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To reclarify;

-Lloyd crashlanded somewhere a couple hundred kilometres away from his ideal destination. His troops either seceded to Rokkenjima or were killed. Any troops he recruits will probably never reach the fight.

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-Lloyd's troop count is at 0, they are all conscripted.

-Lloyd is currently hallucinating from damage.

-Lloyd is not "recruiting troops", if your troop count falls. Suck it up. It's war.

Not all. The Wyvern Knights, Lords, Mage Knights and Valks are here.

I'm not. Trust me.

I can recruit troops, and I will. No country has only citizens and no army.

And I can fly. Lloyd does so a lot in ToS2.

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To reclarify;

-Lloyd crashlanded somewhere a not inconsiderable away from his ideal destination. His foot troops either seceded to Rokkenjima or were killed. Any troops he recruits will probably never reach the fight.

To rereclarify; where were you flying to? That influences who can catch up, and which of your recruits will make it to the rest of the fight.

And no, it's not a hallucination. Hells, it's arguable you even took damage.

Edited by The Ferret Whisperer
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To rereclarify; where were you flying to? That influences who can catch up, and which of your recruits will make it to the rest of the fight.

And no, it's not a hallucination. Hells, it's arguable you even took damage.

Swordmasters can't fly.

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He had a Rheaidsrsrd, which looked Miyazaki-esque. Seeing as it's two people versus everyone else, I figured he might as well get the chance to escape on it.

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Pretty sure we've taken it by now, if Joshy and his flyers have fled.

Anyway, that leaves....six castles, in all. Three of these are fairly weak, one is the Ur-Castle.

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Pretty sure we've taken it by now, if Joshy and his flyers have fled.

Anyway, that leaves....six castles, in all. Three of these are fairly weak, one is the Ur-Castle.

Joshy's castle was taken after he was attacked and he fled. Iced's still walled up in his castle.

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Almost a week now. Although well-stocked castles could last a month...

Just remember that i went in from above,so I didn;t actually have to get through the walls/artillery.We went directly inside via airdrop.

Speaking of which,20K Dragonlords and 15K Seraphknights are also heading your way,to join the cavalry,since they already performed their task of the airdrop,so they will assist you in advancing.

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Just remember that i went in from above,so I didn;t actually have to get through the walls/artillery.We went directly inside via airdrop.

Speaking of which,20K Dragonlords and 15K Seraphknights are also heading your way,to join the cavalry,since they already performed their task of the airdrop,so they will assist you in advancing.

There's still the actual castle itself...

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