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Well I've been working on a sequel to a fanfiction story I wrote over a year ago. So far, it's coming out like star wars. The original story is starting to feel like it was written in the seventies (Hero's journey and what not). Anywho...

It's coming along great. The original story just follows some important characters through an epic war, while the sequel focuses on three separate stories surrounding the war that immediately follows the previous.

Basically I'm writing three stories at the same time, each being as long as the first. This work is going to run at least 300 pages due to that. I'm planning to have all three story arcs come together at some point, just not sure when.

The reason I'm posting this is because A. I'm bored, and B. I'll be throwing it up in the creative writings section when I am finished and would like to have it known about beforehand in case I need community help with suggestions and maybe even sprite help. Probably will respell check and repost the original too. I'd get back to work on story character sprites, but I'm too tired. At least I finished Shane Maxwell though :awesome: (My avatar).

The stories are titled...

Fire Emblem: The Dragon Lords (Story about the last Dragon War)

100% Finished (Excluding sixth spell check)

Fire Emblem: The Six Seals (Sequel focusing on a huge world war that happens after the last Dragon War)

12% Finished (Including spell checks)

Lastly, if anyone's interested, I'd love to get random folks involved in the development process. I COULD do this all myself, but I do not think that would be much fun. I AM doing ALL the actual writing though. If thou art interested in getting involved in what might turn into a big project, let me know preferably by pm. For those who aren't, just post a motivational poster or whatever else you'd normally do to try and be funny. When the story hits the forum, you can be all like "AH MAN! I wish I could have helped and influenced that story! He was accepting new characters too?! FUCK!!!".

That be all :)

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Okay. Cool. Now, when you say WORLD war...

You talking like continent Vs. continent? Because that'd be awesome.

More like a really massive continent with 9 different countries.

7 countries vs 2 countries

The two countries are packing some serious heat B)

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Oh. That's cool too.

Those two countries better be the bad guys or I'll cryyyy.

For the most part yeah. There'd be no point in having the good guys have the best toys.

Anyone ever play final fantasy 12? If so they'll get a kick out of the tech tree this fanfiction timeline follows.

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Tech? That sounds interesting I guess. You ever seen Lord of the Rings? Make the two bad guys like that;

One of them with more tech than any other country, and the other one sorcery masters.

Oh, and let there be Spider Riders?

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Tech? That sounds interesting I guess. You ever seen Lord of the Rings? Make the two bad guys like that;

One of them with more tech than any other country, and the other one sorcery masters.

Oh, and let there be Spider Riders?

Haven't seen the Lord of the Rings yet. Haven't seen many movies lately, specially not the older ones :sob:

Spider riders?

We've got:

Horse riders

Pegasus Riders

Wyvern Riders

Guys on gliders

(Rhyming... kick ass :) )

If you want to help out, I can send you some more details. Ooor you could just throw up some more suggestions til one clicks :lol:

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Tech? That sounds interesting I guess. You ever seen Lord of the Rings? Make the two bad guys like that;


Don't get me wrong, Tolkien was a great writer, but one of the problems of LotR were undoubtedly the antagonists, especially in the movies. Here's an idea: try treating your antagonists like human beings.

I'm about to give the best piece of advice you'll ever hear on this forum in regards to fantasy writing:

You are not Tolkien.

Now then, when do you intend on posting this officially? I might enjoy trying to whip you into shape, just like I did with Jarly.

Edited by Shuuda
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Tech? That sounds interesting I guess. You ever seen Lord of the Rings? Make the two bad guys like that;


Don't get me wrong, Tolkien was a great writer, but one of the problems of LotR were undoubtedly the antagonists, especially in the movies. Here's an idea: try treating your antagonists like human beings.

I'm about to give the best piece of advice you'll ever hear on this forum in regards to fantasy writing:

You are not Tolkien.

Now then, when do you intend on posting this officially? I might enjoy trying to whip you into shape, just like I did with Jarly.

Ah f*ck me :facepalm:

... well, it'd be up sooner with some community support :lol:

I was thinking around Late February at the latest, Late December at the absolute earliest, depending on whether or not I stick with my original ending.

Just to warn you, Shuuda, my stories are script compatible, that is to say they aren't written in this format:

Donovan quickly ran up to Zachary and shouted "Hey, why the hell are you drinking at the wheel?!". Zachary turned to him and said "*hic* Haven't crashed'er yet, Sir."

