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Uh Hi?mellow.gif

We have Shigurun's castle. The current map is probably a few pages back.

Also, I think your brother hates me. :/

That reminds me I still can't find the map in this thread, oh well hopefully when the next version is posted it will be easier to find.


The pink castle is the one you're occupying. It's Soul's former Manor.

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Yeah. I remember that me and Soul live at the Oujay's castle, thinking of moving to Enjo's inn but... :mellow:

Always welcome in my castle~whichever one it is

Castle 3. Thing is, Soul was executed when he basically surrendered his own Castle/Manor/Whatever, and Amelia was rescued by ALS and is currently staying at his current castle, Castle 2 (Castle Tremaine, which ALS took now that Tremaine is banned.)

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Yeah. I remember that me and Soul live at the Oujay's castle, thinking of moving to Enjo's inn but... :mellow:

Always welcome in my castle~whichever one it is

Castle 3. Thing is, Soul was executed when he basically surrendered his own Castle/Manor/Whatever, and Amelia was rescued by ALS and is currently staying at his current castle, Castle 2 (Castle Tremaine, which ALS took now that Tremaine is banned.)


The map looks quite...simple...

Maybe I should try for a more detailed version, as I'm quite good with mappy.

@Ether: I wasn't involved in the last battle, so ask Amelia.

Edited by Enjolras
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Yeah. I remember that me and Soul live at the Oujay's castle, thinking of moving to Enjo's inn but... :mellow:

Always welcome in my castle~whichever one it is

Castle 3. Thing is, Soul was executed when he basically surrendered his own Castle/Manor/Whatever, and Amelia was rescued by ALS and is currently staying at his current castle, Castle 2 (Castle Tremaine, which ALS took now that Tremaine is banned.)


The map looks quite...simple...

Maybe I should try for a more detailed version, as I'm quite good with mappy.


This map's just being used because it's the easiest to quickly modify to reflect the battle situation.

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Yeah. I remember that me and Soul live at the Oujay's castle, thinking of moving to Enjo's inn but... :mellow:

Always welcome in my castle~whichever one it is

Castle 3. Thing is, Soul was executed when he basically surrendered his own Castle/Manor/Whatever, and Amelia was rescued by ALS and is currently staying at his current castle, Castle 2 (Castle Tremaine, which ALS took now that Tremaine is banned.)


The map looks quite...simple...

Maybe I should try for a more detailed version, as I'm quite good with mappy.


This map's just being used because it's the easiest to quickly modify to reflect the battle situation.


though a bigger one with details would be good for the first page or something

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No player killing it just takes the fun out of it. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Har, you really are arrogant aren't you.

Your empire is so small it merits a -13 off that.

By my calculations if I hit you once which has a decent chance with 40% and miss the second. (Around 50%)

You attack as I initiated the attack taking me down to less than half.

Critcal. There dead.

See it's not impossible.

Nihil reduces critical chance to 0.

Awareness does, Nihil doesn't.

But I get the point.

No player killing it just takes the fun out of it. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Soul was begging for it with his abusiveness. Even ALS was saying thank god when we Falaflamed him.

I'd prefer to PK in a duel, and you DO still have 3 Valk Staff uses, but still...


Nihil and awareness were banned stop cheating.

I don't care if they were banned by your empire thing. You have ten times as many troops as I do and have everything maxed. I don't even have LCK maxed, let alone the defenses. I'm allowed to have something you don't.

Consider me... A final boss.

You realize this is all a big joke to kill time, right?

It's because on one can come up with decent strategies besides me.....mellow.gif

Troops are useless unless they are commanded properly.

It's banned for anyone who has ALS make their character sheets. Doesn't prevent me from making mine.

You realize how stupid this is, right?

Important people get Awareness then. :|

It's not banned just for "sheep".

No logical reason behind so all the damage you have done is ignored.

WB soul to life from a ceramic pot.

BK, fuck off. If you're so goddamn sour about Soul, complain to ALS- He had the chance to save both Soul and Amelia, and he left SOul to be executed.

