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Considering a certain piece of information that's recently come up, the mug Iced is using in her statsheet is VERY disturbing...

what, I like Lloyds mug, fine it will be changed.

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My representation is Rayne, on the couch, saying "You gotta be shitting me." As are, I imagine, most bystanders, waiting to see what'll happen.

Edited by The Ferret Whisperer
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Can you please tell your emperor to stop insulting me? It's getting on my nerves. I don't usually use curse words on a forum unless a certain situation merits the use of it and I feel Iced's behavior and posts towards me meet the requirements. He's approaching the Luminothe Tier.

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I'm...not really sure what I can do...

I don't know what's even happening between the empires, and I don't think I'm able to stop the war that's in the making here...

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Would I be able to trust on you not participating in the event if your empire proves to be the one at fault?

Well, I can underline general points.

-An alliance exists between the empires, it's on the point of breaking.

-The H&H has developed conflicts when one person gets overly mad and starts insulting other members.

-Conflict has existed between Iced and I since around the 100th page, when I got tired of his behavior towards Amelia.

-Iced uses the word "Idiot" to frequently, and uses it to define others.

Now I'll elaborate on the last one.

-As you can see, if you go around the 100th page, my defense of my friends has caused him to use the word as an adjective for me.

-I dislike the use of that word without proper motive.

-Helping someone preserve their relations is not a negative.

-Iced has finally used it to the point I am finished. He is annoying me, and I am not one that starts with the impression of someone being mean.

Iced's use of the word idiot has finally conveyed to me what he does not want me to grasp. If he doesn't stop, I am going to "go off the edge". And trust me, Luminothe can crack under that. So tell him this as he won't listen to me, "Stop calling BK an idiot. It's really irking him and he would like to ask you to stop before he goes to his last nerve". If he doesn't stop.... Well you shall see.

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I remember when that happened around page 100...I stayed up for hours trying to ineptly stop conflict.

I'm not sure if I could stay out of a war....well, if it happens, I'll...guess I'll have to just see.

I'll try and get Iced to realise that he takes the word 'idiot' a lot lighter than some people...I'll try and do what I can, anyway.

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He doesn't know shit about the word idiot and should understand the word before he uses it to piss someone off.

The word idiot was once used in the medical world. It was defined as a person with the strongest type of mental retardation. It was when the person's brain age was <2 and had no ability to keep themselves safe. Ironically, Iced fits half the definition.


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Well, I've posted my thoughts in his comments.

It is, however, a fairly light and casual insult in Australia, so it's probably a difference of how you take the meaning.

It's all changed, as now moron and imbecile are a lot more serious insults :P

Edited by The Ferret Whisperer
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