It's written in a format that any Fire Emblem gamer would be comfortable reading... excluding the bold text hehe:

Donovan ran up to Zachary!

Donovan: Hey, why the hell are you drinking at the wheel?!

Zanchary: *hic* Haven't crashed'er yet, Sir.

Easy to read, and it's only tedious for me, not the reader. I might switch out the bold text for italics like I did for the first one if it becomes a big deal. Not sure though. It needs a visual cue so it's obvious when actual dialog is coming as opposed to narration. Bold is just the easiest to notice that I know of.

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I'm not saying he should develop the story as if he was Tolkien. I'm just giving a suggestions relating to what KIND of villain he could have. In no way am I suggesting he write his antagonists like Tolkien's.

Just giving him an idea of what the two antagonist nations would be like.

And gliders sound cool. Here are some ideas for Tech classes, though you've probably thought of them:

Wheelie: Soldiers in armored circular vehicles that run people down; also has spikes on their sides to slice enemies in half. IT offers little protection on the open flanks, however.

Technomage: A new-age magician who utilizes a mechanical staff made of gears and metal. It summons otherworldly contraptions to assist their side. The staves themselves also hold traps that shoot out noxious gas and superheated oil; two of many possibilities.

Painbringer: A frontline soldier covered head to toe in shiftable armor. They're sluggish, but they hide weapons on every nook and cranny in their bodies. For instance, their torsos can open up to reveal a Flare Launcher, or their arms can form large daggers they wield with swift and deadly accuracy.

Zealot: Condemned peoples of the nation who kill others in a suicide-like attack. It gets slightly worse; along with being outfitted with a time bomb that instantly activates on their death, their limbs have been modified to go 360 degrees in virtually any direction, making them that much harder to hit.

Mech Ranger: Versatile and adaptable, the MR is a regular combatant with a modification to various parts of his body. As the footsoldiers of the army, they are capable of wielding a variety of weapons with a trigger; when their right arm, previously a mace, becomes a javelin launcher, you know these guys are unpredictable.


So yeah, just some ideas.

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I've been through that crap with you before, I believe. Rest assure, it does not fly.

Just to warn you, Shuuda, my stories are script compatible, that is to say they aren't written in this format:

Donovan quickly ran up to Zachary and shouted "Hey, why the hell are you drinking at the wheel?!". Zachary turned to him and said "*hic* Haven't crashed'er yet, Sir."

You do realise that you should start a new paragraph each time a different character is speaking, right? Is that why you think writing a novel as a script is acceptable? It is not I who needs to be warned. If your stories are scripts and they are not meant to be acted out as performances, then your story is already terrible. I am fully aware of this fact, I assure you.

Easy to read, and it's only tedious for me, not the reader.

I beg to differ. Script-fics are pretty annoying. At the least, they show off the author's ignorance, because he does not understand what a script is, what it is used for and why.

I might switch out the bold text for italics like I did for the first one if it becomes a big deal. Not sure though. It needs a visual cue so it's obvious when actual dialog is coming as opposed to narration. Bold is just the easiest to notice that I know of.

Maybe you should learn how to properly write in prose, or take script writing lessons and become a play writer.

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I've been through that crap with you before, I believe. Rest assure, it does not fly.

Just to warn you, Shuuda, my stories are script compatible, that is to say they aren't written in this format:

Donovan quickly ran up to Zachary and shouted "Hey, why the hell are you drinking at the wheel?!". Zachary turned to him and said "*hic* Haven't crashed'er yet, Sir."

You do realise that you should start a new paragraph each time a different character is speaking, right? Is that why you think writing a novel as a script is acceptable? It is not I who needs to be warned. If your stories are scripts and they are not meant to be acted out as performances, then your story is already terrible. I am fully aware of this fact, I assure you.

Easy to read, and it's only tedious for me, not the reader.

I beg to differ. Script-fics are pretty annoying. At the least, they show off the author's ignorance, because he does not understand what a script is, what it is used for and why.

I might switch out the bold text for italics like I did for the first one if it becomes a big deal. Not sure though. It needs a visual cue so it's obvious when actual dialog is coming as opposed to narration. Bold is just the easiest to notice that I know of.

Maybe you should learn how to properly write in prose, or take script writing lessons and become a play writer.

Quote #1 You do realize that some characters may not say anything relevant at all right? The story could very well run over six hundred pages minimum if I take a classic approach. Second. The story is NOT a script. I wrote it to be "Script compatible" Huge difference. That just means that the story could easily be converted into a script. It's not a script, but it would only take a little work.

