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this is rediculas, 65% of what spews out your mouth is crap lately, I do give equal rights to the people of my empire, and I insulted you because I felt you deserved it not because I have an empire.

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Oh c'mon! He was just defending a mutual friend to try and keep a friend together! RP or not, I fail to see any idiocy involved! Now cut the crap and face up to your responsibility!

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Too late for that unfortunately. I don't believe he meant those insults fully, but it would be nice to know that he isn't holding a grudge. I brought the reason why Amelia started being more distant to you to light, you retorted by using the derogatory. Being stubborn won't fix anything, leaders need to be amiable and willing to swallow their pride. There's a lot more I could call you out on because it offends me but I haven't. If you want an example look at your profile. It does degrade America as a nation, a nation you aren't super familiar with. It can offend people who live in America, as Gio's retort has shown you. I'm asking of one thing, an apology for name calling, can't you at least give me that?

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this is rediculas, 65% of what spews out your mouth is crap lately, I do give equal rights to the people of my empire, and I insulted you because I felt you deserved it not because I have an empire.

So crap brought you and Amelia closer? Think deeper into the situation that sparked your insults and there you see a comedy.

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Just do it ILMCI, I'm tired, I have bloodshot eyes, my head hurts, my eyes are throbbing and I WANT TO SLEEP secure in the knowledge that everything is fine.

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Just do it ILMCI, I'm tired, I have bloodshot eyes, my head hurts, my eyes are throbbing and I WANT TO SLEEP secure in the knowledge that everything is fine.

Go to sleep, everything will be fine in the morning, hopefully.

Dude, you okay? I think you really, really need to take a break from SF, even if it's only for a few hours. When you're in such bad, shape, I really wonder if you're okay.

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I'm dedicated to seeing this through, even with half-closed eyes. I appreciate your concern, though.

If this isn't resolved within a quarter of an hour, I'm going to hit the sack at last, as my emperor will have failed me *UNSUBTLE PRESSURE*

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Arrgh I have failed in my duties.

Against my own emperor. ...agh.

EDIT: Dammit why d'you have to be so loyal.

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Ah there is that. And either him or Lloyd having a good shot at one rounding me. Besides if we did start a war I'm contractually obliged to engage you in combat, which wouldn't serve either of us well ;)

I haven't even drawn my bow yet. I'm using a sharp stick with my lances rank atm.

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Arrgh I have failed in my duties.

Against my own emperor. ...agh.

EDIT: Dammit why d'you have to be so loyal.

Ah, thinking of betrayal now, are you?

Milord, do I have permission to throw him in the dungeon?

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