Soul was dead as soon as he was surrounded. :/

What do you mean Amelia?

Yes you really play fairly. Sticking his incinerated body in a pot and saying I can't revive him.

Yeah. Because he's DEAD.

ALS actually suggested the jar, IIRC. Again, complain to him.

No, he breaks the Jar. Human Bone is stronger than glass.

It's Ceramic. The kind of Ceramic used in modern body armor. The kind that stops bullets.

Soul wouldn't break it.

I thought I said it was made of the same gem material as soul gems which would make the jar indestructible.

how about we stop fighting for once?

only when Rokkenjima owns everything.

Oh, it's breakable, but very hard to break. Indestructable is a little cheap...

Now, now, we can have a cease-fire for a little while...

Indestructable is cheap. :/

A smash from a hioly weapon would break it though. >_>


*Retakes Shigurun's castle.

That's godmodding. Your attempt is not aknowledged.

And summoning goat demons isn't?

Your massive army is godmodding yet you are telling me I'm godmodding? Look who's talking first. Same with Har.

I havn't done that since taking ALS's castle. Ang they function like Phantoms that Summoners summon with Swords anyways.

My army, at just over 120K, is still less than half of your full army, which previously broke 300K. It's probably around 200K now, partially due to the conscription. Considering the means of recruiting, it's viable.

Haru's army is even smaller still, and over half is Mage Fighters. Stop whining.

Don't do it anymore, it's cheap, it is one of the reasons for my downfall.....

They won't accept being recruited by you. >_>

And she uses smart tactics.

Pahn, Ether & ALS no nothing! Pahn invents stuff and excuses. ALS is like Ether, just wants a H4X fortress.

And Crash was from Iced's or barely participates in battles...

...and yet I lost. >_>

Yeah. I remember that me and Soul live at the Oujay's castle, thinking of moving to Enjo's inn but... mellow.gif

...I guess that means Soul's castle was a retrofitted Enjolras's inn... emo13.gif

Pahn, Ether & ALS no nothing! Pahn invents stuff and excuses. ALS is like Ether, just wants a H4X fortress.

And Crash was from Iced's or barely participates in battles...

Pahn doesn't even have a castle. See that green house in the bottom left corner? That's Pahn's house. ALS's orignial castle fell, too; He's using Tremaine' castle as a replacement. And Ether has the most authority over the structure except Oujay, as he's your Empire's Commander of the Army.

Crash is technically a member of the empire. Take a look at the front page's stat sheet (Which is the most current roster)

Don't forget my secret castle as well.

I really need to finish that updated statsheet. :/

Which reminds me...I may kick of Fatso (Olivah) for betraying Milady Sanaki along with the other guys. NewYearsEmoticon.gif

I'm moving to Oliver's! cool.gif

Oh, yeah...you shouldn't run around the battlefield when pregnant, you might risk yourself on looosing the child. emo13.gif

I'm the commander. I'm not gonna fight personally unless I have no other option.

Also, you arn't moving anywhere, ya loudmouthed soul-in-a-jar.

3???? blink.gif

I thought it was 2.

Unless we count you as the little child...me, Sanaki & you, Imouto-chan. wee.gif


Amelia's staying with ALS now that your Castle's been taken and you're stuck in a jar.


And hey, are you going to leave me here alone?

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Well...I admit,you have done quite well.I am certainly willing to accept a cease fire.

As for now,all remaining generals,how do your troops fare?


52,600 Soldiers

3200 Archsages

3200 Wind Sages

3300 Fire Sages

4100 Thunder Sages

4900 Mage Knights

3140 Trueblades

4250 Great Knights

4900 Gold Knights

4850 Silver Knights

3700 Sentinels

3950 Marshals

4700 Marksmen

5200 Whispers

4300 Reavers

4600 Dracoknights

4400 Falcoknights

900 Yuuzhan Vong

500 Imperial Stormtroopers

TOTAL: 120,690

Yeah. I remember that me and Soul live at the Oujay's castle, thinking of moving to Enjo's inn but... :mellow:

Always welcome in my castle~whichever one it is

Castle 3. Thing is, Soul was executed when he basically surrendered his own Castle/Manor/Whatever, and Amelia was rescued by ALS and is currently staying at his current castle, Castle 2 (Castle Tremaine, which ALS took now that Tremaine is banned.)


