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I vote ferret takes over the scores, since he is friendly with everyone unlike someone....

My rankings...requested, for some reason. Very vague, most made up on the spot.

I'll give out full rankings.



Soul-8.5/10 (8 as Fem)

Crash(H)-Dating system/2010







Masamune Wielder-8/10

Blasied-7.5/10 (Don't really know)

ILMCI-7.5/10 (5.5 as fem)


Furetchen-Bias/10 (8.5/10, 5/10 if GenderBender.)






Missing and fix'd~

Edited by Battler Ushiromiya
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Nah, if stats were factored in ILMCI would be at 7. 5 is average. Don't think of it like a school's A,B,C,D,F.

HOW!? am I average, could I please have the reasoning behind this?

It's a rating based off actions. Not stats.

all of my actions were tactical and well thort out, you just disagree because they are not with oujays

Was the spelling error there also well thought out?

No, it wasn't the tactics, although your idea of reinforcing your castle when Lloyd was under attack was not tactical at all.

Check around page 100 of ILMCI.

no... that was probably not the best course of action, but it was partially due to the fact that I had just logged on and did not understand the situation,. there was also a lot of stuff in PM's that you didn't see so I guess the score makes sense to you.

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ILMCI-7.5/10 (5.5 as fem)

what is this I don't even... Less then Battler!? :blink:

He gets an extra .1 for ruling a Republic. Other than that, you're equal, as I've been shot by both of you in the H&H I mean for totally unbiased reasons.

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Battler has the most organized and developed government out of everyone.

I have a government too... it consists of me and Joshy and occasionally others and we discuss things through PM <_<

gIO at least did SOMETHING female related. >_>

I think you too are just sexist, "female related" "male related" whatever.

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Furetchen, I'm just attacking you for unbiased reasons. Just thought I would let you know.

I don't mind, it's fine. Out of the field of six, I'm the new kid :P

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This is certainly uncalled for...I suggest we keep BK's scores, mainly because he at least seems to put balance and doesn't hate or dislike many users, probably non at all.


I suggest BK's scores because mine suck.

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ILMCI-7.5/10 (5.5 as fem)

what is this I don't even... Less then Battler!? :blink:

He gets an extra .1 for ruling a Republic. Other than that, you're equal, as I've been shot by both of you in the H&H I mean for totally unbiased reasons.

do I get extra for having a monarchy?

gIO at least did SOMETHING female related. >_>

I think you too are just sexist, "female related" "male related" whatever.

....You obviously haven't seen half the shit he has spewed. >_>

no, I haven't

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