Quote #2 Once again, it's not a script. It's a story written outside of traditional novel format. Writing it this way has varied the number of pages, but has made it far easier to read. The main focus is dialog. That's why I dubbed it as script compatible.

Quote #3 I'm not really into plays. I'd rather just keep doing what I'm doing. Trust me, Fire Emblem gamers. If you're already use reading through the games, then you'll find these stories incredibly easy to get through, and comprehending the complex elements will be a cakewalk :D

Oh and by the way. OliverxRenning, I'm going to just go ahead and send you some more details so you can get a better idea of what the setting is like. It'll help mold your suggestions to fit perfectly, and give you a really good idea of what life in the Six Seals era is like :)

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You do realize that some characters may not say anything relevant at all right?

Then rid of them.

The story is NOT a script.

Your story is going to written in a hacked to pieces style that used a script format for dialogue. So, it's worse than a script fic; it's a Frankenstein Monster, only far less interesting and meaningful. An abomination created by your laziness and inability to write properly.

I'm not really into plays.

Your loss.

. Trust me, Fire Emblem gamers. If you're already use reading through the games, then you'll find these stories incredibly easy to get through,

Or maybe, Fire Emblem players are not stupid idiots who have never read a proper book before.

and comprehending the complex elements will be a cakewalk :D

As you have insulted the intelligence of the Fire Emblem playerbase, I shall do likewise to you. I'll laugh if your story has an real complex elements.

Do not worry; regardless of what excuses you use, I will enjoy comparing your work and attitude to Jarly. This will be a laugh either way.

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You do realize that some characters may not say anything relevant at all right?

Then rid of them.

Get rid of them? No that's robbing the story of something it would otherwise not have, and that's Fire Emblem resemblance. Whether or not you think that's relevant, is sadly... unimportant.

The story is NOT a script.

Your story is going to written in a hacked to pieces style that used a script format for dialogue. So, it's worse than a script fic; it's a Frankenstein Monster, only far less interesting and meaningful. An abomination created by your laziness and inability to write properly.

Where do you get this stuff? Did you know that they didn't like the fact that George Lucas put the credits at the end of Star Wars when it first came out? It used to be weird, now it's the f*cking rule. I'm not saying go all liberal and crap, but lighten up.

I'm not really into plays.

Your loss.

I can't enjoy every form of entertainment there is. So what I lose in one area, I gain in another.

. Trust me, Fire Emblem gamers. If you're already use reading through the games, then you'll find these stories incredibly easy to get through,

Or maybe, Fire Emblem players are not stupid idiots who have never read a proper book before.

Fire Emblem gamers probably have read "proper" books before. My point is, if they like reading and playing those games, they'll far more easily adapt to the way the story is written.

and comprehending the complex elements will be a cakewalk :D

As you have insulted the intelligence of the Fire Emblem playerbase, I shall do likewise to you. I'll laugh if your story has an real complex elements.

I'm not insulting anyone. What's wrong with making something that anyone could read? What? Should I write something that challenges their minds? just consider this book rated E for everyone.

Do not worry; regardless of what excuses you use, I will enjoy comparing your work and attitude to Jarly. This will be a laugh either way.

What's Jarly doing that's got you in an 1890s English nobility robe ranting about writing formats?

You know, you should set a maximum number of things you can slam quote per post. I suggest setting that maximum to 0. Troll me some other time... Anyway...

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Get rid of them? No that's robbing the story of something it would otherwise not have, and that's Fire Emblem resemblance. Whether or not you think that's relevant, is sadly... unimportant.

You do realise that plot wise, Fire Emblem is bad, right? I know naught where you got the idea that copying it would lead to a good story.

Where do you get this stuff? Did you know that they didn't like the fact that George Lucas put the credits at the end of Star Wars when it first came out? It used to be weird, now it's the f*cking rule. I'm not saying go all liberal and crap, but lighten up.

So let me get this straight; you believe that because one man did something new that proved successful, that means that your abomination is good? Going against the grain doesn't instantly make you a visionary, nor creative. Sometimes, it just means you're bad.

In order to break the rules, you must know the rules. Evidence suggests you do not know the rules.

What's Jarly doing that's got you in an 1890s English nobility robe ranting about writing formats?

Nothing. Jarly was my punching bag before he got ban and a grade A moron forever. In many ways, his successor.

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