The map looks quite...simple...

Maybe I should try for a more detailed version, as I'm quite good with mappy.

@Ether: I wasn't involved in the last battle, so ask Amelia.

You've got 60,000 troops total. That's all I know.

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ALS,bring your troops,as well as Amelia's,to my fortress.Pooling our resources for the future is probably the best thing we can do for now,if this issue isn't settled diplomatically,I expect a rather lengthy siege...

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Enjo,you should come with ALS as well.The castles themselves are trivial,and can be retrieved later if necessary.We need to reinforce what we have left of our troops.

Right, sir.

How many castles will be used as base, then?

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Enjo,you should come with ALS as well.The castles themselves are trivial,and can be retrieved later if necessary.We need to reinforce what we have left of our troops.

Right, sir.

How many castles will be used as base, then?

Probably Ether's or Oujay's, since Ether has the main force but Oujay's throne is the key to the Empire.

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Well...I admit,you have done quite well.I am certainly willing to accept a cease fire.

As for now,all remaining generals,how do your troops fare?

Resting, they need it after that battle on hell against Gio.

Use Castle Tremaine as the Home castle for troops for now, all the other castles have a tactical disadvantage, of placement.

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Enjo,you should come with ALS as well.The castles themselves are trivial,and can be retrieved later if necessary.We need to reinforce what we have left of our troops.

Right, sir.

How many castles will be used as base, then?

Probably Ether's or Oujay's, since Ether has the main force but Oujay's throne is the key to the Empire.

Ether's is in the middle of a battlefeild, not a wise choice.

Oujays or mine would be good.

No one knows where my secret castle lies......

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Hmm...while ALS' base has the advantage of positioning,both my own and Oujays castles are much more heavily fortified.

The castle you are currently occupying has been in ruins for a little while.

We shall move to the imperial capital for now.

Edited by Ether
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Hmm...while ALS' base has the advantage of positioning,both my own and Oujays castles are much more heavily fortified.

The castle you are currently occupying has been in ruins for a little while.

We shall move to the imperial capital for now.

What do you think I was doing yesterday? :|

Almost as heavily fortified as yours.

I shall occupy my secret castle and Tremaines.

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One day does not make such improvements ALS.

All troops are to relocate to the imperial fortress of emperor Oujay immediately!Even if all other castles fall,we much protect our Liege!

It does when you have about 80k people working on it. :|

Why do you think they are resting today?


A quite foolish move if you think about it. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

I shall keep my 20-30 Loyal Master Knights with me.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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One day does not make such improvements ALS.

All troops are to relocate to the imperial fortress of emperor Oujay immediately!Even if all other castles fall,we much protect our Liege!


A quite foolish move if you think about it. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

I shall keep my 20-30 Loyal Master Knights with me.

You cannot hold a fort on your own ALS...what is the point of isolating yourself?

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One day does not make such improvements ALS.

All troops are to relocate to the imperial fortress of emperor Oujay immediately!Even if all other castles fall,we much protect our Liege!


A quite foolish move if you think about it. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

I shall keep my 20-30 Loyal Master Knights with me.

You cannot hold a fort on your own ALS...what is the point of isolating yourself?

I got no support for my Home castle. >_>

That really helped. >_>

There is a reason, and a good one at that.

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Enjo,you should come with ALS as well.The castles themselves are trivial,and can be retrieved later if necessary.We need to reinforce what we have left of our troops.

Right, sir.

How many castles will be used as base, then?

Probably Ether's or Oujay's, since Ether has the main force but Oujay's throne is the key to the Empire.

Ether's is in the middle of a battlefeild, not a wise choice.

Oujays or mine would be good.

No one knows where my secret castle lies......

Ether better start moving his troops then.

No one knows what secret weapon I'm building......

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