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Dammit, I'm bad at arguing cases for people XD

NM's a nice guy generally, and is although not that active in the empires (I think) active enough that I know that he's a good person. And, likes Vika.


Just raise him to at least an eight arright? XD

Also she hates pegasus knights.

Oddly enough I've found myself using armour knights and pegs recently...but armours are too slow and pegs are too weak. Tanith is an exception, as she is three falcon knights and four pegasus knights.

Edited by The Ferret Whisperer
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Dammit, I think association with Vika has permanently turned my gender perception off.

Still, I only said her once. Which is better than I usually manage with Iced XD

Specific examples;

Well, I don't make a tally or anything, so, uhh...

um. He healed me in the H&H?

Edited by The Ferret Whisperer
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He'll go to 8 when I repost, I have these saved.

My reasons for Iced and Lloyd to go to 0, if these aren't countered well they change.

Many view Lloyd like a thornbush for bad decisions.

Both are pugnacious.

This can be viewed through multiple times when they called me an idiot without cause.

Both of them are rude and ungrateful.

Idiot argument and Amelia and Iced argument.


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NinjaMonkey is similiar to Crash when it comes to disliking classes, that's his problem. :/

Like...he wouldn't use Priscilla because he thinks valkyries were going to be like Mist, ironiclly enough, he uses Mist.

Then he generalized his hate on pegasus knights because they seemed weak and fragile on FE9/10 easy mode, ironically enough (again), he uses Marcia and even more fragile units in FE10.

Oh yeah, he wouldn't use Lucius because he hates Rhys & Micaiah as fighters.

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ALS- 9.3/10

Soul- 9.5/10

Kinata- 9.5/10

Ether- 8.7/10

Enjolras- 7/10

Amelia- 9.4/10

Shigurun- 8.2/10

BK201- FISH/10

NinjaMonkey- 8/10

Masamune Wielder- 8.5/10

Blasied- 8.2/10

Crash- Crash/10

ILMCI- 0.5/10

Mousefire- 8.4/10

Furetchen- 9.2/10

LightBrand- 8/10

Lloyd- 0.1/10

Battler- 8.5/10

Pahn- 7/10

TheGreatAuk- 7/10

Take two.

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Raziel: Your pawn has reached the end of the board, Kain. And now my powers may even surpass yours. How ironic if the creature that you made should prove your own undoing. Now, we finish this.

BKRaziel: Ah, my ancient 'benefactor'... and I had dared to hope that we had parted ways forever. Your silence was refreshing, while it lasted. No doubt you have a conveniently inexpressible reason for your presence here?

IcedElder God: Do not be insolent, BKRaziel. I'am eternally present, here and everywhere, now and always.

BKRaziel: But perhaps not so omnipotent as you'd have me believe. Your hold on me appears to be tenuous. I no longer seem to need you, yet I'm guessing you still need me?


IcedElder God: Do not fail me, my servant...

BKRaziel: I serve no one, not you, not SoulKain... and not your lackey JoshyMoebius!

IcedElder God: JoshyMoebius is my good servant. I have many.

BKRaziel: And if I tell JoshyMoebius that he's worshipping a giant squid, do you think his faith will falter?


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Kain: Given the choice, whether to rule a corrupt and failing empire; or to challenge the fates for another throw - a better throw - against one's destiny... what was a king to do? But does one even truly have a choice? One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars. 

Like it?

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Here's another cool line for you:

Additional Male Voices: Surrender, Fiend, and we will promise you an easy death!

Kain: I could promise you the same, but it would be a lie!

To you know who:

Elder God: So. I am revealed to you at last.

Kain: What in the hell...

Elder God: I am the origin of life, the devourer of death. I am the hub of the Wheel, the purifying cycle to which all souls must be drawn.

Kain: [to himself] Had I condemned Raziel to this nightmare when I cast him into the abyss?

Elder God: You may ponder the futility of your ambitions as you spend a deathless eternity beneath a mountain of rubble. You and your Soul Reaver will go equally mad as the eons pass. The Citadel of the apostates will become your living tomb.

Kain: Your words are heartening. For you would not fear us, unless we could truly do you harm.

Elder God: No! You are nothing!

Kain: False God! This is the end... the final turn of your Wheel!

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I'm surprised I didn't get a negative rating.

If you happen to get below a 1, which is nearly impossible directions to the nearest cliff are as follows: turn left. Afterwards propel your body forward.

*Does so*

*Propels self into a Rheaird*

Thanks, man.

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