I guess this thread can go back to being dead for the day.

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Good evening, Amelia. Though I guess you're going to sleep now. :< I always found History easy, while Physics and Chemitstry gave me trouble. Chemistry's hella fun, but Biology will always be my favorite science.

*looks at the clock*

It's 8.43 pm. Why am I going to sleep~? ;3

I kinda screwed up the dates.

Chem is actually easy when you get the right idea how to deal with it.

Physics is hard, I usually NOT ace this. So eh...

Bio is not mine. Dx

Edited by Amelia
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I guess I'm just used to being on when you're almost ready for bed. =O Well, I need to get to class soon so I'm glad I was able to get in a quick hello. ^_^

Chemistry was the easier of the two, but still had too many formulas. XP

But Bio is fun! You learn about animals. :3

And then cut them apart! :awesome:

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I guess I'm just used to being on when you're almost ready for bed. =O Well, I need to get to class soon so I'm glad I was able to get in a quick hello. ^_^

Chemistry was the easier of the two, but still had too many formulas. XP

But Bio is fun! You learn about animals. :3

And then cut them apart! :awesome:

lol Hi. :'3


...Eh, I'm learning about DNA now, so there's not much fun here.


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