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No nihil,and no broken set ups guys,let's be serious.

ok, no one gets nihil, only 3 skills at max

mine are aether, lethality and Eclipse.

Please,only one mastery skill... :facepalm:

ugh fine mine are lethality, +25 crit, and pavice.

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Oh yes, which skill system do we use? I prefer FE4's...

Affinty: Thunder

we can have any skill from any game

Mine are aether and lethality.

No, just no. An Emperor with Lethality is just too much, you have huge Def, Str, HP, Skill, Res, that's enough already.

And can I have FE9/10/11 AS? :3

Yes, but even in FE9/10, they have Con too.

What do you say your's would be, LOL.

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Here is my skill sheet,to be used as an example.

Mastery:Shooting star sword(Astra)

Class skills(Trueblade):Continue

Critical +20

Other skills:Vantage


Edit:Replaced Ambush with Vantage

Edited by Ether
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Class skills(Paladin):Canto T_T

Other skills:Continue, Wrath.

I only have 4 skills.... =o

Con 12?

Considering we are doing a FE10 style skill system how much would my Mistoltin crit %?

I am riding a horse. :/

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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Screw it, I'll be a tactician.

I call for high strength and high resistence and skill.

I can give a crap about everything else.

....Can I give hit, crit and evasion boost since I'm the empire tactician?

Edited by Pahn
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I'd have................. 14? 12? I dunno.

No, just no. Dude, 12 Con is being Shinon's size. And 14 is being Dorcas' size.

I would say mine is around 7, like Eddie & Leo.

mine will be 8

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Fine. My class skill IS sol, then I'll take as my mastery Luna or Astra I'm not sure. :/ Which one you guys!!

Two other skills: Critical, and Wrath.

You get critical for free,it doesn`t take up a slot here.

Also,you have to use actual class skills,not made up ones...

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I'd have................. 14? 12? I dunno.

No, just no. Dude, 12 Con is being Shinon's size. And 14 is being Dorcas' size.

I would say mine is around 7, like Eddie & Leo.

mine will be 10


Armor, dude.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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I'd have................. 14? 12? I dunno.

No, just no. Dude, 12 Con is being Shinon's size. And 14 is being Dorcas' size.

I would say mine is around 7, like Eddie & Leo.

mine will be 8

Your small.

And Shinon has height.

yes I am small

*gains weight* is 10 now! :D

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